def wait_flags(text) if text.starts_with?('>') text = text[1..-1] Waiter.wait_for_ajax js_wait = true end if text.ends_with?('>') text = text.chomp('>') ajax_wait = true end [js_wait, text, ajax_wait] end def trigger(text, event, within) js_wait, text, ajax_wait = wait_flags(text) if js_wait Waiter.wait { Pickles.find_node(text, within: within).public_send(event) } else Pickles.find_node(text, within: within).public_send(event) end Waiter.wait_for_ajax if ajax_wait end # # Use this to click anything anywhere: # # When I click "My button" - standard click by text # # When I click "=Mo" - click node that has exact this text. i.e. ignore: Monday, Moth # # When I click ">Mo" - ajax wait requests done before clicking # When I click "Mo>" - ajax wait requests done after clicking # # When I click ">Mo>" - both of the above # # When I click "My button,=Mo" - chain clicks ( click My button then click exact Mo ) # When I click "My button->=Mo" - same as above (-> is for chaining sequential clicks) # # When I click "My button>->=Mo>" - click My button, ajax wait then click Mo # # etc. # When /^I (?:click|navigate) "([^"]*)"( within (?:.*))?$/ do |click_text, within| Waiter.wait_for_ajax click_text.split(/,|->/).each do |text| pry binding if text['pry'] trigger(text, 'click', within) end Waiter.wait_for_ajax end # # I navigate: # | click | My button | # | hover | My span | # | hover | Your span | # | click | Your button | # When /^I (?:click|navigate):( within (?:.*))?$/ do |within, table| do_click = -> (event, text) do pry binding if text['pry'] event = 'click' if event.strip.blank? trigger(text, event, within) end case table.headers.length when 1 event = 'click' do_click = do_click.curry[event] table.raw.flatten.each(&do_click) when 2 table.rows_hash.each(&do_click) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported table format" end Waiter.wait_for_ajax end