pageflow.ConfigurationEditorTabView = Backbone.Marionette.View.extend({ className: 'configuration_editor', initialize: function() { this.groups = this.options.groups || pageflow.ConfigurationEditorTabView.groups; }, input: function(propertyName, view, options) { this.view(view, _.extend({ placeholderModel: this.options.placeholderModel, propertyName: propertyName }, options || {})); }, view: function(view, options) { this.inputs = this.inputs || new Backbone.ChildViewContainer(); this.inputs.add(new view(_.extend({ model: this.model, parentTab: }, options || {}))); }, group: function(name) { this.groups.apply(name, this); }, render: function() { this.inputs.each(function(input) { this.$el.append(input.render().el); }, this); return this; }, onClose: function() { if (this.inputs) {'close'); } } }); pageflow.ConfigurationEditorTabView.Groups = function() { var groups = {}; this.define = function(name, fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw 'Group has to be function.'; } groups[name] = fn; }; this.apply = function(name, context) { if (!(name in groups)) { throw 'Undefined group named "' + name + '".'; } groups[name].call(context); }; }; pageflow.ConfigurationEditorTabView.groups = new pageflow.ConfigurationEditorTabView.Groups();