require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' ['isolation','integration'].each do |mode| describe "redirect_to behaviour", :type => :controller do if mode == 'integration' integrate_views end controller_name :redirect_spec it "redirected to another action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should redirect_to(:action => 'somewhere') end it "redirected to another controller and action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_other_somewhere' response.should redirect_to(:controller => 'render_spec', :action => 'text_action') end it "redirected to another action (with 'and return')" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere_and_return' response.should redirect_to(:action => 'somewhere') end it "redirected to correct path with leading /" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should redirect_to('/redirect_spec/somewhere') end it "redirected to correct path without leading /" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should redirect_to('redirect_spec/somewhere') end it "redirected to correct internal URL" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should redirect_to("") end it "redirected to correct external URL" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_rspec_site' response.should redirect_to("") end it "redirected :back" do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "" get 'action_with_redirect_back' response.should redirect_to(:back) end it "redirected :back and should redirect_to URL matches" do request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "" get 'action_with_redirect_back' response.should redirect_to("") end it "redirected from within a respond_to block" do get 'action_with_redirect_in_respond_to' response.should redirect_to('redirect_spec/somewhere') end params_as_hash = {:action => "somewhere", :id => 1111, :param1 => "value1", :param2 => "value2"} it "redirected to an internal URL containing a query string" do get "action_with_redirect_which_creates_query_string" response.should redirect_to(params_as_hash) end it "redirected to an internal URL containing a query string, one way it might be generated" do get "action_with_redirect_with_query_string_order1" response.should redirect_to(params_as_hash) end it "redirected to an internal URL containing a query string, another way it might be generated" do get "action_with_redirect_with_query_string_order2" response.should redirect_to(params_as_hash) end it "redirected to an internal URL which is unroutable but matched via a string" do get "action_with_redirect_to_unroutable_url_inside_app" response.should redirect_to("") end end describe "redirect_to with a controller spec in #{mode} mode and a custom", :type => :controller do if mode == 'integration' integrate_views end controller_name :redirect_spec before do = "" end it "should pass when redirected to another action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should redirect_to(:action => 'somewhere') end end describe "Given a controller spec in #{mode} mode", :type => :controller do if mode == 'integration' integrate_views end controller_name :redirect_spec it "an action that redirects should not result in an error if no should redirect_to expectation is called" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' end it "an action that redirects should not result in an error if should_not redirect_to expectation was called, but not to that action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should_not redirect_to(:action => 'another_destination') end it "an action that redirects should result in an error if should_not redirect_to expectation was called to that action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should_not redirect_to(:action => 'somewhere') }.should fail_with("expected not to be redirected to {:action=>\"somewhere\"}, but was") end it "an action that does not redirects should not result in an error if should_not redirect_to expectation was called" do get 'action_with_no_redirect' response.should_not redirect_to(:action => 'any_destination') end end describe "Given a controller spec in #{mode} mode, should redirect_to should fail when", :type => :controller do if mode == 'integration' integrate_views end controller_name :redirect_spec it "redirected to wrong action" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should redirect_to(:action => 'somewhere_else') }.should fail_with("expected redirect to {:action=>\"somewhere_else\"}, got redirect to \"\"") end it "redirected to incorrect path with leading /" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should redirect_to('/redirect_spec/somewhere_else') }.should fail_with('expected redirect to "/redirect_spec/somewhere_else", got redirect to ""') end it "redirected to incorrect path without leading /" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should redirect_to('redirect_spec/somewhere_else') }.should fail_with('expected redirect to "redirect_spec/somewhere_else", got redirect to ""') end it "redirected to incorrect internal URL (based on the action)" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should redirect_to("") }.should fail_with('expected redirect to "", got redirect to ""') end it "redirected to wrong external URL" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_rspec_site' lambda { response.should redirect_to("") }.should fail_with('expected redirect to "", got redirect to ""') end it "redirected to incorrect internal URL (based on the directory path)" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' lambda { response.should redirect_to("") }.should fail_with('expected redirect to "", got redirect to ""') end it "expected redirect :back, but redirected to a new URL" do get 'action_with_no_redirect' lambda { response.should redirect_to(:back) }.should fail_with('expected redirect to :back, got no redirect') end it "no redirect at all" do get 'action_with_no_redirect' lambda { response.should redirect_to(:action => 'nowhere') }.should fail_with("expected redirect to {:action=>\"nowhere\"}, got no redirect") end it "redirected to an internal URL which is unroutable and matched via a hash" do get "action_with_redirect_to_unroutable_url_inside_app" route = {:controller => "nonexistant", :action => "none"} lambda { response.should redirect_to(route) }.should raise_error(ActionController::RoutingError, /(no route found to match|No route matches) \"\/nonexistant\/none\" with \{\}/) end end end