# This module is implementation of the UML: # http://www.openehr.org/uml/release-1.0.1/Browsable/_9_0_76d0249_1109696321450_28117_5362Report.html # Ticket refs #49 require 'openehr/assumed_library_types' require 'date' require 'openehr/rm/data_types/quantity' module OpenEHR module RM module DataTypes module Quantity module DateTime include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Quantity class DvTemporal < DvAbsoluteQuantity def initialize(args = {}) self.value = args[:value] self.magnitude_status = args[:magnitude_status] self.accuracy = args[:accuracy] self.normal_range = args[:normal_range] self.normal_status = args[:normal_status] self.other_reference_ranges = args[:other_reference_ranges] end def value=(value) if value.nil? or value.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'invalid value' end @value = value end undef magnitude= end class DvDate < DvTemporal include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes::ISO8601DateModule include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes DAYS_IN_MONTH = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] def value=(value) super(value) iso8601_date = ISO8601Date.new(value) @year = iso8601_date.year @month = iso8601_date.month @day = iso8601_date.day end def magnitude return Date.new(@year, @month, @day)-Date.new(0000,1,1) end def diff(other) if self.magnitude > other.magnitude past, future = other, self else past, future = self, other end year, month, day = 0, 0, 0 if (future.day >= past.day) day = future.day - past.day else month = -1 previous_month = future.month - 1 if previous_month == 0 previous_month = 12 end day = DAYS_IN_MONTH[previous_month] + future.day - past.day if leapyear?(future.year) && (previous_month == 2) day += 1 end end week = day / 7 if (future.month >= past.month) month += future.month - past.month else year -= 1 month += future.month + 12 - past.month end if month < 0 year -= 1 month += 12 end year += future.year - past.year return DvDuration.new(:value => 'P' + year.to_s + 'Y' + month.to_s + 'M' + week.to_s + 'W' + day.to_s + 'D') end end class DvTime < DvTemporal include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes include ISO8601TimeModule def value=(value) super(value) iso8601_time = ISO8601Time.new(value) @hour = iso8601_time.hour @minute = iso8601_time.minute @second = iso8601_time.second @fractional_second = iso8601_time.fractional_second @timezone = iso8601_time.timezone end def magnitude if @fractional_second.nil? && @second.nil? && @minute.nil? return @hour * 60 * 60 elsif @fractional_second.nil? && @second.nil? return @hour * 60 * 60 + @minute * 60 elsif @fractional_second.nil? return @hour * 60 * 60 + @minute * 60 + @second else return @hour*60*60+@minute* 60 + @second + @fractional_second end end def diff(other) diff = (other.magnitude - self.magnitude).abs hour = (diff / 60 / 60).to_i minute = ((diff - hour*60*60)/60).to_i second = (diff - hour * 60 *60 - minute * 60).to_i fractional_second = ((diff - diff.to_i)*1000000.0).to_i/1000000.0 str = 'P0Y0M0W0DT' + hour.to_s + 'H' + minute.to_s + 'M' + second.to_s if @fractional_second.nil? str += 'S' else str += fractional_second.to_s[1..-1] + 'S' end return DvDuration.new(:value => str) end end class DvDateTime < DvTemporal include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes::ISO8601DateTimeModule def value=(value) super(value) iso8601date_time = AssumedLibraryTypes::ISO8601DateTime.new(value) self.year = iso8601date_time.year self.month = iso8601date_time.month self.day = iso8601date_time.day self.minute = iso8601date_time.minute self.second = iso8601date_time.second self.hour = iso8601date_time.hour self.fractional_second = iso8601date_time.fractional_second self.timezone = iso8601date_time.timezone end def magnitude hour, minute = @hour, @minute if @timezone if @timezone.sign == -1 hour -= @timezone.hour minute -= @timezone.minute elsif @timezone.sign == +1 hour += @timezone.hour minute += @timezone.minute end end seconds = (((@year * 365.24 + @month * 30.42 + @day) * 24 + hour) * 60 + minute) * 60 + @second if @fractional_second.nil? return seconds else return seconds + @fractional_second end end def diff(other) if self.magnitude >= other.magnitude past, future = other, self else past, future = self, other end past_date, past_time = split_date_time(past) future_date, future_time = split_date_time(future) time_diff = future_time.magnitude - past_time.magnitude if future_time.magnitude < past_time.magnitude future_date.day = future_date.day - 1 time_diff += 24 * 60 * 60 end date_duration = past_date.diff(future_date) hour = (time_diff / 60 / 60).to_i minute = ((time_diff - hour*60*60)/60).to_i second = (time_diff - hour * 60 *60 - minute * 60).to_i str = date_duration.value + 'T' + hour.to_s + 'H' + minute.to_s + 'M' + second.to_s if @fractional_second.nil? return DvDuration.new(:value => str +'S') else fractional_second = ((time_diff - time_diff.to_i)*1000000.0).to_i/1000000.0 return DvDuration.new(:value => str + fractional_second.to_s[1..-1] + 'S') end end private def split_date_time(date_time) /^(.*)T(.*)$/ =~ date_time.as_string return DvDate.new(:value => $1), DvTime.new(:value => $2) end end class DvDuration < DvTemporal include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes::ISO8601DurationModule attr_reader :value def initialize(args = { }) super end def value=(value) raise ArgumentError, 'value must be not nil' if value.nil? @value = value iso8601_duration = AssumedLibraryTypes::ISO8601Duration.new(value) self.years = iso8601_duration.years self.months = iso8601_duration.months self.weeks = iso8601_duration.weeks self.days = iso8601_duration.days self.hours = iso8601_duration.hours self.minutes = iso8601_duration.minutes self.seconds = iso8601_duration.seconds self.fractional_second = iso8601_duration.fractional_second end def magnitude months = 0 months += @months if @months months += @years * MONTH_IN_YEAR if @years days = 0 days += months * NOMINAL_DAYS_IN_MONTH if months days += @weeks * DAYS_IN_WEEK if @weeks days += @days if @days hours = 0 hours += days * HOURS_IN_DAY if days hours += @hours if @hours minutes = 0 minutes += hours * MINUTES_IN_HOUR if hours minutes += @minutes if @minutes seconds = 0 seconds += @seconds if @seconds seconds += @fractional_second if @fractional_second seconds += minutes * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE if minutes return seconds end end end # of DateTime end # of Quantity end # of Data_Types end # of RM end # of OpenEHR