module Rouge module Themes # A Rouge theme that matches the pastie style from Pygments. # See class Pastie < CSSTheme name 'pastie' style Text::Whitespace, fg: '#bbbbbb' style Comment, fg: '#888888' style Comment::Preproc, fg: '#cc0000', bold: true style Comment::Special, fg: '#cc0000', bg: '#fff0f0', bold: true style Error, fg: '#a61717', bg: '#e3d2d2' style Generic::Error, fg: '#aa0000' style Generic::Traceback, fg: '#aa0000' style Generic::Deleted, fg: '#000000', bg: '#ffdddd' style Generic::Emph, italic: true style Generic::Inserted, fg: '#000000', bg: '#ddffdd' style Generic::Heading, fg: '#333333' #style Generic::Lineno, fg: '#555555' style Generic::Lineno, fg: '#888888' style Generic::Output, fg: '#888888' style Generic::Prompt, fg: '#555555' style Generic::Strong, bold: true style Generic::Subheading, fg: '#666666' style Keyword, fg: '#008800', bold: true style Keyword::Pseudo, fg: '#008800' style Keyword::Type, fg: '#888888', bold: true style Literal::Number, fg: '#0000dd', bold: true style Literal::String, fg: '#dd2200', bg: '#fff0f0' style Literal::String::Escape, fg: '#0044dd' style Literal::String::Interpol, fg: '#3333bb' style Literal::String::Other, fg: '#22bb22', bg: '#f0fff0' style Literal::String::Regex, fg: '#008800', bg: '#fff0ff' style Literal::String::Symbol, fg: '#aa6600' style Name::Attribute, fg: '#336699' style Name::Builtin, fg: '#003388' style Name::Class, fg: '#bb0066', bold: true style Name::Constant, fg: '#003366', bold: true style Name::Decorator, fg: '#555555' style Name::Exception, fg: '#bb0066', bold: true style Name::Function, fg: '#0066bb', bold: true #style Name::Label, fg: '#336699', italic: true style Name::Label, fg: '#336699' style Name::Namespace, fg: '#bb0066', bold: true style Name::Property, fg: '#336699', bold: true style Name::Tag, fg: '#bb0066', bold: true style Name::Variable::Global, fg: '#dd7700' style Name::Variable::Instance, fg: '#3333bb' style Name::Variable, fg: '#336699' style Operator::Word, fg: '#008800' end end end