# Run `rake rack-protection.gemspec` to update the gemspec.
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
  # general infos
  s.name        = "rack-protection"
  s.version     = "1.5.2"
  s.description = "You should use protection!"
  s.homepage    = "http://github.com/rkh/rack-protection"
  s.summary     = s.description
  s.license     = 'MIT'

  # generated from git shortlog -sn
  s.authors = [
    "Konstantin Haase",
    "Alex Rodionov",
    "Patrick Ellis",
    "ITO Nobuaki",
    "Matteo Centenaro",
    "Jeff Welling",
    "David Kellum",
    "Egor Homakov",
    "Florian Gilcher",
    "Mael Clerambault",
    "Martin Mauch",
    "Renne Nissinen",
    "SAKAI, Kazuaki",
    "Stanislav Savulchik",
    "Steve Agalloco",
    "Vipul A M",
    "Akzhan Abdulin",
    "Bj\u00F8rge N\u00E6ss",
    "Chris Heald",
    "Chris Mytton",
    "Corey Ward",
    "Dario Cravero"

  # generated from git shortlog -sne
  s.email = [

  # generated from git ls-files
  s.files = [

  # dependencies
  s.add_dependency "rack"
  s.add_development_dependency "rack-test"
  s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 2.0"