/ TODO / Replace ApplicationName .home .banners .row .col-md-10.col-md-offset-2 %h2 ApplicationName Connector %p -if @organization Link your company #{@organization.name} (#{@organization.uid}) to ApplicationName to get your business in synch. Check the status of your connection on this screen. -else Link your account to ApplicationName to get your business in synch. Check the status of your connection on this screen. .container - if current_user - unless is_admin .row .col-md-12.alert.alert-warning Only administrators can modify the application settings .row.link-step{class: "#{@organization.oauth_uid ? 'done' : 'todo'}"} .col-md-1.text-center.link-step-number %span.badge.link-step-badge 1 .col-md-6.link-step-description %h - if @organization.oauth_uid Your ApplicationName account #{@organization.oauth_name} (#{@organization.oauth_uid}) is currently linked - else Your ApplicationName account is not linked .col-md-2.col-md-offset-3.text-center.link-step-action - if @organization.oauth_uid = link_to "Disconnect", signout_omniauth_path(organization_id: @organization.id), class: "btn btn-warning btn-lg #{is_admin ? '' : 'disabled'}" - else = link_to "Link to ApplicationName", "/auth/ApplicationName/request?org_uid=#{@organization.uid}", class: "btn btn-warning btn-lg" if is_admin .spacer1 .row.link-step{class: "#{(@organization.sync_enabled && @organization.synchronized_entities.values.any?) ? 'done' : 'todo'}"} = form_tag home_update_path(id: @organization.id), method: :put do .col-md-1.text-center.link-step-number %span.badge.link-step-badge 2 .col-md-9.link-step-description %h You can customize which entities are synchronized by the connector: .spacer1 .row .col-md-11.col-md-offset-1 - @organization.synchronized_entities.each do |k, v| .row.sync-entity .col-md-1.link-step-action %input{type: "checkbox", id: "#{k}", name: "#{k}", checked: v} .col-md-6{style: 'padding-top: 5px;'} %label{:for => "#{k}"} #{k.to_s.humanize.pluralize} -if is_admin .col-md-5.text-right - if v && @organization.oauth_uid && @organization.sync_enabled = link_to "Force a synchronization for #{k.to_s.humanize.pluralize} only", home_synchronize_path(opts: {only_entities: [k.to_s]}), method: :post, class: "btn btn-warning btn-sm" .spacer1 .row .col-md-2.col-md-offset-10.text-center.link-step-action =submit_tag "#{@organization.sync_enabled ? 'Update' : 'Start synchronizing!'}", class: "btn btn-lg btn-warning #{@organization.oauth_uid ? '' : 'disabled'} text-sm" -if @organization.oauth_uid && @organization.sync_enabled .spacer2 .row .col-md-4.col-md-offset-4.text-center = link_to 'Go to ApplicationName', home_redirect_to_external_path, class: 'btn btn-lg btn-primary' - else .row .col-md-4.col-md-offset-4.center = link_to "Link your Maestrano account", Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Engine.routes.url_helpers.default_maestrano_auth_saml_index_path(tenant: :default), class: 'btn btn-warning'