def create_user(name, type = 'User') first_name, last_name = name.split(' ') user = type.camelize.constantize.where(:first_name => first_name, :last_name => last_name).first_or_create(:username => name.gsub(' ', '').underscore) end Given /^(a|\d+)( published)? posts?(?: with the title "([^"]*)")?(?: and body "([^"]*)")?(?: written by "([^"]*)")? exists?$/ do |count, published, title, body, user| count = count == 'a' ? 1 : count.to_i published = if published author = create_user(user) if user title ||= "Hello World %i" count.times do |i| Post.create! :title => title % i, :body => body, :author => author, :published_at => published end end Given /^a category named "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |name| Category.create! :name => name end Given /^a (user|publisher) named "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |type, name| create_user name, type end Given /^a store named "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |name| Store.create! :name => name end Given /^I create a new post with the title "([^"]*)"$/ do |title| click_link "Posts" click_link "New Post" fill_in :title, :with => title click_button "Create Post" end