require 'spree_core' require 'spree_zone_pricing_hooks' module SpreeZonePricing class Engine < Rails::Engine config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) def self.activate config.to_prepare do # Load application's model / class decorators Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../app/**/*_decorator*.rb")) do |c| Rails.configuration.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c) end # Load application's view overrides Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../app/overrides/*.rb")) do |c| Rails.configuration.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c) end end =begin # Add helper to retrieve the users country ApplicationHelper.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::GetCountry) # Add helper to retrieve the users country, used by a number of controllers Spree::BaseController.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::GetCountry) # Add additional associations to allow m:m relationship # between zones<->variants Spree::Zone.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::Zone) Spree::Variant.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::Variant) # Override add_variant method so that we can use zone pricing Spree::Order.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::Order) # Override price Spree::ProductsHelper.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::ProductsHelper) # Add action to countries controller to handle country selection CountriesController.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::CountriesController) # Add code to set the currently country in the order OrdersController.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::OrdersController) # Add code to save zone prices Admin::VariantsController.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::Admin::VariantsController) # Add code to check zone prices after address is saved during checkout, if ship # country not the same change prices in order CheckoutsController.send(:include, Spree::ZonePricing::CheckoutsController) =end end config.to_prepare &method(:activate).to_proc end end