require "bundler/setup" require "byebug" unless ENV["RACK_ENV"] == "production" require "rom/sql/rake_task" require "shellwords" require_relative "system/<%= config[:underscored_project_name] %>/container" begin require "rspec/core/rake_task" :spec task default: [:spec] rescue LoadError end def db <%= config[:camel_cased_app_name] %>::Container["persistence.db"] end def settings <%= config[:camel_cased_app_name] %>::Container["settings"] end def database_uri require "uri" URI.parse(settings.database_url) end def postgres_env_vars(uri) {}.tap do |vars| vars["PGHOST"] = vars["PGPORT"] = uri.port if uri.port vars["PGUSER"] = uri.user if uri.user vars["PGPASSWORD"] = uri.password if uri.password end end namespace :db do task :setup do <%= config[:camel_cased_app_name] %>::Container.boot :rom end task :settings do <%= config[:camel_cased_app_name] %>::Container.boot :settings end desc "Print current database schema version" task version: :setup do version = if db.tables.include?(:schema_migrations) db[:schema_migrations].order(:filename).last[:filename] else "not available" end puts "Current schema version: #{version}" end desc "Create database" task create: :settings do if system("which createdb", out: File::NULL) uri = database_uri system(postgres_env_vars(uri), "createdb #{Shellwords.escape(uri.path[1..-1])}") else puts "You must have Postgres installed to create a database" exit 1 end end desc "Drop database" task drop: :settings do if system("which dropdb", out: File::NULL) uri = database_uri system(postgres_env_vars(uri), "dropdb #{Shellwords.escape(uri.path[1..-1])}") else puts "You must have Postgres installed to drop a database" exit 1 end end desc "Migrate database up to latest migration available" task :migrate do # Enhance the migration task provided by ROM # Once it finishes, dump the db structure Rake::Task["db:structure:dump"].execute # And print the current migration version Rake::Task["db:version"].execute end namespace :structure do desc "Dump database structure to db/structure.sql" task :dump do if system("which pg_dump", out: File::NULL) uri = database_uri system(postgres_env_vars(uri), "pg_dump -s -x -O #{Shellwords.escape(uri.path[1..-1])}", out: "db/structure.sql") else puts "You must have pg_dump installed to dump the database structure" end end end desc "Load seed data into the database" task :seed do seed_data = File.join("db", "seed.rb") load(seed_data) if File.exist?(seed_data) end desc "Load a small, representative set of data so that the application can start in a useful state (for development)." task :sample_data do sample_data = File.join("db", "sample_data.rb") load(sample_data) if File.exist?(sample_data) end end