shared_examples "form builder" do let(:name) { :name } [:email, :number, :password, :phone, :search, :text, :url].each do |type| describe "#{type}_field" do let(:view) { "#{type}_field" } let(:field) { Hash[:type => type, :value => "sshaw", :id => "item_name", :name => "item[name]"] } it_should_behave_like "a form field" end end describe "#file" do let(:view) { "file_field" } let(:field) { file_field_tag("item[name]", :id => "item_name") } it_should_behave_like "a form field" end describe "#uneditable_input" do let(:view) { "uneditable_input" } let(:field) { content_tag(:span, "sshaw", :id => "item_name", :class => "uneditable-input") } it_should_behave_like "a form field" end describe "#text_area" do let(:view) { "text_area" } let(:field) { text_area_tag("item[name]", :id => "item_name", :value => "sshaw") } it_should_behave_like "a form field" end describe "#select" do let(:view) { "select" } let(:field) { select_tag("item[name]", :options => %w[sshaw fofinha], :selected => "sshaw", :id => "item_name") } it_should_behave_like "a form field" end describe "#radio_buttons" do it "renders the field" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do radio_button("Fofinho", "a") << radio_button("Galinho", "b") end end req(format, "radio_buttons").should eq clean(html) end end describe "#check_box" do def check_box content_tag(:label, :class => "checkbox", :for => "item_name") do field = hidden_field_tag("item[name]", :value => 0) << check_box_tag("item[name]", :id => "item_name", :value => 1) << "Name" field << yield if block_given? field end end it "renders the field" do html = control_group do controls { check_box } end req(format, "check_box").should eq clean(html) end [:help_block, :help_inline].each do |option| klass = "_", "-" it "renders the field using the :#{option} option" do html = control_group do controls do check_box { content_tag(:span, option.to_s.titleize, :class => klass) } end end req(format, "check_box_with_#{option}").should eq clean(html) end end VALIDATION_STATES.each do |state| it "renders the field using the :#{state} option" do html = control_group(state) do controls do check_box { content_tag(:span, state.to_s.titleize, :class => "help-inline") } end end req(format, "check_box_with_#{state}").should eq clean(html) end end end # TODO: This and the collection_radio_buttons tests are fragile, they depend on the order of the keys in options describe "#collection_check_boxes" do def check_box(name, value, checked = false) options = { :value => value, :id => "item_name_#{value}" } options[:checked] = "checked" if checked content_tag(:label, :class => "checkbox") do check_box_tag("item[name][]", options) << name end end it "renders the field" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do check_box("Fofinho", "a") << check_box("Galinho", "b") end end req(format, "collection_check_boxes").should eq clean(html) end it "renders the selected field as checked" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do check_box("Fofinho", "a", true) << check_box("Galinho", "b") end end req(format, "collection_check_boxes_with_checked").should eq clean(html) end it "renders the field using the :help_block option" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do check_box("Fofinho", "a") << check_box("Galinho", "b") << content_tag(:span, "Help Block", :class => "help-block") end end req(format, "collection_check_boxes_with_help_block").should eq clean(html) end end describe "#collection_radio_buttons" do it "renders the field" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do radio_button("Fofinho", "a") << radio_button("Galinho", "b") end end req(format, "collection_radio_buttons").should eq clean(html) end it "renders the selected field as checked" do html = control_group do label_tag("Name", :class => "control-label", :for => nil) << controls do radio_button("Fofinho", "a", true) << radio_button("Galinho", "b") end end req(format, "collection_radio_buttons_with_checked").should eq clean(html) end end def radio_button(name, value, checked = false) options = { :value => value, :id => "item_name_#{value}"} options[:checked] = "checked" if checked content_tag(:label, :class => "radio") do radio_button_tag("item[name]", options) << name end end end