Feedable ======== Generate an activity feed from several ActiveRecord models, without the need for extra activity tables! I always find myself creating "activity" tables to log recently created objects (from multiple tables), so I can display them in a feed somewhere. This gem removes the need for the extra table/hooks, so you can build rails apps even faster! Requirements ------------ ### Ruby and ActiveRecord Requires Ruby version **>= 1.9.2** and ActiveRecord version **>= 3.0** Installation ------------ Feedable should be installed as a gem in your app. Currently, it is only available as the latest-build on github. Fixed versions forth-coming. For now, you have to live on the bleeding-edge: gem "feedable", :git => "https://github.com/cavis/feedable" Getting Started --------------- ### TODO Issues and Contributing ----------------------- Please, let me know about any bugs/feature-requests via the issues tracker. And if you'd like to contribute, send me a note! Thanks. License ------- Feedable is free software, and may be redistributed under the MIT-LICENSE.