# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Breadcrumby::Viewer, '.breadcrumb' do context 'when object does not respond to :breadcrumby' do subject { described_class.new object, options } let!(:object) { {} } let!(:options) { {} } let!(:view) { double root_path: :root_path } it 'returns an empty string' do expect(subject.breadcrumb).to eq '' end end context 'when object responds to :breadcrumby' do subject { described_class.new object, options } let!(:object) { create :school, name: 'The School' } let!(:view) { double root_path: :root_path } let!(:list) { [object] } before do allow(subject).to receive(:breadcrumbs).with(object) { [object] } allow(subject).to receive(:object_extra).with(list.size) { ['
  • '] } allow(subject).to receive(:list_options) { { class: :list_options } } end context 'with no :actions' do let!(:options) { {} } before do Unit.class_eval { breadcrumby } end it 'returns the default breadcrumb' do expect(subject.breadcrumb).to have_tag(:ol, with: { class: 'list_options' }) do with_tag(:li, with: { itemprop: 'itemListElement', itemscope: 'itemscope', itemtype: 'http://schema.org/ListItem' }) do with_tag(:a, with: { itemprop: 'item', itemscope: 'itemscope', itemtype: 'http://schema.org/Thing', title: 'translation missing: en.breadcrumby.title', href: 'school.show.path' }) do with_tag(:span, with: { itemprop: 'name' }) do with_text 'The School' end end with_tag(:meta, with: { content: '1', itemprop: 'position' }) end with_tag :li, with: { class: 'object_extra' } end end end end end