require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Mebla" do describe "synchronization" do before(:each) do Mebla.context.rebuild_index MongoidAlpha.create! :name => "Testing index", :value => 1, :cost => 2.0 end it "should index new documents automatically" do mdocument = MongoidAlpha.first lambda {Mebla.context.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_alpha,}.should_not raise_error end it "should remove deleted documents from index automatically" do mdocument = MongoidAlpha.first doc_id = mdocument.destroy lambda {MongoidAlpha.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_alpha, doc_id)}.should raise_error end it "should update the index automatically when a document is updated" do udocument = MongoidAlpha.first udocument.update_attributes(:cost => 3.1).should == true result = Mebla.context.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_alpha, result[:cost].should == 3.1 end end describe "sub classes" do before(:each) do Mebla.context.rebuild_index MongoidTheta.create! :extra => "Is this indexed?" end it "should index sub-classed documents automatically under the sub-class type" do mdocument = MongoidTheta.first lambda {Mebla.context.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_theta,}.should_not raise_error end it "should index fields under sub-classed documents automatically and correctly" do mdocument = MongoidTheta.first result = Mebla.context.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_theta, result.extra.should == "Is this indexed?" end end describe "array fields documents" do it "should index array fields and retrieve them correctly" do Mebla.context.rebuild_index zdocument = MongoidZeta.create :name => "Document with array", :an_array => [:index, :index2, :index2] lambda {Mebla.context.slingshot_index.retrieve(:mongoid_zeta,}.should_not raise_error end end describe "embedded documents" do before(:each) do Mebla.context.rebuild_index beta = MongoidBeta.create! :name => "Embedor parent" beta.mongoid_gammas.create :name => "Embedded", :value => 1 end it "should index embedded documents automatically and link to the parent" do mdocument = MongoidBeta.first.mongoid_gammas.first lambda { Slingshot::Configuration.client.get "#{Mebla::Configuration.instance.url}/#{Mebla.context.slingshot_index_name}/mongoid_gamma/#{}?routing=#{}" }.should_not raise_error end end end