require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe SimpleNavigation::Configuration do before(:each) do @config = SimpleNavigation::Configuration.instance end describe '' do it "should yield the singleton Configuration object" do do |c| c.should == @config end end end describe 'self.eval_config' do before(:each) do @context = mock(:context) @context.stub!(:instance_eval) SimpleNavigation.stub!(:context_for_eval => @context) @config_files = {:default => 'default', :my_context => 'my_context'} SimpleNavigation.stub!(:config_files).and_return(@config_files) end context "with default navigation context" do it "should instance_eval the default config_file-string inside the context" do @context.should_receive(:instance_eval).with('default') SimpleNavigation::Configuration.eval_config(@context) end end context 'with non default navigation context' do it "should instance_eval the specified config_file-string inside the context" do @context.should_receive(:instance_eval).with('my_context') SimpleNavigation::Configuration.eval_config(@context, :my_context) end end it "should set the template from the specified context" do SimpleNavigation.should_receive(:set_template_from).with(@context) SimpleNavigation::Configuration.eval_config(@context, :my_context) end end describe 'initialize' do it "should set the List-Renderer as default upon initialize" do @config.renderer.should == SimpleNavigation::Renderer::List end it "should set the selected_class to 'selected' as default" do @config.selected_class.should == 'selected' end it "should set autogenerate_item_ids to true as default" do @config.autogenerate_item_ids.should be_true end it "should set auto_highlight to true as default" do @config.auto_highlight.should be_true end it "should set the id_generator" do @config.id_generator.should_not be_nil end end describe 'items' do before(:each) do @container = stub(:items_container) SimpleNavigation::ItemContainer.stub!(:new).and_return(@container) end context 'block given' do context 'items_provider specified' do it {lambda {@config.items(stub(:provider)) {}}.should raise_error} end context 'no items_provider specified' do it "should should yield an new ItemContainer" do @config.items do |container| container.should == @container end end it "should assign the ItemContainer to an instance-var" do @config.items {} @config.primary_navigation.should == @container end it "should not set the items on the container" do @container.should_not_receive(:items=) @config.items {} end end end context 'no block given' do context 'items_provider specified' do before(:each) do @external_provider = stub(:external_provider) @items = stub(:items) @items_provider = stub(:items_provider, :items => @items) SimpleNavigation::ItemsProvider.stub!(:new => @items_provider) @container.stub!(:items=) end it "should create an new Provider object for the specified provider" do SimpleNavigation::ItemsProvider.should_receive(:new).with(@external_provider) @config.items(@external_provider) end it "should call items on the provider object" do @items_provider.should_receive(:items) @config.items(@external_provider) end it "should set the items on the container" do @container.should_receive(:items=).with(@items) @config.items(@external_provider) end end context 'items_provider not specified' do it {lambda {@config.items}.should raise_error} end end end describe 'render_all_levels=' do it "should set the instance var" do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do @config.render_all_levels = true @config.render_all_levels.should be_true end end end describe 'loaded?' do it "should return true if primary_nav is set" do @config.instance_variable_set(:@primary_navigation, :bla) @config.should be_loaded end it "should return false if no primary_nav is set" do @config.instance_variable_set(:@primary_navigation, nil) @config.should_not be_loaded end end describe 'context_for_eval' do it "should delegate to the Configuration class" do @config.class.should_receive(:context_for_eval) @config.context_for_eval end end end