package s3 import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.{TimeUnit, Duration} import import{PushSuccessReport, PushFailureReport} import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException import{Config, Site} import package object website { trait Report { def reportMessage: String } trait SuccessReport extends Report trait FailureReport extends Report trait ErrorReport extends Report trait RetrySetting { def retryTimeUnit: TimeUnit } trait PushMode { def dryRun: Boolean } trait PushAction { def actionName = getClass.getSimpleName.replace("$", "") // case object class names contain the '$' char def renderVerb(implicit pushMode: PushMode): String = if (pushMode.dryRun) s"Would have ${actionName.toLowerCase}" else s"$actionName" } case object Created extends PushAction case object Updated extends PushAction case object Redirected extends PushAction case object Deleted extends PushAction case object Invalidated extends PushAction case object Applied extends PushAction case object PushNothing extends PushAction { override def renderVerb(implicit pushMode: PushMode) = if (pushMode.dryRun) s"Would have pushed nothing" else s"There was nothing to push" } case object Deploy extends PushAction { override def renderVerb(implicit pushMode: PushMode) = if (pushMode.dryRun) s"Simulating the deployment of" else s"Deploying" } type PushErrorOrSuccess = Either[PushFailureReport, PushSuccessReport] type Attempt = Int def retry[L <: Report, R](attempt: Attempt) (createFailureReport: (Throwable) => L, retryAction: (Attempt) => Future[Either[L, R]]) (implicit retrySetting: RetrySetting, ec: ExecutionContextExecutor, logger: Logger): PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[Either[L, R]]] = { case error: Throwable if attempt == 6 || isIrrecoverable(error) => val failureReport = createFailureReport(error) Future(Left(failureReport)) case error: Throwable => val failureReport = createFailureReport(error) val sleepDuration = Duration(fibs.drop(attempt + 1).head, retrySetting.retryTimeUnit) logger.pending(s"${failureReport.reportMessage}. Trying again in $sleepDuration.") Thread.sleep(sleepDuration.toMillis) retryAction(attempt + 1) } def isIrrecoverable(error: Throwable) = { val httpStatusCode = error match { case exception: AmazonServiceException => Some(exception.getStatusCode) case _ => None } httpStatusCode.exists(c => c >= 400 && c < 500) } implicit class NumReport(val num: Int) extends AnyVal { def ofType(itemType: String) = countToString(num, itemType) private def countToString(count: Int, singular: String) = { def plural = s"${singular}s" s"$count ${if (count > 1) plural else singular}" } } implicit def site2Config(implicit site: Site): Config = site.config type ErrorOrFile = Either[ErrorReport, File] }