en: simple_form: blank_required_fields: "You haven't filled all the required inputs." titles: locomotive: account: information: Main api: API credentials: Credentials site: information: Main access_points: Access points seo: SEO advanced: Advanced url_redirections: URL redirections page: content: Content settings: Settings seo: SEO content_entry: content: Content advanced: Advanced seo: SEO labels: locomotive: content_entry: _slug: Permalink _visible: Visible content_type: public_submission_accounts: "Notified Accounts" # "custom_fields/field": # select_options: "Options" account: api_key: API key no_api_key: None edit: locale: UI Language password: New password password_confirmation: New password confirmation page: seo_title: Title target_klass_name: Model editable_element: region: Sections site: locales: Languages timezone_name: Timezone cache_enabled: Cache private_access: "Enable password-protection" password: "Site-Wide Password" url_redirections_expert_mode: "Expert mode" url_redirections_plain_text: "Url redirections" new: locales: First language membership: edit: role: New role rte_input_link_form: url: Link URL target: Target title: Title rte_input_image_form: src: Source title: Title alt: Alt alignment: Alignment image_resize_form: width: Width height: Height rte_input_table_form: cols: "Columns" rows: "Rows" head: "Head row?" class_name: "CSS class" hints: locomotive: account: password: 6 characters minimum page: handle: "Unique identifier to retrieve this page within an external controller instance" published: "Only authenticated accounts can view unpublished pages." templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined." cache_enabled: "When enabled, your page will be cached as long as the content doesn't change." listed: "Control whether to show the page from generated menus." target_klass_name: "The type of content this page will be a template for." seo_title: "Define a page title which should be used as the value for the title tag in the head section. Leave it empty if you want to use the default value from the site settings." meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma." meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page." is_layout: "If true, this page can used as a layout for other pages." allow_layout: "Let authors change or not the layout of that page." site: locales: "Drag&drop a flag to the first position to make it the default one." seo_title: "Define a global value here which should be used as the value for the title tag in the head section." meta_keywords: "Meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma. Required for SEO." meta_description: "Meta description used within the head tag of the page. Required for SEO." robots_txt: "Content of the <span class='code'>/robots.txt</span> file. Check the following <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.4.1.1'>url</a> for more information." domains: "Add your domains just below. Documentation <a href=\"https://locomotive-v3.readme.io/docs/domains\">here</a> for more information." asset_host: "Site-specific asset host that overrides engine asset host (ex. \"localhost\", \"asset.dev\", \"https://asset-host.com/\")." memberships: "You can invite other accounts to edit/manage the site." cache_enabled: "When enabled, your pages will be cached as long as the content doesn't change. Disabling cache per page is allowed." redirect_to_first_domain: "When enabled, requests made to any domains listed above will be redirected to the first domain." redirect_to_https: "When enabled, non secure requests will be redirected to https. This requires the installation of a SSL certificate on the web server." url_redirections_expert_mode: "When enabled, a textarea will let you manage your redirections. <strong>IMPORTANT: save your site before returning to the default mode.</strong>" url_redirections_plain_text: "One line per redirection and source and target separated by a space." url_redirections: "Redirect (301) legacy urls to pages you created in the back-office. The origin and the destination URLs are separated by a <u>space</u>." private_access: You can hide your site behind a password. password: The password public visitors will have to enter to see the content of your site. new: locales: "You can add other languages once your site will be created." translation: key: "Do not use dash but underscore instead. Example: welcome_message." content_entry: _slug: "Property used to generate the url of a page working as a template for this content type (ex: \"template_page/{{ your_object._permalink }})\"." _visible: "By default, the entry will show up in the site. So it can be used as a published attribute." seo_title: "The value you fill in will replace the SEO title of the templatized page related to your model." meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma." meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page." content_type: public_submission_accounts: "When an entry is created, send a notification email to the accounts listed below." image_resize_form: width: "in px" height: "in px" placeholders: locomotive: site: domains: "Ex: mysite.com" url_redirections: "Ex: my-legacy-url new-url-in-locomotive" content_type_entry_field: select_options: "Type the label of your new option here" options: locomotive: rte_input_link_form: target: not_set: "Not set" self: "Open link in the same window" blank: "Open link in a new window" rte_input_image_form: alignment: default: Default left: Left right: Right buttons: defaults: locomotive: create: Create update: Save submit: Ok cancel: Cancel delete: Delete close: Close loading_text: "Saving..." or: or locomotive: account: new_api_key: Regenerate image_resize_form: loading_text: Resizing... submit: Resize site: delete: Delete this site page: delete: Delete