# Seeker JunOS Finds hidden commands from JunOS devices by brute-forcing commands over SSH ## Install ``` % gem install seeker-junos % cat >> ~/.netrc machine Seeker login password ^d ``` ## Run ``` % seeker-junos --level routing-options I, [2014-03-22T13:15:09.320710 #66906] INFO -- : starting I, [2014-03-22T13:25:09.544325 #66906] INFO -- : now at 'inhed', found 0 so far I, [2014-03-22T13:29:00.236750 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'kernel-options' I, [2014-03-22T13:31:59.445597 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'maximum-routes' I, [2014-03-22T13:34:41.146006 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'max-interface-supported' I, [2014-03-22T13:35:10.340298 #66906] INFO -- : now at 'max-interface-supps', found 3 so far I, [2014-03-22T13:39:07.812630 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'nsr-phantom-holdtime' I, [2014-03-22T13:43:15.168970 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'rpd-server' I, [2014-03-22T13:45:09.499291 #66906] INFO -- : now at 'task-accounc', found 5 so far I, [2014-03-22T13:45:31.663623 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'task-accounting' I, [2014-03-22T13:47:18.411653 #66906] INFO -- : Found: 'task-scheduling' I, [2014-03-22T13:49:00.204509 #66906] INFO -- : finishing, took 33.84805928741667 minutes ["kernel-options", "maximum-routes", "max-interface-supported", "nsr-phantom-holdtime", "rpd-server", "task-accounting", "task-scheduling"] ``` Reports progress every 10min, outputs list of found commands when finished ## Todo * Full recurse, not just single level. Not sure if sane, as it already takes very fscking long to run