require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rake/testtask' do |task| task.libs << "test" task.test_files = Dir['test/**/test_*.rb'].reject {|path| path.end_with?("test_explore.rb") } task.verbose = true task.warning = true task.ruby_opts = %w[ --disable-did_you_mean ] end"test:explore") do |task| task.libs << "test" task.pattern = 'test/tree_spell/test_explore.rb' task.verbose = true task.warning = true task.ruby_opts = %w[ --disable-did_you_mean ] end task default: %i(test) namespace :test do namespace :accuracy do desc "Download Wiktionary's Simple English data and save it as a dictionary" task :prepare do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby evaluation/dictionary_generator.rb" end end desc "Calculate accuracy of the gem's spell checker" task :accuracy do if !File.exist?("evaluation/dictionary.yml") puts 'Generating dictionary for evaluation:' Rake::Task["test:accuracy:prepare"].execute puts "\n" end sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby evaluation/calculator.rb" end end namespace :benchmark do namespace :ips do desc "Measure performance of the gem's Jaro distance implementation" task :jaro do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby benchmark/jaro_winkler/speed.rb" end desc "Benchmark performance of the gem's Levenshtein distance implementation" task :levenshtein do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby benchmark/levenshtein/speed.rb" end end desc "Benchmark memory usage in the gem's spell checker" task :memory do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby benchmark/memory_usage.rb" end namespace :memory do desc "Benchmark memory usage in the gem's Jaro distance implementation" task :jaro do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby benchmark/jaro_winkler/memory_usage.rb" end desc "Benchmark memory usage in the gem's Levenshtein distance implementation" task :levenshtein do sh "RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' ruby benchmark/levenshtein/memory_usage.rb" end end end