#!/usr/bin/env ruby def drain_events loop do event = Flapjack::Data::Event.next('events', :block => false, :redis => @redis) break unless event @processor.send(:process_event, event) end drain_notifications end def drain_notifications return unless @notifier_redis loop do notification = Flapjack::Data::Notification.next('notifications', :block => false, :redis => @notifier_redis) break unless notification @notifier.send(:process_notification, notification) end end def submit_event(event) @redis.rpush 'events', event.to_json end def set_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check, duration) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) t = Time.now.to_i entity_check.create_scheduled_maintenance(t, duration, :summary => "upgrading everything") @redis.setex("#{entity}:#{check}:scheduled_maintenance", duration, t) end def remove_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) sm = entity_check.maintenances(nil, nil, :scheduled => true) sm.each do |m| entity_check.end_scheduled_maintenance(m[:start_time]) end end def remove_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) # end any unscheduled downtime event_id = entity + ":" + check if (um_start = @redis.get("#{event_id}:unscheduled_maintenance")) @redis.del("#{event_id}:unscheduled_maintenance") duration = Time.now.to_i - um_start.to_i @redis.zadd("#{event_id}:unscheduled_maintenances", duration, um_start) end end def remove_notifications(entity, check) event_id = entity + ":" + check @redis.del("#{event_id}:last_problem_notification") @redis.del("#{event_id}:last_recovery_notification") @redis.del("#{event_id}:last_acknowledgement_notification") end def set_ok_state(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) entity_check.update_state(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck::STATE_OK, :timestamp => (Time.now.to_i - (60*60*24))) end def set_critical_state(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) entity_check.update_state(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck::STATE_CRITICAL, :timestamp => (Time.now.to_i - (60*60*24))) end def set_warning_state(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) entity_check.update_state(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck::STATE_WARNING, :timestamp => (Time.now.to_i - (60*60*24))) end def end_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity_name(entity, check, :redis => @redis) entity_check.end_unscheduled_maintenance(Time.now.to_i) end def submit_ok(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'service', 'state' => 'ok', 'summary' => '0% packet loss', 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx' } submit_event(event) end def submit_warning(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'service', 'state' => 'warning', 'summary' => '25% packet loss', 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx' } submit_event(event) end def submit_critical(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'service', 'state' => 'critical', 'summary' => '100% packet loss', 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx' } submit_event(event) end def submit_unknown(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'service', 'state' => 'unknown', 'summary' => 'check execution error', 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx' } submit_event(event) end def submit_acknowledgement(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'action', 'state' => 'acknowledgement', 'summary' => "I'll have this fixed in a jiffy, saw the same thing yesterday", 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx', } submit_event(event) end def submit_test(entity, check) event = { 'type' => 'action', 'state' => 'test_notifications', 'summary' => "test notification for all contacts interested in #{entity}", 'entity' => entity, 'check' => check, 'client' => 'clientx', } submit_event(event) end def icecube_schedule_to_time_restriction(sched, time_zone) tr = sched.to_hash tr[:start_time] = time_zone.utc_to_local(tr[:start_date][:time]).strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" tr[:end_time] = time_zone.utc_to_local(tr[:end_time][:time]).strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # rewrite IceCube::WeeklyRule to Weekly, etc tr[:rrules].each {|rrule| rrule[:rule_type] = /^.*\:\:(.*)Rule$/.match(rrule[:rule_type])[1] } tr end Given /^an entity '([\w\.\-]+)' exists$/ do |entity| Flapjack::Data::Entity.add({'id' => '5000', 'name' => entity}, :redis => @redis ) end Given /^the check is check '(.*)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)'$/ do |check, entity| @check = check @entity = entity end Given /^(?:the check|check '([\w\.\-]+)' for entity '([\w\.\-]+)') has no state$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity remove_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_notifications(entity, check) @redis.hdel("check:#{@key}", 'state') end Given /^(?:the check|check '([\w\.\-]+)' for entity '([\w\.\-]+)') is in an ok state$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity remove_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_notifications(entity, check) set_ok_state(entity, check) end Given /^(?:the check|check '([\w\.\-]+)' for entity '([\w\.\-]+)') is in a critical state$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity remove_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check) remove_notifications(entity, check) set_critical_state(entity, check) end Given /^(?:the check|check '([\w\.\-]+)' for entity '([\w\.\-]+)') is in scheduled maintenance(?: for (.+))?$/ do |check, entity, duration| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity durn = duration ? ChronicDuration.parse(duration) : 60*60*2 remove_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) set_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check, durn) end # TODO set the state directly rather than submit & drain Given /^(?:the check|check '([\w\.\-]+)' for entity '([\w\.\-]+)') is in unscheduled maintenance$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity remove_scheduled_maintenance(entity, check) set_critical_state(entity, check) submit_acknowledgement(entity, check) drain_events # TODO these should only be in When clauses end When /^an ok event is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_ok(entity, check) drain_events end When /^a failure event is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_critical(entity, check) drain_events end When /^a critical event is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_critical(entity, check) drain_events end When /^a warning event is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_warning(entity, check) drain_events end When /^an unknown event is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_unknown(entity, check) drain_events end When /^an acknowledgement .*is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_acknowledgement(entity, check) drain_events end When /^a test .*is received(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity submit_test(entity, check) drain_events end When /^the unscheduled maintenance is ended(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity end_unscheduled_maintenance(entity, check) end # TODO logging is a side-effect, should test for notification generation itself Then /^a notification should not be generated(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity message = @logger.messages.find_all {|m| m =~ /enerating notification for event #{entity}:#{check}/ }.last found = message ? message.match(/Not generating notification/) : false expect(found).to be_truthy end Then /^a notification should be generated(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity message = @logger.messages.find_all {|m| m =~ /enerating notification for event #{entity}:#{check}/ }.last found = message ? message.match(/Generating notification/) : false expect(found).to be_truthy end Then /^(un)?scheduled maintenance should be generated(?: for check '([\w\.\-]+)' on entity '([\w\.\-]+)')?$/ do |unsched, check, entity| check ||= @check entity ||= @entity expect(@redis.get("#{entity}:#{check}:#{unsched || ''}scheduled_maintenance")).not_to be_nil end Then /^show me the (\w+ )*log$/ do |adjective| puts "the #{adjective}log:" puts @logger.messages.join("\n") end Then /^dump notification rules for user (\S+)$/ do |contact| rule_ids = @redis.smembers("contact_notification_rules:#{contact}") puts "There #{(rule_ids.length == 1) ? 'is' : 'are'} #{rule_ids.length} notification rule#{(rule_ids.length == 1) ? '' : 's'} for user #{contact}:" rule_ids.each {|rule_id| rule = Flapjack::Data::NotificationRule.find_by_id(rule_id, :redis => @redis) puts rule.to_json } end # added for notification rules: Given /^the following entities exist:$/ do |entities| entities.hashes.each do |entity| contacts = entity['contacts'].split(',') contacts.map! do |contact| contact.strip end Flapjack::Data::Entity.add({'id' => entity['id'], 'name' => entity['name'], 'contacts' => contacts}, :redis => @redis ) end end Given /^the following users exist:$/ do |contacts| contacts.hashes.each do |contact| media = {} media['email'] = { 'address' => contact['email'] } media['sms'] = { 'address' => contact['sms'] } Flapjack::Data::Contact.add({'id' => contact['id'], 'first_name' => contact['first_name'], 'last_name' => contact['last_name'], 'email' => contact['email'], 'media' => media}, :redis => @redis ).timezone = contact['timezone'] end end Given /^user (\S+) has the following notification intervals:$/ do |contact_id, intervals| contact = Flapjack::Data::Contact.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => @redis) intervals.hashes.each do |interval| contact.set_interval_for_media('email', interval['email'].to_i * 60) contact.set_interval_for_media('sms', interval['sms'].to_i * 60) end end Given /^user (\S+) has the following notification rollup thresholds:$/ do |contact_id, rollup_thresholds| contact = Flapjack::Data::Contact.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => @redis) rollup_thresholds.hashes.each do |rollup_threshold| contact.set_rollup_threshold_for_media('email', rollup_threshold['email'].to_i) contact.set_rollup_threshold_for_media('sms', rollup_threshold['sms'].to_i) end end Given /^user (\S+) has the following notification rules:$/ do |contact_id, rules| contact = Flapjack::Data::Contact.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => @redis) timezone = contact.timezone # delete any autogenerated rules, and do it using redis directly so no new # ones will be created contact.notification_rules.each do |nr| @redis.srem("contact_notification_rules:#{contact_id}", nr.id) @redis.del("notification_rule:#{nr.id}") end rules.hashes.each do |rule| entities = rule['entities'] ? rule['entities'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip } : [] tags = rule['tags'] ? rule['tags'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip } : [] unknown_media = rule['unknown_media'] ? rule['unknown_media'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip } : [] warning_media = rule['warning_media'] ? rule['warning_media'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip } : [] critical_media = rule['critical_media'] ? rule['critical_media'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip } : [] unknown_blackhole = rule['unknown_blackhole'] ? (rule['unknown_blackhole'].downcase == 'true') : false warning_blackhole = rule['warning_blackhole'] ? (rule['warning_blackhole'].downcase == 'true') : false critical_blackhole = rule['critical_blackhole'] ? (rule['critical_blackhole'].downcase == 'true') : false time_restrictions = rule['time_restrictions'] ? rule['time_restrictions'].split(',').map { |x| x.strip }.inject([]) { |memo, time_restriction| case time_restriction when '8-18 weekdays' weekdays_8_18 = IceCube::Schedule.new(timezone.local(2013,2,1,8,0,0), :duration => 60 * 60 * 10) weekdays_8_18.add_recurrence_rule(IceCube::Rule.weekly.day(:monday, :tuesday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday)) memo << icecube_schedule_to_time_restriction(weekdays_8_18, timezone) end } : [] rule_data = {:contact_id => contact_id, :entities => entities, :tags => tags, :unknown_media => unknown_media, :warning_media => warning_media, :critical_media => critical_media, :unknown_blackhole => unknown_blackhole, :warning_blackhole => warning_blackhole, :critical_blackhole => critical_blackhole, :time_restrictions => time_restrictions} created_rule = Flapjack::Data::NotificationRule.add(rule_data, :redis => @redis) unless created_rule.is_a?(Flapjack::Data::NotificationRule) raise "Error creating notification rule with data: #{rule_data}, errors: #{created_rule.join(', ')}" end end end Then /^all alert dropping keys for user (\S+) should have expired$/ do |contact_id| expect(@redis.keys("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{contact_id}*")).to be_empty end Then /^(\w+) (\w+) alert(?:s)?(?: of)?(?: type (\w+))?(?: and)?(?: rollup (\w+))? should be queued for (.*)$/ do |num_queued, media, notification_type, rollup, address| check = check ? check : @check entity = entity ? entity : @entity case num_queued when 'no' num_queued = 0 end queue = Resque.peek("#{media}_notifications", 0, 30) queued_length = queue.find_all {|n| type_ok = notification_type ? ( n['args'].first['notification_type'] == notification_type ) : true rollup_ok = true if rollup if rollup == 'none' rollup_ok = n['args'].first['rollup'].nil? else rollup_ok = n['args'].first['rollup'] == rollup end end type_ok && rollup_ok && ( n['args'].first['address'] == address ) }.length expect(queued_length).to eq(num_queued.to_i) end When(/^user (\S+) ceases to be a contact of entity '(.*)'$/) do |contact_id, entity| entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity, :redis => @redis) @redis.srem("contacts_for:#{entity.id}", contact_id) end