require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/loaders' describe 'the regsubst function' do before(:each) do loaders =, [])) Puppet.push_context({:loaders => loaders}, "test-examples") end after(:each) do Puppet.pop_context() end def regsubst(*args) Puppet.lookup(:loaders).puppet_system_loader.load(:function, 'regsubst').call({}, *args) end let(:type_parser) { Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton } context 'when using a string pattern' do it 'should raise an Error if there is less than 3 arguments' do expect { regsubst('foo', 'bar') }.to raise_error(/expects between 3 and 5 arguments, got 2/) end it 'should raise an Error if there is more than 5 arguments' do expect { regsubst('foo', 'bar', 'gazonk', 'G', 'U', 'y') }.to raise_error(/expects between 3 and 5 arguments, got 6/) end it 'should raise an Error if given a bad flag' do expect { regsubst('foo', 'bar', 'gazonk', 'X') }.to raise_error(/parameter 'flags' expects an undef value or a match for Pattern\[\/\^\[GEIM\]\*\$\/\], got 'X'/) end it 'should raise an Error if given a bad encoding' do expect { regsubst('foo', 'bar', 'gazonk', nil, 'X') }.to raise_error(/parameter 'encoding' expects a match for Enum\['E', 'N', 'S', 'U'\], got 'X'/) end it 'should raise an Error if given a bad regular expression' do expect { regsubst('foo', '(', 'gazonk') }.to raise_error(/pattern with unmatched parenthesis/) end it 'should handle case insensitive flag' do expect(regsubst('the monkey breaks baNAna trees', 'b[an]+a', 'coconut', 'I')).to eql('the monkey breaks coconut trees') end it 'should allow hash as replacement' do expect(regsubst('tuto', '[uo]', { 'u' => 'o', 'o' => 'u' }, 'G')).to eql('totu') end end context 'when using a regexp pattern' do it 'should raise an Error if there is less than 3 arguments' do expect { regsubst('foo', /bar/) }.to raise_error(/expects between 3 and 5 arguments, got 2/) end it 'should raise an Error if there is more than 5 arguments' do expect { regsubst('foo', /bar/, 'gazonk', 'G', 'E', 'y') }.to raise_error(/expects between 3 and 5 arguments, got 6/) end it 'should raise an Error if given a flag other thant G' do expect { regsubst('foo', /bar/, 'gazonk', 'I') }.to raise_error(/expects one of/) end it 'should handle global substitutions' do expect(regsubst("the monkey breaks\tbanana trees", /[ \t]/, '--', 'G')).to eql('the--monkey--breaks--banana--trees') end it 'should accept Type[Regexp]' do expect(regsubst('abc', type_parser.parse("Regexp['b']"), '_')).to eql('a_c') end it 'should treat Regexp as Regexp[//]' do expect(regsubst('abc', type_parser.parse("Regexp"), '_', 'G')).to eql('_a_b_c_') end it 'should allow hash as replacement' do expect(regsubst('tuto', /[uo]/, { 'u' => 'o', 'o' => 'u' }, 'G')).to eql('totu') end end context 'when using an array target' do it 'should perform substitutions in all elements and return array when using regexp pattern' do expect(regsubst(['a#a', 'b#b', 'c#c'], /#/, '_')).to eql(['a_a', 'b_b', 'c_c']) end it 'should perform substitutions in all elements when using string pattern' do expect(regsubst(['a#a', 'b#b', 'c#c'], '#', '_')).to eql(['a_a', 'b_b', 'c_c']) end it 'should perform substitutions in all elements when using Type[Regexp] pattern' do expect(regsubst(['a#a', 'b#b', 'c#c'], type_parser.parse('Regexp[/#/]'), '_')).to eql(['a_a', 'b_b', 'c_c']) end it 'should handle global substitutions with groups on all elements' do expect(regsubst( ['', '', 'coconut', ''], /([^.]+)/, '<\1>', 'G') ).to eql(['<130>.<236>.<254>.<10>', '..','', '<10>.<20>.<30>.<40>']) end it 'should return an empty array if given an empty array and string pattern' do expect(regsubst([], '', '')).to eql([]) end it 'should return an empty array if given an empty array and regexp pattern' do expect(regsubst([], //, '')).to eql([]) end end end