require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/https' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet/network/http_pool' describe Puppet::Network::HttpPool, unless: Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do include PuppetSpec::Files before :all do WebMock.disable! end after :all do WebMock.enable! end before :each do # make sure we don't take too long Puppet[:http_connect_timeout] = '5s' end let(:hostname) { '' } let(:wrong_hostname) { 'localhost' } let(:server) { } context "when calling deprecated HttpPool methods" do let(:ssl_host) { # use server's cert/key as the client cert/key host = host.key = Puppet::SSL::Key.from_instance(server.server_key, host.certificate = Puppet::SSL::Certificate.from_instance(server.server_cert, host } before(:each) do ssldir = tmpdir('http_pool') Puppet[:ssldir] = ssldir Puppet.settings.use(:main, :ssl) File.write(Puppet[:localcacert], server.ca_cert.to_pem) File.write(Puppet[:hostcrl], server.ca_crl.to_pem) File.write(Puppet[:hostcert], server.server_cert.to_pem) File.write(Puppet[:hostprivkey], server.server_key.to_pem) end # Can't use `around(:each)` because it will cause ssl_host to be # created outside of any rspec example, and $confdir won't be set before(:each) do Puppet.push_context(ssl_host: ssl_host) end after (:each) do Puppet.pop_context end def connection(host, port) Puppet::Network::HttpPool.http_instance(host, port, use_ssl: true) end shared_examples_for 'HTTPS client' do it "connects over SSL" do server.start_server do |port| http = connection(hostname, port) res = http.get('/') expect(res.code).to eq('200') end end it "raises if the server's cert doesn't match the hostname we connected to" do server.start_server do |port| http = connection(wrong_hostname, port) expect { http.get('/') }.to raise_error { |err| expect(err).to be_instance_of(Puppet::SSL::CertMismatchError) expect(err.message).to match(/\AServer hostname '#{wrong_hostname}' did not match server certificate; expected one of (.+)/) md = err.message.match(/expected one of (.+)/) expect(md[1].split(', ')).to contain_exactly('', 'DNS:', 'DNS:') } end end it "raises if the server's CA is unknown" do # File must exist and by not empty so DefaultValidator doesn't # downgrade to VERIFY_NONE, so use a different CA that didn't # issue the server's cert capath = tmpfile('empty') File.write(capath, cert_fixture('netlock-arany-utf8.pem')) Puppet[:localcacert] = capath Puppet[:certificate_revocation] = false server.start_server do |port| http = connection(hostname, port) expect { http.get('/') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{certificate verify failed.* .self signed certificate in certificate chain for CN=Test CA.}) end end it "detects when the server has closed the connection and reconnects" do server.start_server do |port| http = connection(hostname, port) expect(http.request_get('/')).to be_a(Net::HTTPSuccess) expect(http.request_get('/')).to be_a(Net::HTTPSuccess) end end end context "when using single use HTTPS connections" do include_examples 'HTTPS client' end context "when using persistent HTTPS connections" do around :each do |example| pool = Puppet.override(:http_pool => pool) do end pool.close end include_examples 'HTTPS client' end end context "when calling HttpPool.connection method" do let(:ssl) { } let(:ssl_context) { ssl.create_root_context(cacerts: [server.ca_cert], crls: [server.ca_crl]) } def connection(host, port, ssl_context:) Puppet::Network::HttpPool.connection(host, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) end # Configure the server's SSLContext to require a client certificate. The `client_ca` # setting allows the server to advertise which client CAs it will accept. def require_client_certs(ctx) ctx.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER|OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT ctx.client_ca = [cert_fixture('ca.pem')] end it "connects over SSL" do server.start_server do |port| http = connection(hostname, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) res = http.get('/') expect(res.code).to eq('200') end end it "raises if the server's cert doesn't match the hostname we connected to" do server.start_server do |port| http = connection(wrong_hostname, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) expect { http.get('/') }.to raise_error { |err| expect(err).to be_instance_of(Puppet::SSL::CertMismatchError) expect(err.message).to match(/\AServer hostname '#{wrong_hostname}' did not match server certificate; expected one of (.+)/) md = err.message.match(/expected one of (.+)/) expect(md[1].split(', ')).to contain_exactly('', 'DNS:', 'DNS:') } end end it "raises if the server's CA is unknown" do server.start_server do |port| ssl_context = ssl.create_root_context(cacerts: [cert_fixture('netlock-arany-utf8.pem')], crls: [server.ca_crl]) http = Puppet::Network::HttpPool.connection(hostname, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) expect { http.get('/') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{certificate verify failed.* .self signed certificate in certificate chain for CN=Test CA.}) end end it "warns when client has an incomplete client cert chain" do expect(Puppet).to receive(:warning).with("The issuer 'CN=Test CA Agent Subauthority' of certificate 'CN=pluto' cannot be found locally") pluto = cert_fixture('pluto.pem') ssl_context = ssl.create_context( cacerts: [server.ca_cert], crls: [server.ca_crl], client_cert: pluto, private_key: key_fixture('pluto-key.pem') ) # verify client has incomplete chain expect( eq([pluto.to_der]) # force server to require (not request) client certs ctx_proc = -> (ctx) { require_client_certs(ctx) # server needs to trust the client's intermediate CA to complete the client's chain ctx.cert_store.add_cert(cert_fixture('intermediate-agent.pem')) } server.start_server(ctx_proc: ctx_proc) do |port| http = Puppet::Network::HttpPool.connection(hostname, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) res = http.get('/') expect(res.code).to eq('200') end end it "sends a complete client cert chain" do pluto = cert_fixture('pluto.pem') client_ca = cert_fixture('intermediate-agent.pem') ssl_context = ssl.create_context( cacerts: [server.ca_cert, client_ca], crls: [server.ca_crl, crl_fixture('intermediate-agent-crl.pem')], client_cert: pluto, private_key: key_fixture('pluto-key.pem') ) # verify client has complete chain from leaf to root expect( eq([pluto, client_ca, server.ca_cert].map(&:to_der)) server.start_server(ctx_proc: method(:require_client_certs)) do |port| http = Puppet::Network::HttpPool.connection(hostname, port, ssl_context: ssl_context) res = http.get('/') expect(res.code).to eq('200') end end end end