require 'time' require_relative 'smart_duration' require_relative 'task' require_relative 'work_day' module TimeDistribution class WorkDayCollection < Array # @returns [Hash] Hash from calendar month to the # => number of official work days in that month. Initialized to zero. attr_reader :official_work_days MONTHS = [:january, :february, :march, :april, :may, :june, :july, :august, :september, :october, :november, :december] private def provide_methods_for_setting_work_days_in_months MONTHS.each do |m| self.class().send(:define_method, "set_official_work_days_in_#{m.to_s}") do |num_days| @official_work_days[m] = num_days end end end public def initialize(*days, official_work_days: {}) super(days) provide_methods_for_setting_work_days_in_months @official_work_days = official_work_days.dup MONTHS.each do |m| @official_work_days[m] ||= 0 end end def time_worked inject({}) do |hash, d| t = d.time_worked if t.respond_to?(:each_key) t.each_key do |key| hash[key] = unless hash[key] hash[key] += t[key] end else d_subject = d.tasks.first.subject hash[d_subject] = unless hash[d_subject] hash[d_subject] += t end hash end end def avg_hours_per_official_work_day(*subjects) hours(*subjects) / @official_work_days.values.inject(:+).to_f end def avg_hours_per_day_worked(*subjects) hours(*subjects) / length.to_f end def hours(*subjects) inject(0) { |sum, d| sum += d.to_hours(*subjects) } end def to_md inject('') { |s, d| s += "#{d.to_md}\n" } end def to_ssv inject('') { |s, d| s += "#{d.to_ssv}" } end end end