Sanitize MSISDNS as per mobile number format. This is specially useful for formating Android mobile numbers which are stored in different formats. Currently only Indian MSISDNs are supported. ##Usage gem install sanitize_msisdns require 'msisdn_sanitizer' MSISDN::Sanitizer.sanitize('00919876543210') => ["+919876543210"] MSISDN::Sanitizer.sanitize('0987-6543210') => ["+919876543210"] MSISDN::Sanitizer.sanitize(['00919876543210', '9037 123 456', '04972123465']) => ["+919876543210", "+919037123456"] MSISDN::Sanitizer.sanitize(9876543210) => ["+919876543210"] You could also specify options, format & country_code ( Right now the only supported country code is ':in') The defaults are { :country_code => :in, :format => 'international' } MSISDN::Sanitizer.sanitize(['00919876543210', '9037 123 456', '04972123465'], format: 'local') => ["9876543210", "9037123456"]