--- :zh: :currencies: :ADP: :one: "安道尔比塞塔" :other: "Andorran pesetas" :AED: :one: "阿联酋迪拉姆" :other: "阿联酋迪拉姆" :AFA: :one: "阿富汗尼 (1927–2002)" :other: "Afghan afghanis (1927–2002)" :AFN: :one: "阿富汗尼" :other: "阿富汗尼" :ALK: :one: "Albanian lek (1946–1965)" :other: "Albanian lekë (1946–1965)" :ALL: :one: "阿尔巴尼亚列克" :other: "阿尔巴尼亚列克" :AMD: :one: "亚美尼亚德拉姆" :other: "亚美尼亚德拉姆" :ANG: :one: "荷属安的列斯盾" :other: "荷属安的列斯盾" :AOA: :one: "安哥拉宽扎" :other: "安哥拉宽扎" :AOK: :one: "安哥拉宽扎 (1977–1990)" :other: "Angolan kwanzas (1977–1991)" :AON: :one: "安哥拉新宽扎 (1990–2000)" :other: "Angolan new kwanzas (1990–2000)" :AOR: :one: "安哥拉重新调整宽扎 (1995–1999)" :other: "Angolan readjusted kwanzas (1995–1999)" :ARA: :one: "阿根廷奥斯特拉尔" :other: "Argentine australs" :ARL: :one: "阿根廷法定比索 (1970–1983)" :other: "Argentine pesos ley (1970–1983)" :ARM: :one: "阿根廷比索 (1881–1970)" :other: "Argentine pesos (1881–1970)" :ARP: :one: "阿根廷比索 (1983–1985)" :other: "Argentine pesos (1983–1985)" :ARS: :one: "阿根廷比索" :other: "阿根廷比索" :symbol: "$" :ATS: :one: "奥地利先令" :other: "Austrian schillings" :AUD: :one: "澳大利亚元" :other: "澳大利亚元" :symbol: "AU$" :AWG: :one: "阿鲁巴基尔德元" :other: "阿鲁巴基尔德元" :AZM: :one: "阿塞拜疆马纳特 (1993–2006)" :other: "Azerbaijani manats (1993–2006)" :AZN: :one: "阿塞拜疆马纳特" :other: "阿塞拜疆马纳特" :BAD: :one: "波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳第纳尔 (1992–1994)" :other: "Bosnia-Herzegovina dinars (1992–1994)" :BAM: :one: "波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那可兑换马克" :other: "波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那可兑换马克" :BAN: :one: "波士尼亚-赫塞哥维纳新第纳尔 (1994–1997)" :other: "Bosnia-Herzegovina new dinars (1994–1997)" :BBD: :one: "巴巴多斯元" :other: "巴巴多斯元" :symbol: "$" :BDT: :one: "孟加拉塔卡" :other: "孟加拉塔卡" :symbol: "৳" :BEC: :one: "比利时法郎(可兑换)" :other: "Belgian francs (convertible)" :BEF: :one: "比利时法郎" :other: "Belgian francs" :BEL: :one: "比利时法郎(金融)" :other: "Belgian francs (financial)" :BGL: :one: "保加利亚硬列弗" :other: "Bulgarian hard leva" :BGM: :one: "保加利亚社会党列弗" :other: "Bulgarian socialist leva" :BGN: :one: "保加利亚新列弗" :other: "保加利亚新列弗" :BGO: :one: "保加利亚列弗 (1879–1952)" :other: "Bulgarian leva (1879–1952)" :BHD: :one: "巴林第纳尔" :other: "巴林第纳尔" :BIF: :one: "布隆迪法郎" :other: "布隆迪法郎" :BMD: :one: "百慕大元" :other: "百慕大元" :symbol: "$" :BND: :one: "文莱元" :other: "文莱元" :symbol: "$" :BOB: :one: "玻利维亚诺" :other: "玻利维亚诺" :BOL: :one: "玻利维亚诺 (1863–1963)" :other: "Bolivian bolivianos (1863–1963)" :BOP: :one: "玻利维亚比索" :other: "Bolivian pesos" :BOV: :one: "玻利维亚 Mvdol(资金)" :other: "Bolivian mvdols" :BRB: :one: "巴西新克鲁赛罗 (1967–1986)" :other: "Brazilian new cruzeiros (1967–1986)" :BRC: :one: "巴西克鲁扎多 (1986–1989)" :other: "Brazilian cruzados (1986–1989)" :BRE: :one: "巴西克鲁塞罗 (1990–1993)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1990–1993)" :BRL: :one: "巴西雷亚尔" :other: "巴西雷亚尔" :symbol: "R$" :BRN: :one: "巴西新克鲁扎多 (1989–1990)" :other: "Brazilian new cruzados (1989–1990)" :BRR: :one: "巴西克鲁塞罗 (1993–1994)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1993–1994)" :BRZ: :one: "巴西克鲁塞罗 (1942–1967)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1942–1967)" :BSD: :one: "巴哈马元" :other: "巴哈马元" :symbol: "$" :BTN: :one: "不丹努尔特鲁姆" :other: "不丹努尔特鲁姆" :BUK: :one: "缅元" :other: "Burmese kyats" :BWP: :one: "博茨瓦纳普拉" :other: "博茨瓦纳普拉" :BYB: :one: "白俄罗斯新卢布 (1994–1999)" :other: "Belarusian new rubles (1994–1999)" :BYR: :one: "白俄罗斯卢布" :other: "白俄罗斯卢布" :symbol: "р." :BZD: :one: "伯利兹元" :other: "伯利兹元" :symbol: "$" :CAD: :one: "加拿大元" :other: "加拿大元" :symbol: "CA$" :CDF: :one: "刚果法郎" :other: "刚果法郎" :CHE: :one: "欧元 (WIR)" :other: "WIR euros" :CHF: :one: "瑞士法郎" :other: "瑞士法郎" :CHW: :one: "法郎 (WIR)" :other: "WIR francs" :CLE: :one: "智利埃斯库多" :other: "Chilean escudos" :CLF: :one: "智利(资金)" :other: "Chilean units of account (UF)" :CLP: :one: "智利比索" :other: "智利比索" :symbol: "$" :CNX: :one: "Chinese People’s Bank dollar" :other: "Chinese People’s Bank dollars" :CNY: :one: "人民币" :other: "人民币" :symbol: "¥" :COP: :one: "哥伦比亚比索" :other: "哥伦比亚比索" :symbol: "$" :COU: :one: "哥伦比亚币" :other: "Colombian real value units" :CRC: :one: "哥斯达黎加科朗" :other: "哥斯达黎加科朗" :symbol: "₡" :CSD: :one: "旧塞尔维亚第纳尔" :other: "Serbian dinars (2002–2006)" :CSK: :one: "捷克硬克郎" :other: "Czechoslovak hard korunas" :CUC: :one: "古巴可兑换比索" :other: "古巴可兑换比索" :CUP: :one: "古巴比索" :other: "古巴比索" :symbol: "$" :CVE: :one: "佛得角埃斯库多" :other: "佛得角埃斯库多" :CYP: :one: "塞浦路斯镑" :other: "Cypriot pounds" :CZK: :one: "捷克克郎" :other: "捷克克郎" :DDM: :one: "东德奥斯特马克" :other: "East German marks" :DEM: :one: "德国马克" :other: "German marks" :DJF: :one: "吉布提法郎" :other: "吉布提法郎" :DKK: :one: "丹麦克朗" :other: "丹麦克朗" :DOP: :one: "多米尼加比索" :other: "多米尼加比索" :symbol: "$" :DZD: :one: "阿尔及利亚第纳尔" :other: "阿尔及利亚第纳尔" :ECS: :one: "厄瓜多尔苏克雷" :other: "Ecuadorian sucres" :ECV: :one: "厄瓜多尔 (UVC)" :other: "Ecuadorian units of constant value" :EEK: :one: "爱沙尼亚克朗" :other: "Estonian kroons" :EGP: :one: "埃及镑" :other: "埃及镑" :ERN: :one: "厄立特里亚纳克法" :other: "厄立特里亚纳克法" :ESA: :one: "西班牙比塞塔(帐户 A)" :other: "Spanish pesetas (A account)" :ESB: :one: "西班牙比塞塔(兑换帐户)" :other: "Spanish pesetas (convertible account)" :ESP: :one: "西班牙比塞塔" :other: "Spanish pesetas" :symbol: "₧" :ETB: :one: "埃塞俄比亚比尔" :other: "埃塞俄比亚比尔" :EUR: :one: "欧元" :other: "欧元" :symbol: "€" :FIM: :one: "芬兰马克" :other: "Finnish markkas" :FJD: :one: "斐济元" :other: "斐济元" :symbol: "$" :FKP: :one: "福克兰群岛镑" :other: "福克兰群岛镑" :FRF: :one: "法国法郎" :other: "French francs" :GBP: :one: "英镑" :other: "英镑" :symbol: "£" :GEK: :one: "乔治亚库蓬拉瑞特" :other: "Georgian kupon larits" :GEL: :one: "格鲁吉亚拉里" :other: "格鲁吉亚拉里" :GHC: :one: "加纳塞第" :other: "Ghanaian cedis (1979–2007)" :GHS: :one: "加纳塞地" :other: "加纳塞地" :symbol: "₵" :GIP: :one: "直布罗陀镑" :other: "直布罗陀镑" :symbol: "£" :GMD: :one: "冈比亚达拉西" :other: "冈比亚达拉西" :GNF: :one: "几内亚法郎" :other: "几内亚法郎" :GNS: :one: "几内亚西里" :other: "Guinean sylis" :GQE: :one: "赤道几内亚埃奎勒" :other: "Equatorial Guinean ekwele" :GRD: :one: "希腊德拉克马" :other: "Greek drachmas" :GTQ: :one: "危地马拉格查尔" :other: "危地马拉格查尔" :GWE: :one: "葡萄牙几内亚埃斯库多" :other: "Portuguese Guinea escudos" :GWP: :one: "几内亚比绍比索" :other: "Guinea-Bissau pesos" :GYD: :one: "圭亚那元" :other: "圭亚那元" :symbol: "$" :HKD: :one: "港元" :other: "港元" :symbol: "HK$" :HNL: :one: "洪都拉斯伦皮拉" :other: "洪都拉斯伦皮拉" :HRD: :one: "克罗地亚第纳尔" :other: "Croatian dinars" :HRK: :one: "克罗地亚库纳" :other: "克罗地亚库纳" :HTG: :one: "海地古德" :other: "海地古德" :HUF: :one: "匈牙利福林" :other: "匈牙利福林" :IDR: :one: "印度尼西亚盾" :other: "印度尼西亚盾" :IEP: :one: "爱尔兰镑" :other: "Irish pounds" :ILP: :one: "以色列镑" :other: "Israeli pounds" :ILR: :one: "Israeli sheqel (1980–1985)" :other: "Israeli sheqels (1980–1985)" :ILS: :one: "以色列新谢克尔" :other: "以色列新谢克尔" :symbol: "₪" :INR: :one: "印度卢比" :other: "印度卢比" :symbol: "₹" :IQD: :one: "伊拉克第纳尔" :other: "伊拉克第纳尔" :IRR: :one: "伊朗里亚尔" :other: "伊朗里亚尔" :ISJ: :one: "Icelandic króna (1918–1981)" :other: "Icelandic krónur (1918–1981)" :ISK: :one: "冰岛克朗" :other: "冰岛克朗" :ITL: :one: "意大利里拉" :other: "Italian liras" :JMD: :one: "牙买加元" :other: "牙买加元" :symbol: "$" :JOD: :one: "约旦第纳尔" :other: "约旦第纳尔" :JPY: :one: "日元" :other: "日元" :symbol: "JP¥" :KES: :one: "肯尼亚先令" :other: "肯尼亚先令" :KGS: :one: "吉尔吉斯斯坦索姆" :other: "吉尔吉斯斯坦索姆" :KHR: :one: "柬埔寨瑞尔" :other: "柬埔寨瑞尔" :symbol: "៛" :KMF: :one: "科摩罗法郎" :other: "科摩罗法郎" :KPW: :one: "朝鲜元" :other: "朝鲜元" :KRH: :one: "韩元 (1953–1962)" :other: "South Korean hwan (1953–1962)" :KRO: :one: "韩元 (1945–1953)" :other: "South Korean won (1945–1953)" :KRW: :one: "韩元" :other: "韩元" :symbol: "₩" :KWD: :one: "科威特第纳尔" :other: "科威特第纳尔" :KYD: :one: "开曼元" :other: "开曼元" :symbol: "$" :KZT: :one: "哈萨克斯坦坚戈" :other: "哈萨克斯坦坚戈" :symbol: "₸" :LAK: :one: "老挝基普" :other: "老挝基普" :symbol: "₭" :LBP: :one: "黎巴嫩镑" :other: "黎巴嫩镑" :LKR: :one: "斯里兰卡卢比" :other: "斯里兰卡卢比" :LRD: :one: "利比里亚元" :other: "利比里亚元" :symbol: "$" :LSL: :one: "莱索托洛蒂" :other: "Lesotho lotis" :LTL: :one: "立陶宛立特" :other: "立陶宛立特" :LTT: :one: "立陶宛塔咯呐司" :other: "Lithuanian talonases" :LUC: :one: "卢森堡可兑换法郎" :other: "Luxembourgian convertible francs" :LUF: :one: "卢森堡法郎" :other: "Luxembourgian francs" :LUL: :one: "卢森堡金融法郎" :other: "Luxembourg financial francs" :LVL: :one: "拉脱维亚拉特" :other: "拉脱维亚拉特" :LVR: :one: "拉脱维亚卢布" :other: "Latvian rubles" :LYD: :one: "利比亚第纳尔" :other: "利比亚第纳尔" :MAD: :one: "摩洛哥迪拉姆" :other: "摩洛哥迪拉姆" :MAF: :one: "摩洛哥法郎" :other: "Moroccan francs" :MCF: :one: "摩纳哥法郎" :other: "Monegasque francs" :MDC: :one: "摩尔多瓦库邦" :other: "Moldovan cupon" :MDL: :one: "摩尔多瓦列伊" :other: "摩尔多瓦列伊" :MGA: :one: "马达加斯加阿里亚里" :other: "马达加斯加阿里亚里" :MGF: :one: "马达加斯加法郎" :other: "Malagasy francs" :MKD: :one: "马其顿第纳尔" :other: "马其顿第纳尔" :MKN: :one: "马其顿第纳尔 (1992–1993)" :other: "Macedonian denari (1992–1993)" :MLF: :one: "马里法郎" :other: "Malian francs" :MMK: :one: "缅甸元" :other: "缅甸元" :MNT: :one: "蒙古图格里克" :other: "蒙古图格里克" :symbol: "₮" :MOP: :one: "澳门元" :other: "澳门元" :MRO: :one: "毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚" :other: "毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚" :MTL: :one: "马耳他里拉" :other: "Maltese lira" :MTP: :one: "马耳他镑" :other: "Maltese pounds" :MUR: :one: "毛里求斯卢比" :other: "毛里求斯卢比" :MVP: :one: "Maldivian rupee" :other: "Maldivian rupees" :MVR: :one: "马尔代夫卢菲亚" :other: "马尔代夫卢菲亚" :MWK: :one: "马拉维克瓦查" :other: "马拉维克瓦查" :MXN: :one: "墨西哥比索" :other: "墨西哥比索" :symbol: "MX$" :MXP: :one: "墨西哥银比索 (1861–1992)" :other: "Mexican silver pesos (1861–1992)" :MXV: :one: "墨西哥(资金)" :other: "Mexican investment units" :MYR: :one: "马来西亚林吉特" :other: "马来西亚林吉特" :MZE: :one: "莫桑比克埃斯库多" :other: "Mozambican escudos" :MZM: :one: "旧莫桑比克美提卡" :other: "Mozambican meticals (1980–2006)" :MZN: :one: "莫桑比克美提卡" :other: "莫桑比克美提卡" :NAD: :one: "纳米比亚元" :other: "纳米比亚元" :symbol: "$" :NGN: :one: "尼日利亚奈拉" :other: "尼日利亚奈拉" :symbol: "₦" :NIC: :one: "尼加拉瓜科多巴 (1988–1991)" :other: "Nicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991)" :NIO: :one: "尼加拉瓜金科多巴" :other: "尼加拉瓜金科多巴" :NLG: :one: "荷兰盾" :other: "Dutch guilders" :NOK: :one: "挪威克朗" :other: "挪威克朗" :NPR: :one: "尼泊尔卢比" :other: "尼泊尔卢比" :NZD: :one: "新西兰元" :other: "新西兰元" :symbol: "NZ$" :OMR: :one: "阿曼里亚尔" :other: "阿曼里亚尔" :PAB: :one: "巴拿马巴波亚" :other: "巴拿马巴波亚" :PEI: :one: "秘鲁印第" :other: "Peruvian intis" :PEN: :one: "秘鲁新索尔" :other: "秘鲁新索尔" :PES: :one: "秘鲁索尔 (1863–1965)" :other: "Peruvian soles (1863–1965)" :PGK: :one: "巴布亚新几内亚基那" :other: "巴布亚新几内亚基那" :PHP: :one: "菲律宾比索" :other: "菲律宾比索" :symbol: "₱" :PKR: :one: "巴基斯坦卢比" :other: "巴基斯坦卢比" :PLN: :one: "波兰兹罗提" :other: "波兰兹罗提" :PLZ: :one: "波兰兹罗提 (1950–1995)" :other: "Polish zlotys (PLZ)" :PTE: :one: "葡萄牙埃斯库多" :other: "Portuguese escudos" :PYG: :one: "巴拉圭瓜拉尼" :other: "巴拉圭瓜拉尼" :symbol: "₲" :QAR: :one: "卡塔尔里亚尔" :other: "卡塔尔里亚尔" :RHD: :one: "罗得西亚元" :other: "Rhodesian dollars" :ROL: :one: "旧罗马尼亚列伊" :other: "Romanian Lei (1952–2006)" :RON: :one: "罗马尼亚列伊" :other: "罗马尼亚列伊" :RSD: :one: "塞尔维亚第纳尔" :other: "塞尔维亚第纳尔" :RUB: :one: "俄罗斯卢布" :other: "俄罗斯卢布" :RUR: :one: "俄国卢布 (1991–1998)" :other: "Russian rubles (1991–1998)" :symbol: "р." :RWF: :one: "卢旺达法郎" :other: "卢旺达法郎" :SAR: :one: "沙特里亚尔" :other: "沙特里亚尔" :SBD: :one: "所罗门群岛元" :other: "所罗门群岛元" :symbol: "$" :SCR: :one: "塞舌尔卢比" :other: "塞舌尔卢比" :SDD: :one: "苏丹第纳尔 (1992–2007)" :other: "Sudanese dinars (1992–2007)" :SDG: :one: "苏丹镑" :other: "苏丹镑" :SDP: :one: "旧苏丹镑" :other: "Sudanese pounds (1957–1998)" :SEK: :one: "瑞典克朗" :other: "瑞典克朗" :SGD: :one: "新加坡元" :other: "新加坡元" :symbol: "$" :SHP: :one: "圣赫勒拿群岛磅" :other: "圣赫勒拿群岛磅" :SIT: :one: "斯洛文尼亚托拉尔" :other: "Slovenian tolars" :SKK: :one: "斯洛伐克克朗" :other: "Slovak korunas" :SLL: :one: "塞拉利昂利昂" :other: "塞拉利昂利昂" :SOS: :one: "索马里先令" :other: "索马里先令" :SRD: :one: "苏里南元" :other: "苏里南元" :symbol: "$" :SRG: :one: "苏里南盾" :other: "Surinamese guilders" :SSP: :one: "南苏丹镑" :other: "南苏丹镑" :symbol: "£" :STD: :one: "圣多美和普林西比多布拉" :other: "圣多美和普林西比多布拉" :SUR: :one: "苏联卢布" :other: "Soviet roubles" :SVC: :one: "萨尔瓦多科朗" :other: "Salvadoran colones" :SYP: :one: "叙利亚镑" :other: "叙利亚镑" :SZL: :one: "斯威士兰里兰吉尼" :other: "斯威士兰里兰吉尼" :THB: :one: "泰铢" :other: "泰铢" :symbol: "฿" :TJR: :one: "塔吉克斯坦卢布" :other: "Tajikistani rubles" :TJS: :one: "塔吉克斯坦索莫尼" :other: "塔吉克斯坦索莫尼" :TMM: :one: "土库曼斯坦马纳特 (1993–2009)" :other: "Turkmenistani manat (1993–2009)" :TMT: :one: "土库曼斯坦马纳特" :other: "土库曼斯坦马纳特" :TND: :one: "突尼斯第纳尔" :other: "突尼斯第纳尔" :TOP: :one: "汤加潘加" :other: "汤加潘加" :TPE: :one: "帝汶埃斯库多" :other: "Timorese escudos" :TRL: :one: "土耳其里拉 (1922–2005)" :other: "Turkish Lira (1922–2005)" :TRY: :one: "土耳其里拉" :other: "土耳其里拉" :symbol: "₺" :TTD: :one: "特立尼达和多巴哥元" :other: "特立尼达和多巴哥元" :symbol: "$" :TWD: :one: "新台币" :other: "新台币" :symbol: "NT$" :TZS: :one: "坦桑尼亚先令" :other: "坦桑尼亚先令" :UAH: :one: "乌克兰格里夫纳" :other: "乌克兰格里夫纳" :symbol: "₴" :UAK: :one: "乌克兰币" :other: "Ukrainian karbovantsiv" :UGS: :one: "乌干达先令 (1966–1987)" :other: "Ugandan shillings (1966–1987)" :UGX: :one: "乌干达先令" :other: "乌干达先令" :USD: :one: "美元" :other: "美元" :symbol: "US$" :USN: :one: "美元(次日)" :other: "US dollars (next day)" :USS: :one: "美元(当日)" :other: "US dollars (same day)" :UYI: :one: "乌拉圭比索(索引单位)" :other: "Uruguayan pesos (indexed units)" :UYP: :one: "乌拉圭比索 (1975–1993)" :other: "Uruguayan pesos (1975–1993)" :UYU: :one: "乌拉圭比索" :other: "乌拉圭比索" :symbol: "$" :UZS: :one: "乌兹别克斯坦苏姆" :other: "乌兹别克斯坦苏姆" :VEB: :one: "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 (1871–2008)" :other: "Venezuelan bolívars (1871–2008)" :VEF: :one: "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔" :other: "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔" :VND: :one: "越南盾" :other: "越南盾" :symbol: "₫" :VNN: :one: "越南盾 (1978–1985)" :other: "Vietnamese dong (1978–1985)" :VUV: :one: "瓦努阿图瓦图" :other: "瓦努阿图瓦图" :WST: :one: "萨摩亚塔拉" :other: "萨摩亚塔拉" :XAF: :one: "中非金融合作法郎" :other: "中非金融合作法郎" :symbol: "FCFA" :XAG: :one: "银" :other: "troy ounces of silver" :XAU: :one: "黄金" :other: "troy ounces of gold" :XBA: :one: "欧洲复合单位" :other: "European composite units" :XBB: :one: "欧洲货币联盟" :other: "European monetary units" :XBC: :one: "欧洲计算单位 (XBC)" :other: "European units of account (XBC)" :XBD: :one: "欧洲计算单位 (XBD)" :other: "European units of account (XBD)" :XCD: :one: "东加勒比元" :other: "东加勒比元" :symbol: "EC$" :XDR: :one: "特别提款权" :other: "special drawing rights" :XEU: :one: "欧洲货币单位" :other: "European currency units" :XFO: :one: "法国金法郎" :other: "French gold francs" :XFU: :one: "法国法郎 (UIC)" :other: "French UIC-francs" :XOF: :one: "非洲金融共同体法郎" :other: "非洲金融共同体法郎" :symbol: "CFA" :XPD: :one: "钯" :other: "troy ounces of palladium" :XPF: :one: "太平洋法郎" :other: "太平洋法郎" :symbol: "CFPF" :XPT: :one: "铂" :other: "troy ounces of platinum" :XRE: :one: "RINET 基金" :other: "RINET Funds units" :XSU: :one: "Sucre" :other: "Sucres" :XTS: :one: "测试货币代码" :other: "Testing Currency units" :XUA: :one: "ADB unit of account" :other: "ADB units of account" :XXX: :one: "未知货币" :other: "(未知货币)" :YDD: :one: "也门第纳尔" :other: "Yemeni dinars" :YER: :one: "也门里亚尔" :other: "也门里亚尔" :YUD: :one: "南斯拉夫硬第纳尔 (1966–1990)" :other: "Yugoslavian hard dinars (1966–1990)" :YUM: :one: "南斯拉夫新第纳尔 (1994–2002)" :other: "Yugoslavian new dinars (1994–2002)" :YUN: :one: "南斯拉夫可兑换第纳尔 (1990–1992)" :other: "Yugoslavian convertible dinars (1990–1992)" :YUR: :one: "南斯拉夫改良第纳尔 (1992–1993)" :other: "Yugoslavian reformed dinars (1992–1993)" :ZAL: :one: "南非兰特 (金融)" :other: "South African rands (financial)" :ZAR: :one: "南非兰特" :other: "南非兰特" :ZMK: :one: "赞比亚克瓦查 (1968–2012)" :other: "Zambian kwachas (1968–2012)" :ZMW: :one: "赞比亚克瓦查" :other: "赞比亚克瓦查" :ZRN: :one: "新扎伊尔 (1993–1998)" :other: "Zairean new zaires (1993–1998)" :ZRZ: :one: "扎伊尔 (1971–1993)" :other: "Zairean zaires (1971–1993)" :ZWD: :one: "津巴布韦元 (1980–2008)" :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (1980–2008)" :ZWL: :one: "津巴布韦元 (2009)" :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2009)" :ZWR: :one: "津巴布韦元 (2008)" :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2008)"