shared_behaviors_for 'animal' before animal = { eats: function(){ return true } } end it 'should eat' animal.eats().should.eql true end end shared_behaviors_for 'canine' should_behave_like('animal') before animal.hasFourLegs = function(){ return true } animal.barks = function(){ return true } end it 'should have 4 legs' animal.hasFourLegs().should.eql true end it 'should bark' animal.barks().should.eql true end end describe 'mastif' should_behave_like('canine') before animal.weight = 200 end it 'should weigh > 100 lbs' animal.weight.should.be_greater_than 100 end end describe 'poodle breeds' should_behave_like('canine') shared_behaviors_for 'poodle' before animal.isMean = true end it 'should be mean' animal.isMean.should.eql true end end describe 'fancy poodle' should_behave_like('poodle') before animal.looksRidiculous = true end it 'should look ridiculous' animal.looksRidiculous.should.eql true end end end describe 'shared behaviors' before before_sequence = [] before_each_sequence = [] after_sequence = [] after_each_sequence = [] end shared_behaviors_for 'A' before before_sequence.push('A') end after after_sequence.push('A') end before_each before_each_sequence.push('A') end after_each after_each_sequence.push('A') end end shared_behaviors_for 'B' before before_sequence.push('B') end after after_sequence.push('B') end before_each before_each_sequence.push('B') end after_each after_each_sequence.push('B') end end describe 'before ordering' should_behave_like('B') before before_sequence.push('C') end should_behave_like('A') after after_sequence.push('C') end before_each before_each_sequence.push('C') end after_each after_each_sequence.push('C') end it "should sequence befores in include order" before_sequence.should.eql ['B', 'C', 'A'] end it "should sequence before_eachs in include order" before_each_sequence.should.eql ['B', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'C'] end end describe 'after ordering' it "should sequence afters in include order" after_sequence.should.eql ['B', 'A', 'C'] end it "should sequence after_eachs in include order" after_each_sequence.should.eql ['B', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'C'] end end end shared_behaviors_for 'person' it 'should have a name' person.should.have_property 'name' end end shared_behaviors_for 'administrator' should_behave_like('person') it 'should have access to all permissions' person.may('edit pages').should.be_true person.may('delete users').should.be_true end end describe 'Shared Behaviors' describe 'User' before User = function(name) { = name } person = new User('joe') end should_behave_like('person') end describe 'Administrator' before Admin = function(name) { = name } Admin.prototype.may = function(perm){ return true } person = new Admin('tj') end should_behave_like('administrator') end describe 'Super Administrator' before SuperAdmin = function(name) { = name } SuperAdmin.prototype.may = function(perm){ return true } SuperAdmin.prototype.canCreateUsers = function(){ return true } person = new SuperAdmin('tj') end should_behave_like('administrator') it "should be allowed to create users" person.canCreateUsers().should.be_true end end shared_behaviors_for 'User with toString()' before person = { toString : function() { return '' }} end it 'should return <User NAME>' person.toString().should.match(/\' } person = new Manager('tj') end it 'should have access to hire or fire employees' person.may('hire').should.be_true person.may('fire').should.be_true person.may('do anything else').should.be_false end end describe 'findLocalSharedBehavior' it 'should find shared behavior by name' JSpec.findLocalSharedBehavior('User with toString()').should.be_a JSpec.Suite end it 'should return null when not found' JSpec.findGlobalSharedBehavior('Rawr').should.be_null end describe 'nested' it 'should find shared behavior by name when nested' JSpec.findLocalSharedBehavior('User with toString()').should.be_a JSpec.Suite end end end describe 'findGlobalSharedBehavior' it 'should find shared behavior by name' JSpec.findGlobalSharedBehavior('person').should.be_a JSpec.Suite end it 'should return null when not found' JSpec.findGlobalSharedBehavior('Rawr').should.be_null end end describe 'findSharedBehavior' shared_behaviors_for 'person' it 'should not have name' person.should.not.have_property 'name' end end describe 'override behavior' it 'should find local shared behavior before global' JSpec.findSharedBehavior('person').body.toString().should.match(/should not have name/) end end it 'should find shared global behavior by name' JSpec.findGlobalSharedBehavior('animal').should.be_a JSpec.Suite end it 'should return null when not found at either level' JSpec.findGlobalSharedBehavior('Rawr').should.be_null end end end