module Shipit module ShipitHelper def include_plugins(stack) stack.plugins.flat_map do |plugin, config| plugin_tags(plugin, config) end.join.html_safe end def plugin_tags(plugin, config) tags = [] tags << tag('meta', name: "#{plugin}-config", content: config.to_json) if config tags << javascript_include_tag("plugins/#{plugin}") tags << stylesheet_link_tag("plugins/#{plugin}") tags end def missing_github_oauth_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Shipit requires a GitHub application to authenticate users. If you haven't created an application on GitHub yet, you can do so in the #{link_to 'Settings', Shipit.github_url('/settings/applications/new'), target: '_blank'} section of your profile. You can also create applications for organizations. MESSAGE end def missing_github_oauth_id_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Copy the Client ID from your GitHub application, and paste it into the secrets.yml file under MESSAGE end def missing_github_oauth_secret_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Copy the Client Secret from your GitHub application, and paste it into the secrets.yml file under github_oauth.secret. MESSAGE end def missing_github_api_credentials_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Shipit needs API access to GitHub. You can #{link_to 'create an access token', Shipit.github_url('/settings/tokens'), target: '_blank'} with the following permissions: admin:repo_hook, admin:org_hook and repo and add it to the secrets.yml file under the key github_api.access_token. MESSAGE end def missing_redis_url_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Shipit needs a Redis server. Please configure the Redis URL in the secrets.yml file of your app, under the key redis_url. MESSAGE end def missing_host_message (<<-MESSAGE).html_safe Shipit needs the host of the application before generating links in background jobs. Add the host name to the secrets.yml file, under the host key. MESSAGE end end end