require 'uri' # Unit tests for Bandwidth::Configuration describe Bandwidth::Configuration do let(:config) { } let(:faraday_connection) { } let(:uri) { URI.parse(BASE_CALLBACK_URL + '/path') } let(:token) { 'abcd1234' } let(:server) { [ { url: '{enum_var}/{default_var}', description: 'Production', variables: { enum_var: { enum_values: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'], default_value: 'v2' }, default_var: { default_value: 'default_value' } } } ] } describe '#configure' do it 'configures a Configuration instance using a a block' do config.configure do |c| c.scheme = uri.scheme = c.base_path = uri.path end expect(config.scheme).to eq(uri.scheme) expect( eq( expect(config.base_path).to eq(uri.path) end end describe 'custom attribute writers' do it '#scheme=' do config.scheme = 'scheme://' expect(config.scheme).to eq('scheme') end it '#host=' do = 'https://hostname' expect( eq('hostname') end it '#base_path=' do config.base_path = 'basepath' expect(config.base_path).to eq('/basepath') end end describe '#base_url' do it 'returns default value when invalid operation is passed' do expect(config.base_url('invalid_operation')).to eq('http://localhost') end it 'returns proper base URL when server index is set' do operation, server = config.operation_server_settings.first expect(config.base_url(operation)).to eq(server[0][:url]) end it 'should have the default value' do expect(config.base_url).to eq('http://localhost') end it 'returns default value when invalid operation is passed' do expect(config.base_url('invalid_operation')).to eq('http://localhost') end it 'throws argument error when attempting to use a server index that is out of bounds' do config.server_operation_index = { :'MediaApi.upload_media' => 10 } expect { config.base_url(:'MediaApi.upload_media') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid index 10 when selecting the server. Must not be nil and must be less than 1') end end describe '#api_key_with_prefix' do it 'gets API key without prefix' do config.api_key['Authorization'] = token expect(config.api_key_with_prefix('Authorization')).to eq(token) end it 'gets API key wit prefix' do config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Token' config.api_key['Authorization'] = token expect(config.api_key_with_prefix('Authorization')).to eq("Token #{token}") end end describe '#access_token_with_refresh' do it 'gets the static access_token when no access_token_getter is defined' do config.access_token = token expect(config.access_token_with_refresh).to eq(token) end it 'gets access_token using access_token_getter' do config.access_token_getter = proc { token } expect(config.access_token_with_refresh).to eq(token) end end describe '#basic_auth_token' do it 'gets Basic Auth token string' do config.username = 'username' config.password = 'password' expect(config.basic_auth_token).to eq('Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=') end end describe '#auth_settings' do it 'returns Auth Settings hash for api client' do basic_auth = config.auth_settings['Basic'] expect(basic_auth[:type]).to eq('basic') expect(basic_auth[:in]).to eq('header') expect(basic_auth[:key]).to eq('Authorization') expect(basic_auth[:value]).to eq('Basic Og==') end end describe '#server_url' do it 'returns URL with enum variable substitued' do expect(config.server_url(0, { enum_var: 'v3' }, server)).to eq('') end it 'causes an ArgumentError by passing an invalid index' do expect { config.server_url(100) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'causes an ArgumentError by passing an invalid value to an enum variable' do expect { config.server_url(0, { enum_var: 'v4' }, server) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'configure faraday connection' do it '#configure_faraday_connection #configure_connection' do config.configure_faraday_connection do |c| config.username = 'username' end config.configure_connection(faraday_connection) expect(config.username).to eq('username') end end describe '#set_faraday_middleware' do it '#use' do config.use(Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded) expect(config.instance_variable_get('@middlewares')[:use]).to eq([[Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded, [], nil]]) end it '#request' do config.request(:retry, max: 3, methods: [:get, :post], retry_statuses: [503]) expect(config.instance_variable_get('@middlewares')[:request]).to eq([[:retry, [{ :max => 3, :methods => [:get, :post], :retry_statuses => [503] }], nil]]) end it '#response' do config.response(:logger, nil, { bodies: true, log_level: :debug }) expect(config.instance_variable_get('@middlewares')[:response]).to eq([[:logger, [nil, { :bodies => true, :log_level => :debug }], nil]]) end it 'causes an ArgumentError by passing an invalid middleware operation' do expect { config.set_faraday_middleware(:invalid_operation, Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#configure_middleware' do it 'builds connection using supplied response middleware' do config.response(:logger) config.configure_middleware(faraday_connection) expect(faraday_connection.builder.handlers).to include(Faraday::Response::Logger) end it 'builds connection using deleted middleware' do config.set_faraday_middleware(:delete, Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded) config.configure_middleware(faraday_connection) expect(faraday_connection.builder.handlers).to eq([]) end end end