class GeoCodeCuracao attr_accessor :street, :neighbourhood, :zone class Zone < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "Zones" alias_attribute :name, :NAME end class Neighbourhood < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "Buurten" alias_attribute :name, :NAME end class Street < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "Straatcode" alias_attribute :name, :NAME end def initialize(geo_code_curacao) return nil if geo_code_curacao.nil? decoded = geo_code_curacao.to_s.scan(/\d\d/) zone_code = decoded[0] neighbourhood_code = decoded[1] street_code = decoded[2] #Hash[*['zone','neighbourhood','street'].zip(gecode.to_s.scan(/\d\d/).map(&:to_i)).flatten] self.street = Street.find_by_ZONECODE_and_NBRHCODE_and_STREETCODE(zone_code,neighbourhood_code,street_code) self.neighbourhood = Neighbourhood.find_by_ZONECODE_and_NBRHCODE(zone_code,neighbourhood_code) if self.street = Zone.find_by_ZONECODE(zone_code) if self.street end def valid? not self.street.nil? end def presentation "#{}, #{}" end def self.find(*args) find_options = args.extract_options! if args.first.to_s == "all" # ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql_for_conditions can not be called from here. Why? #, active_record/connection_adapter/Quoting.rb street = find_options[:conditions][1].gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") sql = "select CONCAT( CONCAT_WS( ', ', S.NAME, B.NAME, Z.NAME), ' (', LPAD( S.ZONECODE, 2, '0' ), LPAD( S.NBRHCODE, 2, '0' ), LPAD( S.STREETCODE, 2, '0' ), ')' ) AS street FROM Straatcode S, Buurten B, Zones Z WHERE B.RECORDTYPE='NBRHOOD' AND S.ZONECODE=Z.ZONECODE AND B.ZONECODE=Z.ZONECODE AND S.ZONECODE=B.ZONECODE AND S.NBRHCODE = B.NBRHCODE AND S.NAME LIKE '#{street}' ORDER BY S.NAME" ids = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end end end