# regenerate test_result.txt with # spec -r ../lib/quicktest test.rb >| test_result.txt # run tests with # spec -r ../lib/quicktest test.rb # regenerate and run # spec -r ../lib/quicktest test.rb >| test_result.txt || spec -r ../lib/quicktest test.rb def quicktest it "should be of class Object" do self.should be_kind_of(Object) end end # all tests for this class should always pass class Tester def self.meth "hello" end def self.quicktest it "should say hi" do meth.should == "hello" lambda{raise}.should raise_error end end def self.hello arg "hello" + arg end def self.quicktest m it "should say hello" do m[' bob'].should == "hello bob" end end def method_missing meth @foo if meth == :foo end def initialize @foo = true end def quicktest it "foo should be true" do foo.should == true end end def bar; @foo end def quicktest meth it "foo should be true" do meth.call.should == true end end end # test failure text $r = File.readlines('test_result.txt') 3.times {$r.shift} def quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#<#{self.class}:0x[^>]+> #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end @@new_meth = :new_method_added eval"def #@@new_meth; end" def quicktest msg = "should show name of added method" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#<#{self.class}:0x[^>]+> #{@@new_meth} #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end module TestModule @@klass = self def self.quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#{@@klass} #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end @@new_singleton_meth = 'new_singleton_method_added' eval"def self.#@@new_singleton_meth;end" def self.quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#{@@klass} #@@new_singleton_meth #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end define_method(:the_method) {} def quicktest msg = "should include the module into class Object" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#]+> the_method #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end end class TestClass @@klass = self def self.quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#{@@klass} #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end def quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#<#{self.class}:0x[^>]+> #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end @@new_meth = :new_method_added define_method @@new_meth do end def quicktest msg = "should show name of added method" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#<#{self.class}:0x[^>]+> #{@@new_meth} #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end @@new_singleton_meth = 'new_singleton_method_added' eval"def self.#@@new_singleton_meth;end" def self.quicktest msg = "should show class name in output" it msg do $r.shift.should =~ /^'#{@@klass} #@@new_singleton_meth #{msg}' FAILED$/ 7.times {$r.shift} end end end