require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) Merb.start :environment => 'test', :log_level => :fatal Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "controllers/**/*.rb")].each do |f| require f end describe Merb::Test::RequestHelper do describe Merb::Test::RequestHelper::CookieJar do it "should update its values from a request object" do cookie_jar = cookie_jar.should be_empty request = fake_request request.cookies[:foo] = "bar+baz" # escaped by default cookie_jar.update_from_request request cookie_jar[:foo].should == 'bar baz' end end describe "#dispatch_to" do before(:all) do @controller_klass = Merb::Test::DispatchController end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :index) end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action with params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:show) controller = dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :show, :name => "Fred") controller.params[:name].should == "Fred" end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action with the query string merged into the params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:show) controller = dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :show, {:name => "Fred"}, {'QUERY_STRING' => "last_name=Jones&age=42"} ) controller.params[:name].should == "Fred" controller.params[:last_name].should == "Jones" controller.params[:age].should == "42" end it "should not hit the router to match its route" do Merb::Router.should_not_receive(:match) dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :index) end it "merges :controller into params" do controller = dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :show, :name => "Fred") controller.params[:controller].should == end it "merges :action into params" do controller = dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :show, :name => "Fred") controller.params[:action].should == "show" end it "should support setting request.raw_post" do controller = dispatch_to(@controller_klass, :show, {}, {:post_body => 'some XML'}) controller.request.raw_post.should == 'some XML' end end describe "#dispatch_with_basic_authentication_to" do before(:all) do @controller_klass = Merb::Test::DispatchController end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) dispatch_with_basic_authentication_to(@controller_klass, :index, "Fred", "secret") end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action with authentication token" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:show) controller = dispatch_with_basic_authentication_to(@controller_klass, :show, "Fred", "secret") controller.request.env["X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].should == "Basic #{Base64.encode64("Fred:secret")}" end it "should dispatch to the given controller and action with authentication token and params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:show) controller = dispatch_with_basic_authentication_to(@controller_klass, :show, "Fred", "secret", :name => "Fred") controller.request.env["X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].should == "Basic #{Base64.encode64("Fred:secret")}" controller.params[:name].should == "Fred" end it "should not hit the router to match its route" do Merb::Router.should_not_receive(:match) dispatch_with_basic_authentication_to(@controller_klass, :index, "Fred", "secret") end end describe "#get" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.resources :spec_helper_controller r.match("/:controller/:action/:custom").to(:controller => ":controller") end end it "should perform the index action when used with a get" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) get("/spec_helper_controller") end it "should perform the index action and have params available" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) controller = get("/spec_helper_controller", :name => "Harry") controller.params[:name].should == "Harry" end it "should perform the index action and have params available from the query string" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) controller = get("/spec_helper_controller?last_name=Oswald&age=25", :name => "Harry") controller.params[:name].should == "Harry" controller.params[:last_name].should == "Oswald" controller.params[:age].should == "25" end it "should evaluate in the context of the controller in the block" do get("/spec_helper_controller") do |controller| controller.class.should == SpecHelperController end end it "should allow for custom router params" do controller = get("/spec_helper_controller/index/my_custom_stuff") controller.params[:custom].should == "my_custom_stuff" end it "should get the show action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:show) controller = get("/spec_helper_controller/my_id") controller.params[:id].should == "my_id" end end describe "#post" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.resources :spec_helper_controller end end it "should post to the create action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:create) post("/spec_helper_controller") end it "should post to the create action with params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:create) controller = post("/spec_helper_controller", :name => "Harry") controller.params[:name].should == "Harry" end end describe "#put" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.resources :spec_helper_controller end end it "should put to the update action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:update) put("/spec_helper_controller/1") end it "should put to the update action with params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:update) controller = put("/spec_helper_controller/my_id", :name => "Harry") controller.params[:name].should == "Harry" controller.params[:id].should == "my_id" end end describe "#delete" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.resources :spec_helper_controller end end it "should put to the update action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:destroy) delete("/spec_helper_controller/1") end it "should put to the update action with params" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:destroy) controller = delete("/spec_helper_controller/my_id", :name => "Harry") controller.params[:name].should == "Harry" controller.params[:id].should == "my_id" end end describe "#request" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.namespace :namespaced do |namespaced| namespaced.resources :spec_helper_controller end end end it "should support setting request.raw_post" do controller = mock_request("/namespaced/spec_helper_controller", {}, {:post_body => 'some XML'}) controller.request.raw_post.should == 'some XML' end it "should get namespaced index action" do Merb::Test::ControllerAssertionMock.should_receive(:called).with(:index) controller = mock_request("/namespaced/spec_helper_controller") controller.class.should == Namespaced::SpecHelperController end it "should make the post body available in the request on deferred routing" do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| r.match('/xmlrpc').defer_to do |request, params| request.raw_post.should == 'XMLRPC request body' {:controller => 'spec_helper_controller', :action => :index} end end mock_request('/xmlrpc', {}, {:post_body => 'XMLRPC request body'}) end end end module Merb::Test::RequestHelper describe FakeRequest, ".new(env = {}, req =" do it "should create request with default enviroment, minus rack.input" do @mock = @mock.env.except('rack.input').should == FakeRequest::DEFAULT_ENV end it "should override default env values passed in HTTP format" do @mock ='HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'nothing') @mock.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].should == 'nothing' end it "should override default env values passed in symbol format" do @mock = => 'nothing') @mock.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].should == 'nothing' end it "should set rack input to an empty StringIO" do @mock = @mock.env['rack.input'].should be_kind_of(StringIO) @mock.env['rack.input'].read.should == '' end end end