@import "compass"; @import "susy"; @include global-reset; @include reset-html5; // border-box-sizing() @include border-box-sizing; // Settings -------------------------------------------------------------- $responsive-embeds-default-ratio : 1 !default; $tagsHeight : 26px; $tagsDefaultColor : #eb6b22; // Susy & Compass use HTML hacks to support IE 6 and 7. You can turn that off: $legacy-support-for-ie6 : false; // $legacy-support-for-ie7 : true; $experimental-support-for-opera : false; $experimental-support-for-khtml : false; // Grid ------------------------------------------------------------------- $total-columns : 7; // a 7-column grid $column-width : 60px; // each column is 4em wide $gutter-width : 20px; // 1em gutters between columns $grid-padding : 10px; // grid-padding equal to gutters $break : 12; // a 12-column grid // Typography ------------------------------------------------------------- $sans-serif : "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; $serif : Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; $monospace : "Menlo", "Bitstream Vera Sans", Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", monospace; // Vertical Ryhthm -------------------------------------------------------- $base-font-size : 16px; // Font-size of your body copy. $base-line-height : 12px; // Setting the base-line-height half. $relative-font-sizing : true; // Set to false if you want to use absolute pixels in sizing your typography. $fs-h1 : 40px; $fs-h2 : 35px; $fs-h3 : 32px; $fs-h4 : 28px; $fs-h5 : 24px; $fs-h6 : 12px; // Colors ------------------------------------------------------------------ $white : #fff; $black : #252525; $brand-color : #3b5998; $action-color : #67a54b; $function-color : #f2f2f2; $alert-color : #b22727; $brand-color-light : lighten( $brand-color, 10% ); $brand-color-lighter : lighten( $brand-color, 20% ); $brand-color-dark : darken( $brand-color, 15% ); $brand-color-darker : darken( $brand-color, 25% ); $action-color-light : lighten( $action-color, 10% ); $action-color-lighter : lighten( $action-color, 20% ); $action-color-dark : darken( $action-color, 15% ); $action-color-darker : darken( $action-color, 25% ); $function-color-light : lighten( $function-color, 10% ); $function-color-lighter : lighten( $function-color, 20% ); $function-color-dark : darken( $function-color, 15% ); $function-color-darker : darken( $function-color, 25% ); $alert-color-light : lighten( $alert-color, 10% ); $alert-color-lighter : lighten( $alert-color, 20% ); $alert-color-dark : darken( $alert-color, 15% ); $alert-color-darker : darken( $alert-color, 25% );