module TranslationCenter # needed for interpolated translations in I18n def self.get_translation_from_hash(key, hash) path = key.split('.') last_step = hash path.each do |step| break if last_step.blank? || !last_step.is_a?(Hash) last_step = last_step[step.to_s.to_sym] end last_step end def self.collect_keys(scope, translations) full_keys = [] translations.to_a.each do |key, translations| new_scope = scope.dup << key if translations.is_a?(Hash) full_keys += collect_keys(new_scope, translations) else full_keys << new_scope.join('.') end end return full_keys end # gets the translation of a a key in certian lang and inserts it in the db # returns true if the translation was fonud in yaml def self.yaml2db_key(locale, translation_key, translator, all_yamls) I18n.locale = locale translation = TranslationCenter::Translation.find_or_initialize_by_translation_key_id_and_lang_and_translator_id(, locale.to_s, translation.translator_type = TranslationCenter::CONFIG['translator_type'] # get the translation for this key from the yamls value = get_translation_from_hash(, all_yamls[locale]) unless value.blank? translation.update_attribute(:value, value) # accept this yaml translation translation.accept if TranslationCenter::CONFIG['yaml2db_translations_accepted'] true end end # takes array of keys and creates/updates the keys in the db with translations in the given locales def self.yaml2db_keys(keys, translator, locales, all_yamls) # initialize stats variables new_keys = 0 missing_keys = locales.inject({}) do |memo, lang| memo[lang] = 0 memo end # for each key create it in the db if it doesn't exist, and add its translation to # the db in every locale keys.each do |key| translation_key = TranslationCenter::TranslationKey.find_or_initialize_by_name(key) if translation_key.new_record? new_keys += 1 end # for each locale create/update its translation locales.each do |locale| missing_keys[locale] += 1 unless self.yaml2db_key(locale, translation_key, translator, all_yamls) end end puts "found new #{new_keys} key(s)" missing_keys.each do |locale, count| puts "missing #{count} translation(s) for #{locale}" if count > 0 end end # take the yaml translations and update the db with them def self.yaml2db(locale=nil) # prepare translator by creating the translator if he doesn't exist translator = TranslationCenter.prepare_translator # if couldn't create translator then print error msg and quit if translator.blank? puts "ERROR: Unable to create default translator with #{TranslationCenter::CONFIG['identifier_type']} = #{TranslationCenter::CONFIG['yaml_translator_identifier']}" puts "Create this user manually and run the rake again" return false end # Make sure we've loaded the translations I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) puts "#{I18n.available_locales.size} #{I18n.available_locales.size == 1 ? 'locale' : 'locales'} available: #{I18n.available_locales.join(', ')}" # Get all keys from all locales all_yamls = I18n.backend.send(:translations) all_keys = all_yamls.collect do |check_locale, translations| collect_keys([], translations).sort end.flatten.uniq puts "#{all_keys.size} #{all_keys.size == 1 ? 'unique key' : 'unique keys'} found." locales = locale.blank? ? I18n.available_locales : [locale.to_sym] # create records for all keys that exist in the yaml yaml2db_keys(all_keys, translator, locales, all_yamls) end def self.db2yaml(locale=nil) locales = locale.blank? ? I18n.available_locales : [locale.to_sym] # for each locale build a hash for the translations and write to file locales.each do |locale| result = {} I18n.locale = locale puts "Started exporting translations in #{locale}" TranslationCenter::TranslationKey.translated(locale).each do |key| begin key.add_to_hash(result, locale) rescue puts "Error writing key: #{} to yaml for #{locale}" end end"config/locales/#{locale.to_s}.yml", 'w') do |file| file.write({locale.to_s => result}.ya2yaml) end puts "Done exporting translations of #{locale} to #{locale.to_s}.yml" end end end