#!/usr/bin/env ruby # NB: use of redis.keys probably indicates we should maintain a data # structure to avoid the need for this type of query require 'set' module Flapjack module Data class Contact attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :email, :media, :pagerduty_credentials, :id def self.all(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] contact_keys = redis.keys('contact:*') contact_keys.inject([]) {|ret, k| k =~ /^contact:(\d+)$/ id = $1 contact = self.find_by_id(id, :redis => redis) ret << contact if contact ret } end def self.delete_all(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] redis.del( redis.keys("contact:*") + redis.keys("contact_media:*") + redis.keys("contact_pagerduty:*") + redis.keys('contacts_for:*') ) end def self.find_by_id(id, options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] raise "No id value passed" unless id logger = options[:logger] fn, ln, em = redis.hmget("contact:#{id}", 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email') me = redis.hgetall("contact_media:#{id}") # similar to code in instance method pagerduty_credentials pc = nil if service_key = redis.hget("contact_media:#{id}", 'pagerduty') pc = redis.hgetall("contact_pagerduty:#{id}").merge('service_key' => service_key) end self.new(:first_name => fn, :last_name => ln, :email => em, :id => id, :media => me, :pagerduty_credentials => pc, :redis => redis ) end # NB: should probably be called in the context of a Redis multi block; not doing so # here as calling classes may well be adding/updating multiple records in the one # operation # TODO maybe return the instantiated Contact record? def self.add(contact, options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis] redis.del("contact:#{contact['id']}", "contact_media:#{contact['id']}", "contact_pagerduty:#{contact['id']}") redis.hmset("contact:#{contact['id']}", *['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'].collect {|f| [f, contact[f]]}) contact['media'].each_pair {|medium, address| case medium when 'pagerduty' redis.hset("contact_media:#{contact['id']}", medium, address['service_key']) redis.hmset("contact_pagerduty:#{contact['id']}", *['subdomain', 'username', 'password'].collect {|f| [f, address[f]]}) else redis.hset("contact_media:#{contact['id']}", medium, address) end } end def pagerduty_credentials return unless service_key = @redis.hget("contact_media:#{self.id}", 'pagerduty') @redis.hgetall("contact_pagerduty:#{self.id}"). merge('service_key' => service_key) end def entities_and_checks @redis.keys('contacts_for:*').inject({}) {|ret, k| if @redis.sismember(k, self.id) if k =~ /^contacts_for:([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?::(\w+))?$/ entity_id = $1 check = $2 unless ret.has_key?(entity_id) ret[entity_id] = {} if entity_name = @redis.hget("entity:#{entity_id}", 'name') entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.new(:name => entity_name, :id => entity_id, :redis => @redis) ret[entity_id][:entity] = entity end # using a set to ensure unique check values ret[entity_id][:checks] = Set.new end if check # just add this check for the entity ret[entity_id][:checks] |= check else # registered for the entity so add all checks ret[entity_id][:checks] |= entity.check_list end end end ret }.values end def name [(self.first_name || ''), (self.last_name || '')].join(" ").strip end private def initialize(options = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless @redis = options[:redis] [:first_name, :last_name, :email, :media, :id].each do |field| instance_variable_set(:"@#{field.to_s}", options[field]) end end end end end