def awetestlib_mobile_app_setup if ARGV[1].nil? @proj_dir = "sample_mobile_app" else @proj_dir = ARGV[1] end @cucumber_dir = File.join(FileUtils.pwd, @proj_dir) @source_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'setup_samples', 'sample_mobile_app') if File.exists?(@cucumber_dir) puts "Mobile app project directory already exists." exit 1 end msg("Question") do puts "I'm about to create a mobile app project named #{ARGV[1]} in this directory" if ARGV[1] puts "I'm about to create a mobile app project named sample_mobile_app in this directory" if ARGV[1].nil? puts "Please hit return to confirm that's what you want." puts "Enter anything else and hit return to abort." puts "NOTE: You may need to run this command as an administrator." end exit 2 unless STDIN.gets.chomp == '' FileUtils.cp_r(@source_dir, @cucumber_dir) msg("Info") do puts "Configuring files and settings..." puts "A skeleton project has been created with a features and step definitions folder" end end