describe("Env integration", function() { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.addMatchers({ toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable: function(util, customeEqualityTesters) { return { compare: function(actual, fullName, expectedFailures) { var foundRunnable = false, expectations = true, foundFailures = []; for (var i = 0; i < actual.calls.count(); i++) { var args = actual.calls.argsFor(i)[0]; if (args.fullName === fullName) { foundRunnable = true; for (var j = 0; j < args.failedExpectations.length; j++) { foundFailures.push(args.failedExpectations[j].message); } for (var j = 0; j < expectedFailures.length; j++) { var failure = foundFailures[j]; var expectedFailure = expectedFailures[j]; if ( === '[object RegExp]') { expectations = expectations && expectedFailure.test(failure); } else { expectations = expectations && failure === expectedFailure; } } break; } } return { pass: foundRunnable && expectations, message: !foundRunnable ? 'The runnable "' + fullName + '" never finished' : 'Expected runnable "' + fullName + '" to have failures ' + jasmine.pp(expectedFailures) + ' but it had ' + jasmine.pp(foundFailures) }; } }; } }); }); it("Suites execute as expected (no nesting)", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = []; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual([ "with a spec", "and another spec" ]); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: assertions}); env.describe("A Suite", function() {"with a spec", function() { calls.push("with a spec"); });"and another spec", function() { calls.push("and another spec"); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Nested Suites execute as expected", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = []; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual([ 'an outer spec', 'an inner spec', 'another inner spec' ]); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: assertions }); env.describe("Outer suite", function() {"an outer spec", function() { calls.push('an outer spec') }); env.describe("Inner suite", function() {"an inner spec", function() { calls.push('an inner spec'); });"another inner spec", function() { calls.push('another inner spec'); }); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Multiple top-level Suites execute as expected", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = []; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual([ 'an outer spec', 'an inner spec', 'another inner spec', 'a 2nd outer spec' ]); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: assertions }); env.describe("Outer suite", function() {"an outer spec", function() { calls.push('an outer spec'); }); env.describe("Inner suite", function() {"an inner spec", function() { calls.push('an inner spec'); });"another inner spec", function() { calls.push('another inner spec'); }); }); }); env.describe("Another outer suite", function() {"a 2nd outer spec", function() { calls.push('a 2nd outer spec') }); }); env.execute(); }); it('explicitly fails a spec', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), specDone = jasmine.createSpy('specDone'); env.addReporter({ specDone: specDone, jasmineDone: function() { expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'has a default message', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed' })] })); expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'specifies a message', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed: messy message' })] })); expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'has a message and stack trace from an Error', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed: error message', stack: { asymmetricMatch: function(other) { if (!other) { // IE doesn't give us a stacktrace so just ignore it. return true; } var split = other.split('\n'), firstLine = split[0]; if (firstLine.indexOf('error message') >= 0) { // Chrome inserts the message and a newline before the first stacktrace line. firstLine = split[1]; } return firstLine.indexOf('EnvSpec') >= 0; } } })] })); done(); } }); env.describe('failing', function() {'has a default message', function() {; });'specifies a message', function() {'messy message'); });'has a message and stack trace from an Error', function() { Error('error message')); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("calls associated befores/specs/afters with the same 'this'", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(); env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done}); env.describe("tests", function() { var firstTimeThrough = true, firstSpecContext, secondSpecContext; env.beforeEach(function() { if (firstTimeThrough) { firstSpecContext = this; } else { secondSpecContext = this; } expect(this).toEqual({}); });"sync spec", function() { expect(this).toBe(firstSpecContext); });"another sync spec", function() { expect(this).toBe(secondSpecContext); }); env.afterEach(function() { if (firstTimeThrough) { expect(this).toBe(firstSpecContext); firstTimeThrough = false; } else { expect(this).toBe(secondSpecContext); } }); }); env.execute(); }); it("calls associated befores/its/afters with the same 'this' for an async spec", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(); env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done}); env.describe("with an async spec", function() { var specContext; env.beforeEach(function() { specContext = this; expect(this).toEqual({}); });"sync spec", function(underTestCallback) { expect(this).toBe(specContext); underTestCallback(); }); env.afterEach(function() { expect(this).toBe(specContext); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("calls associated beforeAlls/afterAlls only once per suite", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), before = jasmine.createSpy('beforeAll'), after = jasmine.createSpy('afterAll'); env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: function() { expect(after).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect(before.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); } }); env.describe("with beforeAll and afterAll", function() {"spec", function() { expect(before).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); });"another spec", function() { expect(before).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); env.beforeAll(before); env.afterAll(after); }); env.execute(); }); it("calls associated beforeAlls/afterAlls only once per suite for async", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), before = jasmine.createSpy('beforeAll'), after = jasmine.createSpy('afterAll'); env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: function() { expect(after).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after.calls.count()).toBe(1); expect(before.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); } }); env.describe("with beforeAll and afterAll", function() {"spec", function() { expect(before).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); });"another spec", function() { expect(before).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(after).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); env.beforeAll(function(beforeCallbackUnderTest) { before(); beforeCallbackUnderTest(); }); env.afterAll(function(afterCallbackUnderTest) { after(); afterCallbackUnderTest(); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("calls associated beforeAlls/afterAlls with the cascaded 'this'", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(); env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done}); env.describe("with beforeAll and afterAll", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { this.x = 1; });"has an x at the root", function() { expect(this.x).toBe(1); }); env.describe("child that deletes", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { expect(this.x).toBe(1); delete this.x; });"has no x", function() { expect(this.x).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); env.describe("child should still have x", function() { env.beforeAll(function(innerDone) { expect(this.x).toBe(1); innerDone(); });"has an x", function() { expect(this.x).toBe(1); delete this.x; });"still has an x", function() { expect(this.x).toBe(1); });"adds a y", function() { this.y = 2; expect(this.y).toBe(2); });"doesn't have y that was added in sibling", function() { expect(this.y).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("fails all underlying specs when the beforeAll fails", function (done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "specDone", "jasmineDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.specDone.calls.count()).toEqual(2); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0]) .toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'failed'})); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0].failedExpectations[0].message) .toEqual("Expected 1 to be 2."); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(1)[0]) .toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'failed'})); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(1)[0].failedExpectations[0].message) .toEqual("Expected 1 to be 2."); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('A suite', function(){ env.beforeAll(function() { env.expect(1).toBe(2); });"spec that will be failed", function() { }); env.describe("nesting", function() {"another spec to fail", function() { }); }); }); env.execute(); }); describe('suiteDone reporting', function(){ it("reports when an afterAll fails an expectation", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('my suite', [ 'Expected 1 to equal 2.', 'Expected 2 to equal 3.' ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('my suite', function() {'my spec', function() { }); env.afterAll(function() { env.expect(1).toEqual(2); env.expect(2).toEqual(3); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("if there are no specs, it still reports correctly", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('outer suite', [ 'Expected 1 to equal 2.', 'Expected 2 to equal 3.' ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('outer suite', function() { env.describe('inner suite', function() {'spec', function(){ }); }); env.afterAll(function() { env.expect(1).toEqual(2); env.expect(2).toEqual(3); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("reports when afterAll throws an exception", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), error = new Error('After All Exception'), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('my suite', [ (/^Error: After All Exception/) ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('my suite', function() {'my spec', function() { }); env.afterAll(function() { throw error; }); }); env.execute(); }); it("reports when an async afterAll fails an expectation", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('my suite', [ 'Expected 1 to equal 2.' ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('my suite', function() {'my spec', function() { }); env.afterAll(function(afterAllDone) { env.expect(1).toEqual(2); afterAllDone(); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("reports when an async afterAll throws an exception", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), error = new Error('After All Exception'), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('my suite', [ (/^Error: After All Exception/) ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe('my suite', function() {'my spec', function() { }); env.afterAll(function(afterAllDone) { throw error; }); }); env.execute(); }); }); it("Allows specifying which specs and suites to run", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = [], suiteCallback = jasmine.createSpy('suite callback'), firstSpec, secondSuite; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual([ 'third spec', 'first spec' ]); expect(suiteCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions, suiteDone: suiteCallback}); env.describe("first suite", function() { firstSpec ="first spec", function() { calls.push('first spec'); });"second spec", function() { calls.push('second spec'); }); }); secondSuite = env.describe("second suite", function() {"third spec", function() { calls.push('third spec'); }); }); env.execute([,]); }); it('runs before and after all functions for runnables provided to .execute()', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = [], first_spec, second_spec; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual([ "before", "first spec", "second spec", "after" ]); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.describe("first suite", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { calls.push("before"); }); env.afterAll(function() { calls.push("after") }); first_spec ="spec", function() { calls.push('first spec'); }); second_spec ="spec 2", function() { calls.push("second spec"); }); }); env.execute([,]); }); it("Functions can be spied on and have their calls tracked", function (done) { var env = new j$.Env(); var originalFunctionWasCalled = false; var subject = { spiedFunc: function() { originalFunctionWasCalled = true; return "original result"; } }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done});"works with spies", function() { var spy = env.spyOn(subject, 'spiedFunc').and.returnValue("stubbed result"); expect(subject.spiedFunc).toEqual(spy); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.any()).toEqual(false); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.count()).toEqual(0); subject.spiedFunc('foo'); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.any()).toEqual(true); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.count()).toEqual(1); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.mostRecent().args).toEqual(['foo']); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.mostRecent().object).toEqual(subject); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toEqual("stubbed result"); expect(originalFunctionWasCalled).toEqual(false); subject.spiedFunc.and.callThrough(); subject.spiedFunc('bar'); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.count()).toEqual(2); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.mostRecent().args).toEqual(['bar']); expect(subject.spiedFunc.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toEqual("original result"); expect(originalFunctionWasCalled).toEqual(true); }); env.execute(); }); it('removes all spies added in a spec after the spec is complete', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), originalFoo = function() {}, testObj = { foo: originalFoo }, firstSpec = jasmine.createSpy('firstSpec').and.callFake(function() { env.spyOn(testObj, 'foo'); }), secondSpec = jasmine.createSpy('secondSpec').and.callFake(function() { expect(; }); env.describe('test suite', function() {'spec 0', firstSpec);'spec 1', secondSpec); }); var assertions = function() { expect(firstSpec).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(secondSpec).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: assertions }); env.execute(); }); it('removes all spies added in a suite after the suite is complete', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), originalFoo = function() {}, testObj = { foo: originalFoo }; env.describe('test suite', function() { env.beforeAll(function() { env.spyOn(testObj, 'foo');})'spec 0', function() { expect(j$.isSpy(; });'spec 1', function() { expect(j$.isSpy(; }); }); env.describe('another suite', function() {'spec 2', function() { expect(j$.isSpy(; }); }); env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: done }); env.execute(); }); it("Mock clock can be installed and used in tests", function(done) { var globalSetTimeout = jasmine.createSpy('globalSetTimeout'), delayedFunctionForGlobalClock = jasmine.createSpy('delayedFunctionForGlobalClock'), delayedFunctionForMockClock = jasmine.createSpy('delayedFunctionForMockClock'), env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: globalSetTimeout }}); var assertions = function() { expect(delayedFunctionForMockClock).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(globalSetTimeout).toHaveBeenCalledWith(delayedFunctionForGlobalClock, 100); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: assertions }); env.describe("tests", function() {"test with mock clock", function() { env.clock.install(); env.clock.setTimeout(delayedFunctionForMockClock, 100); env.clock.tick(100); env.clock.uninstall(); });"test without mock clock", function() { env.clock.setTimeout(delayedFunctionForGlobalClock, 100); }); }); expect(globalSetTimeout).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(delayedFunctionForMockClock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); env.execute(); }); it("should run async specs in order, waiting for them to complete", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), mutatedVar; env.describe("tests", function() { env.beforeEach(function() { mutatedVar = 2; });"async spec", function(underTestCallback) { setTimeout(function() { expect(mutatedVar).toEqual(2); underTestCallback(); done(); }, 0); });"after async spec", function() { mutatedVar = 3; }); }); env.execute(); }); describe("with a mock clock", function() { var originalTimeout; beforeEach(function() { originalTimeout = j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; jasmine.clock().install(); }); afterEach(function() { jasmine.clock().uninstall(); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout; }); it("should wait a specified interval before failing specs haven't called done yet", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "specDone", "jasmineDone" ]); reporter.specDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'failed'})); }); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.jasmineDone.calls.count()).toEqual(1); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 8414;"async spec that doesn't call done", function(underTestCallback) { env.expect(true).toBeTruthy(); jasmine.clock().tick(8416); }); env.execute(); }); it("should wait a specified interval before failing beforeAll's and their associated specs that haven't called done", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "specDone", "jasmineDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.specDone.calls.count()).toEqual(2); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'failed'})); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(1)[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'failed'})); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1290; env.beforeAll(function(done) { jasmine.clock().tick(1290); });"spec that will be failed", function() { }); env.describe("nesting", function() {"another spec to fail", function() { }); }); env.execute(); }); it("should not use the mock clock for asynchronous timeouts", function(){ var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "specDone", "jasmineDone" ]), clock = env.clock; reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.specDone.calls.count()).toEqual(1); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 'passed'})); }); env.addReporter(reporter); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5; env.beforeAll(function() { clock.install(); }); env.afterAll(function() { clock.uninstall(); });"spec that should not time out", function(done) { clock.tick(6); expect(true).toEqual(true); done(); }); env.execute(); }); it("should wait the specified interval before reporting an afterAll that fails to call done", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone','suiteDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('my suite', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 3000; env.describe('my suite', function() {'my spec', function() { }); env.afterAll(function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(3001); innerDone(); }); }); env.execute(); }); it('should wait a custom interval before reporting async functions that fail to call done', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReport', ['jasmineDone', 'suiteDone', 'specDone']); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('suite beforeAll times out', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('suite afterAll', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('suite beforeEach times out', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('suite afterEach times out', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveFailedExpecationsForRunnable('suite it times out', [ (/^Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine\.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL\./) ]); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; env.describe('suite', function() { env.describe('beforeAll', function() { env.beforeAll(function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(5001); innerDone(); }, 5000);'times out', function() {}); }); env.describe('afterAll', function() { env.afterAll(function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(2001); innerDone(); }, 2000);'times out', function() {}); }); env.describe('beforeEach', function() { env.beforeEach(function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(1001); innerDone(); }, 1000);'times out', function() {}); }); env.describe('afterEach', function() { env.afterEach(function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(4001); innerDone(); }, 4000);'times out', function() {}); });'it times out', function(innerDone) { jasmine.clock().tick(6001); innerDone(); }, 6000); }); env.execute(); }); it('explicitly fails an async spec', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), specDone = jasmine.createSpy('specDone'); env.addReporter({ specDone: specDone, jasmineDone: function() { expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'has a default message', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed' })] })); expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'specifies a message', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed: messy message' })] })); expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'fails via the done callback', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed: done failed' })] })); expect(specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'has a message from an Error', failedExpectations: [jasmine.objectContaining({ message: 'Failed: error message' })] })); done(); } }); env.describe('failing', function() {'has a default message', function(innerDone) { setTimeout(function() {; innerDone(); }, 1); });'specifies a message', function(innerDone) { setTimeout(function() {'messy message'); innerDone(); }, 1); });'fails via the done callback', function(innerDone) { setTimeout(function() {'done failed'); }, 1); });'has a message from an Error', function(innerDone) { setTimeout(function() { Error('error message')); innerDone(); }, 1); }); }); env.execute(); jasmine.clock().tick(1); jasmine.clock().tick(1); jasmine.clock().tick(1); jasmine.clock().tick(1); }); }); describe('focused tests', function() { it('should only run the focused tests', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), calls = []; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual(['focused']); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.describe('a suite', function() {'is focused', function() { calls.push('focused'); });'is not focused', function() { calls.push('freakout'); }) }); env.execute(); }); it('should only run focused suites', function(){ var env = new j$.Env(), calls = []; var assertions = function() { expect(calls).toEqual(['focused']); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.fdescribe('a focused suite', function() {'is focused', function() { calls.push('focused'); }); }); env.describe('a regular suite', function() {'is not focused', function() { calls.push('freakout'); }) }); env.execute(); }); it('should run focused tests inside an xdescribe', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineStarted", "jasmineDone", "suiteStarted", "suiteDone", "specStarted", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.jasmineStarted).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ totalSpecsDefined: 1 }); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'with a fit spec', status: 'failed' })); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.xdescribe("xd suite", function() {"with a fit spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(false); }); }); env.execute(); }); it('should run focused suites inside an xdescribe', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineStarted", "jasmineDone", "suiteStarted", "suiteDone", "specStarted", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.jasmineStarted).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ totalSpecsDefined: 1 }); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'with a spec', status: 'failed' })); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.xdescribe("xd suite", function() { env.fdescribe("fd suite", function() {"with a spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(false); }); }); }); env.execute(); }); }); it("should report as expected", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineStarted", "jasmineDone", "suiteStarted", "suiteDone", "specStarted", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.jasmineStarted).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ totalSpecsDefined: 5 }); expect(reporter.specDone.calls.count()).toBe(5); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'with a top level spec', status: 'passed' })); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: "with an x'ed spec", status: 'pending' })); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'with a spec', status: 'failed' })); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'is pending', status: 'pending' })); var suiteResult = reporter.suiteStarted.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; expect(suiteResult.description).toEqual("A Suite"); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("A Suite", function() {"with a top level spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(true); }); env.describe("with a nested suite", function() { env.xit("with an x'ed spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(true); });"with a spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(false); }); }); env.describe('with only non-executable specs', function() {'is pending'); env.xit('is xed', function() { env.expect(true).toBe(true); }); }); }); env.execute(); }); it('should report pending spec messages', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ 'specDone', 'jasmineDone' ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { var specStatus = reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; expect(specStatus.pendingReason).toBe('with a message'); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter);'will be pending', function() { env.pending('with a message'); }); env.execute(); }); it('should report xdescribes as expected', function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineStarted", "jasmineDone", "suiteStarted", "suiteDone", "specStarted", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { expect(reporter.jasmineStarted).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ totalSpecsDefined: 1 }); expect(reporter.specDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ status: 'pending' })); expect(reporter.suiteDone).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({ description: 'xd out', status: 'pending' })); expect(reporter.suiteDone.calls.count()).toBe(4); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("A Suite", function() { env.describe("nested", function() { env.xdescribe("xd out", function() { env.describe("nested again", function() {"with a spec", function() { env.expect(true).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("should be possible to get full name from a spec", function() { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), topLevelSpec, nestedSpec, doublyNestedSpec; env.describe("my tests", function() { topLevelSpec ="are sometimes top level", function() { }); env.describe("are sometimes", function() { nestedSpec ="singly nested", function() { }); env.describe("even", function() { doublyNestedSpec ="doubly nested", function() { }); }); }); }); expect(topLevelSpec.getFullName()).toBe("my tests are sometimes top level"); expect(nestedSpec.getFullName()).toBe("my tests are sometimes singly nested"); expect(doublyNestedSpec.getFullName()).toBe("my tests are sometimes even doubly nested"); }); it("Custom equality testers should be per spec", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineDone", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { var firstSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.first().args[0], secondSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(firstSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(secondSpecResult.status).toEqual("failed"); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("testing custom equality testers", function() {"with a custom tester", function() { env.addCustomEqualityTester(function(a, b) { return true; }); env.expect("a").toEqual("b"); });"without a custom tester", function() { env.expect("a").toEqual("b"); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Custom equality testers should be per suite", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineDone", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { var firstSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.first().args[0], secondSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(0)[0], thirdSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(firstSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(secondSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(thirdSpecResult.status).toEqual("failed"); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("testing custom equality testers", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { env.addCustomEqualityTester(function(a, b) { return true; }); });"with a custom tester", function() { env.expect("a").toEqual("b"); });"with the same custom tester", function() { env.expect("a").toEqual("b"); }); }); env.describe("another suite", function() {"without the custom tester", function(){ env.expect("a").toEqual("b"); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Custom equality testers for toContain should be per spec", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineDone", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { var firstSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.first().args[0], secondSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(firstSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(secondSpecResult.status).toEqual("failed"); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("testing custom equality testers", function() {"with a custom tester", function() { env.addCustomEqualityTester(function(a, b) { return true; }); env.expect(["a"]).toContain("b"); });"without a custom tester", function() { env.expect(["a"]).toContain("b"); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("produces an understandable error message when an 'expect' is used outside of a current spec", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env(); env.describe("A Suite", function() {"an async spec that is actually synchronous", function(underTestCallback) { underTestCallback(); expect(function() { env.expect('a').toEqual('a'); }).toThrowError(/'expect' was used when there was no current spec/); done(); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Custom equality testers for toContain should be per suite", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), reporter = jasmine.createSpyObj('fakeReporter', [ "jasmineDone", "specDone" ]); reporter.jasmineDone.and.callFake(function() { var firstSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.first().args[0], secondSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.argsFor(1)[0], thirdSpecResult = reporter.specDone.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(firstSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(secondSpecResult.status).toEqual("passed"); expect(thirdSpecResult.status).toEqual("failed"); done(); }); env.addReporter(reporter); env.describe("testing custom equality testers", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { env.addCustomEqualityTester(function(a, b) { return true; })});"with a custom tester", function() { env.expect(["a"]).toContain("b"); });"also with the custom tester", function() { env.expect(["a"]).toContain("b"); }); }); env.describe("another suite", function() {"without the custom tester", function() { env.expect(["a"]).toContain("b"); }); }); env.execute(); }); it("Custom matchers should be per spec", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), matchers = { toFoo: function() {} }; env.describe("testing custom matchers", function() {"with a custom matcher", function() { env.addMatchers(matchers); expect(env.expect().toFoo).toBeDefined(); });"without a custom matcher", function() { expect(env.expect().toFoo).toBeUndefined(); }); }); env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done}); env.execute(); }); it("Custom matchers should be per suite", function(done) { var env = new j$.Env({global: { setTimeout: setTimeout }}), matchers = { toFoo: function() {} }; env.describe("testing custom matchers", function() { env.beforeAll(function() { env.addMatchers(matchers); });"with a custom matcher", function() { expect(env.expect().toFoo).toBeDefined(); });"with the same custom matcher", function() { expect(env.expect().toFoo).toBeDefined(); }); }); env.describe("another suite", function() {"no longer has the custom matcher", function() { expect(env.expect().toFoo).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); env.addReporter({jasmineDone: done}); env.execute(); }); it('throws an exception if you try to create a spy outside of a runnable', function (done) { var env = new j$.Env(), obj = {fn: function () {}}, exception; env.describe("a suite", function () { try { env.spyOn(obj, 'fn'); } catch(e) { exception = e; } }); var assertions = function() { expect(exception.message).toBe('Spies must be created in a before function or a spec'); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('throws an exception if you try to add a matcher outside of a runnable', function (done) { var env = new j$.Env(), obj = {fn: function () {}}, exception; env.describe("a suite", function () { try { env.addMatchers({myMatcher: function(actual,expected){return false;}}); } catch(e) { exception = e; } }); var assertions = function() { expect(exception.message).toBe('Matchers must be added in a before function or a spec'); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it('throws an exception if you try to add a custom equality outside of a runnable', function (done) { var env = new j$.Env(), obj = {fn: function () {}}, exception; env.describe("a suite", function () { try { env.addCustomEqualityTester(function(first, second) {return true;}); } catch(e) { exception = e; } }); var assertions = function() { expect(exception.message).toBe('Custom Equalities must be added in a before function or a spec'); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); });