// // Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #ifndef GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_TRANSPORT_CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_HTTP2_SETTINGS_H #define GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_TRANSPORT_CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_HTTP2_SETTINGS_H #include #include #include #include "absl/functional/function_ref.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame.h" #include "src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/http2_errors.h" namespace grpc_core { class Http2Settings { public: enum : uint16_t { kHeaderTableSizeWireId = 1, kEnablePushWireId = 2, kMaxConcurrentStreamsWireId = 3, kInitialWindowSizeWireId = 4, kMaxFrameSizeWireId = 5, kMaxHeaderListSizeWireId = 6, kGrpcAllowTrueBinaryMetadataWireId = 65027, kGrpcPreferredReceiveCryptoFrameSizeWireId = 65028, }; void Diff(bool is_first_send, const Http2Settings& old, absl::FunctionRef cb) const; GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT grpc_http2_error_code Apply(uint16_t key, uint32_t value); uint32_t header_table_size() const { return header_table_size_; } uint32_t max_concurrent_streams() const { return max_concurrent_streams_; } uint32_t initial_window_size() const { return initial_window_size_; } uint32_t max_frame_size() const { return max_frame_size_; } uint32_t max_header_list_size() const { return max_header_list_size_; } uint32_t preferred_receive_crypto_message_size() const { return preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_; } bool enable_push() const { return enable_push_; } bool allow_true_binary_metadata() const { return allow_true_binary_metadata_; } void SetHeaderTableSize(uint32_t x) { header_table_size_ = x; } void SetMaxConcurrentStreams(uint32_t x) { max_concurrent_streams_ = x; } void SetInitialWindowSize(uint32_t x) { initial_window_size_ = std::min(x, max_initial_window_size()); } void SetEnablePush(bool x) { enable_push_ = x; } void SetMaxHeaderListSize(uint32_t x) { max_header_list_size_ = std::min(x, 16777216u); } void SetAllowTrueBinaryMetadata(bool x) { allow_true_binary_metadata_ = x; } void SetMaxFrameSize(uint32_t x) { max_frame_size_ = Clamp(x, min_max_frame_size(), max_max_frame_size()); } void SetPreferredReceiveCryptoMessageSize(uint32_t x) { preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_ = Clamp(x, min_preferred_receive_crypto_message_size(), max_preferred_receive_crypto_message_size()); } static absl::string_view header_table_size_name() { return "HEADER_TABLE_SIZE"; } static absl::string_view max_concurrent_streams_name() { return "MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS"; } static absl::string_view initial_window_size_name() { return "INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE"; } static absl::string_view max_frame_size_name() { return "MAX_FRAME_SIZE"; } static absl::string_view max_header_list_size_name() { return "MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE"; } static absl::string_view enable_push_name() { return "ENABLE_PUSH"; } static absl::string_view allow_true_binary_metadata_name() { return "GRPC_ALLOW_TRUE_BINARY_METADATA"; } static absl::string_view preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_name() { return "GRPC_PREFERRED_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE"; } static uint32_t max_initial_window_size() { return 2147483647u; } static uint32_t max_max_frame_size() { return 16777215u; } static uint32_t min_max_frame_size() { return 16384u; } static uint32_t min_preferred_receive_crypto_message_size() { return 16384u; } static uint32_t max_preferred_receive_crypto_message_size() { return 2147483647u; } static std::string WireIdToName(uint16_t wire_id); bool operator==(const Http2Settings& rhs) const { return header_table_size_ == rhs.header_table_size_ && max_concurrent_streams_ == rhs.max_concurrent_streams_ && initial_window_size_ == rhs.initial_window_size_ && max_frame_size_ == rhs.max_frame_size_ && max_header_list_size_ == rhs.max_header_list_size_ && preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_ == rhs.preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_ && enable_push_ == rhs.enable_push_ && allow_true_binary_metadata_ == rhs.allow_true_binary_metadata_; } bool operator!=(const Http2Settings& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } private: uint32_t header_table_size_ = 4096; uint32_t max_concurrent_streams_ = 4294967295u; uint32_t initial_window_size_ = 65535u; uint32_t max_frame_size_ = 16384u; uint32_t max_header_list_size_ = 16777216u; uint32_t preferred_receive_crypto_message_size_ = 0u; bool enable_push_ = true; bool allow_true_binary_metadata_ = false; }; class Http2SettingsManager { public: Http2Settings& mutable_local() { return local_; } const Http2Settings& local() const { return local_; } const Http2Settings& acked() const { return acked_; } Http2Settings& mutable_peer() { return peer_; } const Http2Settings& peer() const { return peer_; } absl::optional MaybeSendUpdate(); GRPC_MUST_USE_RESULT bool AckLastSend(); private: enum class UpdateState : uint8_t { kFirst, kSending, kIdle, }; UpdateState update_state_ = UpdateState::kFirst; Http2Settings local_; Http2Settings sent_; Http2Settings peer_; Http2Settings acked_; }; } // namespace grpc_core #endif // GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_TRANSPORT_CHTTP2_TRANSPORT_HTTP2_SETTINGS_H