if !System.get_env("EXERCISM_TEST_EXAMPLES") do Code.load_file("anagram.exs", __DIR__) end ExUnit.start() ExUnit.configure(exclude: :pending, trace: true) defmodule AnagramTest do use ExUnit.Case # @tag :pending test "no matches" do matches = Anagram.match("diaper", ["hello", "world", "zombies", "pants"]) assert matches == [] end @tag :pending test "detect simple anagram" do matches = Anagram.match("ant", ["tan", "stand", "at"]) assert matches == ["tan"] end @tag :pending test "detect multiple anagrams" do matches = Anagram.match("master", ["stream", "pigeon", "maters"]) assert matches == ["stream", "maters"] end @tag :pending test "do not detect anagram subsets" do matches = Anagram.match("good", ~w(dog goody)) assert matches == [] end @tag :pending test "detect anagram" do matches = Anagram.match("listen", ~w(enlists google inlets banana)) assert matches == ["inlets"] end @tag :pending test "multiple anagrams" do matches = Anagram.match("allergy", ~w(gallery ballerina regally clergy largely leading)) assert matches == ["gallery", "regally", "largely"] end @tag :pending test "anagrams must use all letters exactly once" do matches = Anagram.match("patter", ["tapper"]) assert matches == [] end @tag :pending test "detect anagrams with case-insensitive subject" do matches = Anagram.match("Orchestra", ~w(cashregister carthorse radishes)) assert matches == ["carthorse"] end @tag :pending test "detect anagrams with case-insensitive candidate" do matches = Anagram.match("orchestra", ~w(cashregister Carthorse radishes)) assert matches == ["Carthorse"] end @tag :pending test "anagrams must not be the source word" do matches = Anagram.match("corn", ["corn", "dark", "Corn", "rank", "CORN", "cron", "park"]) assert matches == ["cron"] end @tag :pending test "do not detect words based on checksum" do matches = Anagram.match("mass", ["last"]) assert matches == [] end end