# This code was generated by
# \ / _    _  _|   _  _
#  | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_  v1.0.0
#       /       /       

module Twilio
  module REST
    class Api < Domain
      class V2010 < Version
        class AccountContext < InstanceContext
          class ApplicationList < ListResource
            # Initialize the ApplicationList
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [String] account_sid The unique id of the Account that created this
            #   application.
            # @return [ApplicationList] ApplicationList
            def initialize(version, account_sid: nil)
              # Path Solution
              @solution = {
                  account_sid: account_sid
              @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Applications.json"
            # Retrieve a single page of ApplicationInstance records from the API.
            # Request is executed immediately.
            # @param [String] friendly_name A human readable descriptive text for this
            #   resource, up to 64 characters long.
            # @param [String] api_version Requests to this application will start a new TwiML
            #   session with this API version.
            # @param [String] voice_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number
            #   assigned to this application receives a call.
            # @param [String] voice_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the
            #   above `Url`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by `Url`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the `VoiceFallbackUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] status_callback The URL that Twilio will request to pass status
            #   parameters (such as call ended) to your application.
            # @param [String] status_callback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use to make
            #   requests to the `StatusCallback` URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [Boolean] voice_caller_id_lookup Look up the caller's caller-ID name from
            #   the CNAM database (additional charges apply). Either `true` or `false`.
            # @param [String] sms_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number assigned
            #   to this application receives an incoming SMS message.
            # @param [String] sms_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when making requests
            #   to the `SmsUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML from `SmsUrl`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the above URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_status_callback The URL that Twilio will `POST` to when a
            #   message is sent via the `/SMS/Messages` endpoint if you specify the `Sid` of
            #   this application on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @param [String] message_status_callback Twilio will make a `POST` request to
            #   this URL to pass status parameters (such as sent or failed) to your application
            #   if you use the `/Messages` endpoint to send the message and specify this
            #   application's `Sid` as the `ApplicationSid` on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] Newly created ApplicationInstance
            def create(friendly_name: nil, api_version: nil, voice_url: nil, voice_method: nil, voice_fallback_url: nil, voice_fallback_method: nil, status_callback: nil, status_callback_method: nil, voice_caller_id_lookup: nil, sms_url: nil, sms_method: nil, sms_fallback_url: nil, sms_fallback_method: nil, sms_status_callback: nil, message_status_callback: nil)
              data = {
                  'FriendlyName' => friendly_name,
                  'ApiVersion' => api_version,
                  'VoiceUrl' => voice_url,
                  'VoiceMethod' => voice_method,
                  'VoiceFallbackUrl' => voice_fallback_url,
                  'VoiceFallbackMethod' => voice_fallback_method,
                  'StatusCallback' => status_callback,
                  'StatusCallbackMethod' => status_callback_method,
                  'VoiceCallerIdLookup' => voice_caller_id_lookup,
                  'SmsUrl' => sms_url,
                  'SmsMethod' => sms_method,
                  'SmsFallbackUrl' => sms_fallback_url,
                  'SmsFallbackMethod' => sms_fallback_method,
                  'SmsStatusCallback' => sms_status_callback,
                  'MessageStatusCallback' => message_status_callback,
              payload = @version.create(
                  data: data
              return ApplicationInstance.new(
                  account_sid: @solution['account_sid'],
            # Lists ApplicationInstance records from the API as a list.
            # Unlike stream(), this operation is eager and will load `limit` records into
            # memory before returning.
            # @param [String] friendly_name Only return application resources with friendly
            #   names that match exactly with this name
            # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream()
            #                   guarantees to never return more than limit.  Default is no limit
            # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when not set will                      use
            #  the default value of 50 records.  If no page_size is                      defined
            #  but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read                      the
            #  limit with the most efficient page size,                      i.e. min(limit, 1000)
            # @return [Array] Array of up to limit results
            def list(friendly_name: nil, limit: nil, page_size: nil)
                  friendly_name: friendly_name,
                  limit: limit,
                  page_size: page_size
            # Streams ApplicationInstance records from the API as an Enumerable.
            # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit
            # is reached.
            # @param [String] friendly_name Only return application resources with friendly
            #   names that match exactly with this name
            # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return.                  stream()
            #  guarantees to never return more than limit.                  Default is no limit
            # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when                      not set will use
            #  the default value of 50 records.                      If no page_size is defined
            #                       but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to                      read the
            #  limit with the most efficient page size,                       i.e. min(limit, 1000)
            # @return [Enumerable] Enumerable that will yield up to limit results
            def stream(friendly_name: nil, limit: nil, page_size: nil)
              limits = @version.read_limits(limit, page_size)
              page = self.page(
                  friendly_name: friendly_name,
                  page_size: limits['page_size'],
              @version.stream(page, limit: limits['limit'], page_limit: limits['page_limit'])
            # When passed a block, yields ApplicationInstance records from the API.
            # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit
            # is reached.
            # @param [String] friendly_name Only return application resources with friendly
            #   names that match exactly with this name
            # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return.                  stream()
            #  guarantees to never return more than limit.                  Default is no limit
            # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when                       not set will use
            #  the default value of 50 records.                      If no page_size is defined
            #                       but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the
            #                       limit with the most efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000)
            def each
              limits = @version.read_limits
              page = self.page(
                  page_size: limits['page_size'],
                              limit: limits['limit'],
                              page_limit: limits['page_limit']).each {|x| yield x}
            # Retrieve a single page of ApplicationInstance records from the API.
            # Request is executed immediately.
            # @param [String] friendly_name Only return application resources with friendly
            #   names that match exactly with this name
            # @param [String] page_token PageToken provided by the API
            # @param [Integer] page_number Page Number, this value is simply for client state
            # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to return, defaults to 50
            # @return [Page] Page of ApplicationInstance
            def page(friendly_name: nil, page_token: nil, page_number: nil, page_size: nil)
              params = {
                  'FriendlyName' => friendly_name,
                  'PageToken' => page_token,
                  'Page' => page_number,
                  'PageSize' => page_size,
              response = @version.page(
              return ApplicationPage.new(@version, response, @solution)
            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s
          class ApplicationPage < Page
            # Initialize the ApplicationPage
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [Response] response Response from the API
            # @param [Hash] solution Path solution for the resource
            # @param [String] account_sid The unique id of the Account that created this
            #   application.
            # @return [ApplicationPage] ApplicationPage
            def initialize(version, response, solution)
              super(version, response)
              # Path Solution
              @solution = solution
            # Build an instance of ApplicationInstance
            # @param [Hash] payload Payload response from the API
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] ApplicationInstance
            def get_instance(payload)
              return ApplicationInstance.new(
                  account_sid: @solution['account_sid'],
            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s
          class ApplicationContext < InstanceContext
            # Initialize the ApplicationContext
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [String] account_sid The account_sid
            # @param [String] sid The application Sid that that uniquely identifies this
            #   resource
            # @return [ApplicationContext] ApplicationContext
            def initialize(version, account_sid, sid)
              # Path Solution
              @solution = {
                  account_sid: account_sid,
                  sid: sid,
              @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Applications/#{@solution[:sid]}.json"
            # Deletes the ApplicationInstance
            # @return [Boolean] true if delete succeeds, true otherwise
            def delete
              return @version.delete('delete', @uri)
            # Fetch a ApplicationInstance
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] Fetched ApplicationInstance
            def fetch
              params = {}
              payload = @version.fetch(
              return ApplicationInstance.new(
                  account_sid: @solution['account_sid'],
                  sid: @solution['sid'],
            # Update the ApplicationInstance
            # @param [String] friendly_name A human readable descriptive text for this
            #   resource, up to 64 characters long.
            # @param [String] api_version Requests to this application will start a new TwiML
            #   session with this API version.
            # @param [String] voice_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number
            #   assigned to this application receives a call.
            # @param [String] voice_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the
            #   above `Url`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by `Url`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the `VoiceFallbackUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] status_callback The URL that Twilio will request to pass status
            #   parameters (such as call ended) to your application.
            # @param [String] status_callback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use to make
            #   requests to the `StatusCallback` URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [Boolean] voice_caller_id_lookup Look up the caller's caller-ID name from
            #   the CNAM database (additional charges apply). Either `true` or `false`.
            # @param [String] sms_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number assigned
            #   to this application receives an incoming SMS message.
            # @param [String] sms_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when making requests
            #   to the `SmsUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML from `SmsUrl`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the above URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_status_callback The URL that Twilio will `POST` to when a
            #   message is sent via the `/SMS/Messages` endpoint if you specify the `Sid` of
            #   this application on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @param [String] message_status_callback Twilio will make a `POST` request to
            #   this URL to pass status parameters (such as sent or failed) to your application
            #   if you use the `/Messages` endpoint to send the message and specify this
            #   application's `Sid` as the `ApplicationSid` on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] Updated ApplicationInstance
            def update(friendly_name: nil, api_version: nil, voice_url: nil, voice_method: nil, voice_fallback_url: nil, voice_fallback_method: nil, status_callback: nil, status_callback_method: nil, voice_caller_id_lookup: nil, sms_url: nil, sms_method: nil, sms_fallback_url: nil, sms_fallback_method: nil, sms_status_callback: nil, message_status_callback: nil)
              data = {
                  'FriendlyName' => friendly_name,
                  'ApiVersion' => api_version,
                  'VoiceUrl' => voice_url,
                  'VoiceMethod' => voice_method,
                  'VoiceFallbackUrl' => voice_fallback_url,
                  'VoiceFallbackMethod' => voice_fallback_method,
                  'StatusCallback' => status_callback,
                  'StatusCallbackMethod' => status_callback_method,
                  'VoiceCallerIdLookup' => voice_caller_id_lookup,
                  'SmsUrl' => sms_url,
                  'SmsMethod' => sms_method,
                  'SmsFallbackUrl' => sms_fallback_url,
                  'SmsFallbackMethod' => sms_fallback_method,
                  'SmsStatusCallback' => sms_status_callback,
                  'MessageStatusCallback' => message_status_callback,
              payload = @version.update(
                  data: data,
              return ApplicationInstance.new(
                  account_sid: @solution['account_sid'],
                  sid: @solution['sid'],
            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s
              context = @solution.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(',')
              "#<Twilio.Api.V2010.ApplicationContext #{context}>"
          class ApplicationInstance < InstanceResource
            # Initialize the ApplicationInstance
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [Hash] payload payload that contains response from Twilio
            # @param [String] account_sid The unique id of the Account that created this
            #   application.
            # @param [String] sid The application Sid that that uniquely identifies this
            #   resource
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] ApplicationInstance
            def initialize(version, payload, account_sid: nil, sid: nil)
              # Marshaled Properties
              @properties = {
                  'account_sid' => payload['account_sid'],
                  'api_version' => payload['api_version'],
                  'date_created' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_created']),
                  'date_updated' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_updated']),
                  'friendly_name' => payload['friendly_name'],
                  'message_status_callback' => payload['message_status_callback'],
                  'sid' => payload['sid'],
                  'sms_fallback_method' => payload['sms_fallback_method'],
                  'sms_fallback_url' => payload['sms_fallback_url'],
                  'sms_method' => payload['sms_method'],
                  'sms_status_callback' => payload['sms_status_callback'],
                  'sms_url' => payload['sms_url'],
                  'status_callback' => payload['status_callback'],
                  'status_callback_method' => payload['status_callback_method'],
                  'uri' => payload['uri'],
                  'voice_caller_id_lookup' => payload['voice_caller_id_lookup'],
                  'voice_fallback_method' => payload['voice_fallback_method'],
                  'voice_fallback_url' => payload['voice_fallback_url'],
                  'voice_method' => payload['voice_method'],
                  'voice_url' => payload['voice_url'],
              # Context
              @instance_context = nil
              @params = {
                  'account_sid' => account_sid,
                  'sid' => sid || @properties['sid'],
            # Generate an instance context for the instance, the context is capable of
            # performing various actions.  All instance actions are proxied to the context
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @return [ApplicationContext] ApplicationContext for this ApplicationInstance
            def context
              unless @instance_context
                @instance_context = ApplicationContext.new(
            def account_sid
            def api_version
            def date_created
            def date_updated
            def friendly_name
            def message_status_callback
            def sid
            def sms_fallback_method
            def sms_fallback_url
            def sms_method
            def sms_status_callback
            def sms_url
            def status_callback
            def status_callback_method
            def uri
            def voice_caller_id_lookup
            def voice_fallback_method
            def voice_fallback_url
            def voice_method
            def voice_url
            # Deletes the ApplicationInstance
            # @return [Boolean] true if delete succeeds, true otherwise
            def delete
            # Fetch a ApplicationInstance
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] Fetched ApplicationInstance
            def fetch
            # Update the ApplicationInstance
            # @param [String] friendly_name A human readable descriptive text for this
            #   resource, up to 64 characters long.
            # @param [String] api_version Requests to this application will start a new TwiML
            #   session with this API version.
            # @param [String] voice_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number
            #   assigned to this application receives a call.
            # @param [String] voice_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the
            #   above `Url`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by `Url`.
            # @param [String] voice_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the `VoiceFallbackUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] status_callback The URL that Twilio will request to pass status
            #   parameters (such as call ended) to your application.
            # @param [String] status_callback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use to make
            #   requests to the `StatusCallback` URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [Boolean] voice_caller_id_lookup Look up the caller's caller-ID name from
            #   the CNAM database (additional charges apply). Either `true` or `false`.
            # @param [String] sms_url The URL Twilio will request when a phone number assigned
            #   to this application receives an incoming SMS message.
            # @param [String] sms_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when making requests
            #   to the `SmsUrl`. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_url The URL that Twilio will request if an error
            #   occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML from `SmsUrl`.
            # @param [String] sms_fallback_method The HTTP method Twilio will use when
            #   requesting the above URL. Either `GET` or `POST`.
            # @param [String] sms_status_callback The URL that Twilio will `POST` to when a
            #   message is sent via the `/SMS/Messages` endpoint if you specify the `Sid` of
            #   this application on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @param [String] message_status_callback Twilio will make a `POST` request to
            #   this URL to pass status parameters (such as sent or failed) to your application
            #   if you use the `/Messages` endpoint to send the message and specify this
            #   application's `Sid` as the `ApplicationSid` on an outgoing SMS request.
            # @return [ApplicationInstance] Updated ApplicationInstance
            def update(friendly_name: nil, api_version: nil, voice_url: nil, voice_method: nil, voice_fallback_url: nil, voice_fallback_method: nil, status_callback: nil, status_callback_method: nil, voice_caller_id_lookup: nil, sms_url: nil, sms_method: nil, sms_fallback_url: nil, sms_fallback_method: nil, sms_status_callback: nil, message_status_callback: nil)
                  api_version: api_version,
                  voice_url: voice_url,
                  voice_method: voice_method,
                  voice_fallback_url: voice_fallback_url,
                  voice_fallback_method: voice_fallback_method,
                  status_callback: status_callback,
                  status_callback_method: status_callback_method,
                  voice_caller_id_lookup: voice_caller_id_lookup,
                  sms_url: sms_url,
                  sms_method: sms_method,
                  sms_fallback_url: sms_fallback_url,
                  sms_fallback_method: sms_fallback_method,
                  sms_status_callback: sms_status_callback,
                  message_status_callback: message_status_callback,
            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s
              context = @params.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(" ")
              "<Twilio.Api.V2010.ApplicationInstance #{context}>"