require 'set' require 'ddtrace/patcher' require 'ddtrace/augmentation/method_wrapping' module Datadog # A "stand-in" that intercepts calls to another object. i.e. man-in-the-middle. # This shim forwards all methods to object, except those overriden. # Useful if you want to intercept inbound behavior to an object without modifying # the object in question, especially useful if the overridding behavior shouldn't be global. class Shim extend Forwardable include Datadog::Patcher include Datadog::MethodWrapping METHODS = Set[ :override_method!, :shim, :shim?, :shim_target, :wrap_method!, :wrapped_methods ].freeze EXCLUDED_METHODS = Set[ # For all objects :__binding__, :__id__, :__send__, :extend, :itself, :object_id, :respond_to?, :tap ].freeze attr_reader :shim_target, :shim def self.shim?(object) # Check whether it responds to #shim? because otherwise the # Shim forwards all method calls, including type checks to # the wrapped object, to mimimize its intrusion. object.respond_to?(:shim?) end # Pass this a block to override methods def initialize(shim_target) @shim = self @shim_target = shim_target # Save a reference to the original :define_singleton_method # so methods can be defined on the shim after forwarding is applied. @definition_method = method(:define_singleton_method) # Wrap any methods yield(self) if block_given? # Forward methods forwarded_methods = ( shim_target.public_methods.to_set \ - METHODS \ - EXCLUDED_METHODS \ - wrapped_methods ) forward_methods!(*forwarded_methods) end def override_method!(method_name, &block) return unless block_given? without_warnings do, &block).tap do wrapped_methods.add(method_name) end end end def wrap_method!(method_name, &block) super(shim_target.method(method_name), &block) end def shim? true end def respond_to?(method_name) return true if METHODS.include?(method_name) shim_target.respond_to?(method_name) end private def forward_methods!(*forwarded_methods) return if forwarded_methods.empty? singleton_class.send( :def_delegators, :@shim_target, *forwarded_methods ) end end end