# TODO # みしあげでおま require 'rubygems' require 'keystone' require 'ipaddr' require 'net/telnet' require 'net/ssh' require 'pp' open("/tmp/command_broadcast.log.#{Time.now.usec}","w") do |f| f.puts "test" end INPUT_MESSAGE_CMD = "input command you broadcast:" INPUT_MESSAGE_IP = %|input ipaddress you broadcast(ex"",""):| # TODO lvm 絡みも入れるべきかも # ホワイトリストにすべき? CANCEL_CMDS = %w|rm mv cp iptables fdisk dd| def ppp(message) print message STDOUT.flush end ppp INPUT_MESSAGE_IP ipaddr = nil STDIN.each_line do |line| line.strip! begin ipaddr = IPAddr.new line break rescue ppp INPUT_MESSAGE_IP next end end ppp INPUT_MESSAGE_CMD cmd = nil STDIN.each_line do |line| line.strip! if line.blank? ppp INPUT_MESSAGE_CMD next end cmd = line break end CANCEL_CMDS.each do |cancel_cmd| if cmd =~ /\A#{cancel_cmd}/ puts "we can not run this command!!" exit end end puts "!! command you want to execute is below !!" puts "#{cmd}" ppp "?? are you sure to execute this??(y/N):" STDIN.each_line do |line| line.chomp! break if line.downcase == 'y' puts "exit" exit end alive_servers = [] ipaddr.to_a.each do |ip| ping = "ping -c 1 -t 2 #{ip.to_s}" ret = `#{ping}` if ret =~ /100% packet loss/ puts "#{ip.to_s} does not exits" else # OK な場合 puts "#{ip.to_s} exits" alive_servers << ip end end results = [] alive_servers.each do |server| ret = "" begin ip = server.to_s pp ip puts "++ telnet ++" telnet = Net::Telnet.new("Host" => ip) {|c|} #print c} telnet.login("webadmin", "inu00neko") {|c|} #print c} telnet.cmd(cmd) {|c| ret = c} STDOUT.flush # <- これがないとここまで処理が来てることがわかりにくい # ログインセッションの終了 telnet.cmd("exit") {|c|} #print c} telnet.close telnet_ok = true # rescue TimeoutError => e rescue TimeoutError => e puts e.message rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e puts e.message rescue Errno::ENETUNREACH => e puts e.message rescue Errno::EACCES => e puts e.message end unless telnet_ok begin puts "++ ssh ++" Net::SSH.start(ip, 'webadmin', :password => 'inu00neko') do |ssh| ret = (ssh.exec!(cmd)) end rescue Exception => e end end results << [ip,ret] puts ret sleep 1 end pp results open("/tmp/command_broadcast.log.#{Time.now.usec}","w") do |f| f.puts results.inspect end __END__ find /etc/lognotify/ -name "lognotify*.conf" -type f -exec cat {} \;