require "test/unit" # Test::Unit loads a default test if the suite is empty, whose purpose is to # fail. Since having empty contexts is a common practice, we decided to # overwrite TestSuite#empty? in order to allow them. Having a failure when no # tests have been defined seems counter-intuitive. class Test::Unit::TestSuite def empty? false end end # Contest adds +teardown+, +test+ and +context+ as class methods, and the # instance methods +setup+ and +teardown+ now iterate on the corresponding # blocks. Note that all setup and teardown blocks must be defined with the # block syntax. Adding setup or teardown instance methods defeats the purpose # of this library. class Test::Unit::TestCase def self.setup(&block) define_method :setup do super(&block) instance_eval(&block) end end def self.teardown(&block) define_method :teardown do instance_eval(&block) super(&block) end end def self.context(*name, &block) subclass = remove_tests(subclass) subclass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? const_set(context_name(name.join(" ")), subclass) end def self.test(name, &block) define_method(test_name(name), &block) if block_given? end class << self alias_method :should, :test alias_method :describe, :context end private def self.context_name(name) "Test#{sanitize_name(name).gsub(/(^| )(\w)/) { $2.upcase }}".to_sym end def self.test_name(name) # don't sanitize name if we don't have to "test: #{name}".to_sym end def self.sanitize_name(name) # convert #, !, and ? to their words # so for instance context "#foo!" is different from context "#foo?" name. downcase. gsub('#', ' hash '). gsub('!', ' bang '). gsub('?', ' query '). gsub(/[^a-z]+/, ' '). gsub(/([a-z])_([a-z])/) { $1.downcase + $2.upcase }. strip. squeeze(" ") end def self.remove_tests(subclass) subclass.public_instance_methods.grep(/^test:/).each do |meth| subclass.send(:undef_method, meth.to_sym) end end end