Uses of Class

Packages that use TextPieceTable

Uses of TextPieceTable in org.apache.poi.hwpf

Fields in org.apache.poi.hwpf declared as TextPieceTable
protected  TextPieceTable HWPFDocument._tpt

Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf that return TextPieceTable
 TextPieceTable HWPFOldDocument.getTextTable()
abstract  TextPieceTable HWPFDocumentCore.getTextTable()
 TextPieceTable HWPFDocument.getTextTable()

Uses of TextPieceTable in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model

Fields in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model declared as TextPieceTable
protected  TextPieceTable ComplexFileTable._tpt

Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model that return TextPieceTable
 TextPieceTable ComplexFileTable.getTextPieceTable()

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model with parameters of type TextPieceTable
CHPBinTable(byte[] documentStream, byte[] tableStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
          Constructor used to read a binTable in from a Word document.
CHPFormattedDiskPage(byte[] documentStream, int offset, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
          This constructs a CHPFormattedDiskPage from a raw fkp (512 byte array read from a Word file).
OldCHPBinTable(byte[] documentStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
          Constructor used to read an old-style binTable in from a Word document.
OldPAPBinTable(byte[] documentStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
OldSectionTable(byte[] documentStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
PAPBinTable(byte[] documentStream, byte[] tableStream, byte[] dataStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
PAPFormattedDiskPage(byte[] documentStream, byte[] dataStream, int offset, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt)
          Creates a PAPFormattedDiskPage from a 512 byte array
SectionTable(byte[] documentStream, byte[] tableStream, int offset, int size, int fcMin, TextPieceTable tpt, CPSplitCalculator cps)

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