import { setOwner } from 'ember-owner'; import HashLocation from '../../lib/location/hash_location'; import HistoryLocation from '../../lib/location/history_location'; import AutoLocation from '../../lib/location/auto_location'; import NoneLocation from '../../lib/location/none_location'; import Router, { triggerEvent } from '../../lib/system/router'; import { runDestroy, buildOwner, moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let owner; function createRouter(settings, options = {}) { let CustomRouter = Router.extend(); let router = CustomRouter.create(settings); if (!options.skipOwner) { setOwner(router, owner); } if (!options.disableSetup) { router.setupRouter(); } return router; } moduleFor( 'Ember Router', class extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { super(); owner = buildOwner(); //register the HashLocation (the default) owner.register('location:hash', HashLocation); owner.register('location:history', HistoryLocation); owner.register('location:auto', AutoLocation); owner.register('location:none', NoneLocation); } teardown() { runDestroy(owner); owner = null; } ['@test can create a router without an owner'](assert) { createRouter(undefined, { disableSetup: true, skipOwner: true }); assert.ok(true, 'no errors were thrown when creating without a container'); } ['@test [GH#15237] EmberError is imported correctly'](assert) { // If we get the right message it means Error is being imported correctly. assert.throws(function() { triggerEvent(null, false, []); }, /because your app hasn't finished transitioning/); } ['@test should not create a router.js instance upon init'](assert) { let router = createRouter(undefined, { disableSetup: true }); assert.ok(!router._routerMicrolib); } ['@test should not reify location until setupRouter is called'](assert) { let router = createRouter(undefined, { disableSetup: true }); assert.equal(typeof router.location, 'string', 'location is specified as a string'); router.setupRouter(); assert.equal(typeof router.location, 'object', 'location is reified into an object'); } ['@test should destroy its location upon destroying the routers owner.'](assert) { let router = createRouter(); let location = router.get('location'); runDestroy(owner); assert.ok(location.isDestroyed, 'location should be destroyed'); } ['@test should instantiate its location with its `rootURL`'](assert) { let router = createRouter({ rootURL: '/rootdir/', }); let location = router.get('location'); assert.equal(location.get('rootURL'), '/rootdir/'); } ['@test replacePath should be called with the right path'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let location = owner.lookup('location:auto'); let browserLocation = { href: '', origin: '', pathname: '/rootdir/welcome', hash: '', search: '', replace(url) { assert.equal(url, ''); }, }; location.location = browserLocation; = { onhashchange() {} }; location.history = null; createRouter({ location: 'auto', rootURL: '/rootdir/', }); } ['@test Router._routePath should consume identical prefixes'](assert) { createRouter(); function routePath() { let handlerInfos = { return { name: s }; }); handlerInfos.unshift({ name: 'ignored' }); return Router._routePath(handlerInfos); } assert.equal(routePath('foo'), 'foo'); assert.equal(routePath('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), ''); assert.equal(routePath('foo', ''), ''); assert.equal(routePath('foo', '', ''), ''); assert.equal(routePath('foo', '', ''), ''); assert.equal(routePath('foo', ''), ''); assert.equal(routePath('', ''), ''); // This makes no sense, not trying to handle it, just // making sure it doesn't go boom. assert.equal(routePath('', 'foo'), ''); } ['@test Router should cancel routing setup when the Location class says so via cancelRouterSetup']( assert ) { assert.expect(0); let router; let FakeLocation = { cancelRouterSetup: true, create() { return this; }, }; owner.register('location:fake', FakeLocation); router = createRouter({ location: 'fake', _setupRouter() { assert.ok(false, '_setupRouter should not be called'); }, }); router.startRouting(); } ["@test AutoLocation should replace the url when it's not in the preferred format"](assert) { assert.expect(1); let location = owner.lookup('location:auto'); location.location = { href: '', origin: '', pathname: '/rootdir/welcome', hash: '', search: '', replace(url) { assert.equal(url, ''); }, }; location.history = null; = { onhashchange() {}, }; createRouter({ location: 'auto', rootURL: '/rootdir/', }); } ['@test Router#handleURL should remove any #hashes before doing URL transition'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let router = createRouter({ _doURLTransition(routerJsMethod, url) { assert.equal(routerJsMethod, 'handleURL'); assert.equal(url, '/foo/bar?time=morphin'); }, }); router.handleURL('/foo/bar?time=morphin#pink-power-ranger'); } ['@test Router#triggerEvent allows actions to bubble when returning true'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let handlerInfos = [ { name: 'application', handler: { actions: { loading() { assert.ok(false, 'loading not handled by application route'); }, }, }, }, { name: 'about', handler: { actions: { loading() { assert.ok(true, 'loading handled by about route'); return false; }, }, }, }, { name: '', handler: { actions: { loading() { assert.ok(true, 'loading handled by route'); return true; }, }, }, }, ]; triggerEvent(handlerInfos, false, ['loading']); } ['@test Router#triggerEvent ignores handlers that have not loaded yet'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let handlerInfos = [ { name: 'about', handler: { actions: { loading() { assert.ok(true, 'loading handled by about route'); }, }, }, }, { name: '', handler: undefined, }, ]; triggerEvent(handlerInfos, false, ['loading']); } ['@test transitionTo should throw an error when called after owner is destroyed']() { let router = createRouter(); runDestroy(router); router.currentRouteName = 'route-a'; expectAssertion(function() { router.transitionTo('route-b'); }, "A transition was attempted from 'route-a' to 'route-b' but the application instance has already been destroyed."); expectAssertion(function() { router.transitionTo('./route-b/1'); }, "A transition was attempted from 'route-a' to './route-b/1' but the application instance has already been destroyed."); } } );