/ Replace ApplicationName
%h2 ApplicationName Connector
-if @organization
Link your company #{@organization.name} (#{@organization.uid}) to ApplicationName to get your business in synch. Check the status of your connection on this screen.
Link your account to ApplicationName to get your business in synch. Check the status of your connection on this screen.
- if current_user
- unless is_admin
Only administrators can modify the application settings
.row.link-step{class: "#{@organization.oauth_uid ? 'done' : 'todo'}"}
- if @organization.oauth_uid
Your ApplicationName account #{@organization.oauth_name} (#{@organization.oauth_uid}) is currently linked
- else
Your ApplicationName account is not linked
- if @organization.oauth_uid
= link_to "Disconnect", signout_omniauth_path(organization_id: @organization.id), class: "btn btn-warning btn-lg #{is_admin ? '' : 'disabled'}"
- else
= link_to "Link to ApplicationName", "/auth/ApplicationName/request?org_uid=#{@organization.uid}", class: "btn btn-warning btn-lg" if is_admin
.row.link-step{class: "#{(@organization.sync_enabled && @organization.synchronized_entities.values.any?) ? 'done' : 'todo'}"}
= form_tag home_update_path(id: @organization.id), method: :put do
You can customize which entities are synchronized by the connector:
- @organization.synchronized_entities.each do |k, v|
%input{type: "checkbox", id: "#{k}", name: "#{k}", checked: v}
.col-md-6{style: 'padding-top: 5px;'}
%label{:for => "#{k}"} #{k.to_s.humanize.pluralize}
-if is_admin
- if v && @organization.oauth_uid && @organization.sync_enabled
= link_to "Force a synchronization for #{k.to_s.humanize.pluralize} only", home_synchronize_path(opts: {only_entities: [k.to_s]}), method: :post, class: "btn btn-warning btn-sm"
=submit_tag "#{@organization.sync_enabled ? 'Update' : 'Start synchronizing!'}", class: "btn btn-lg btn-warning #{@organization.oauth_uid ? '' : 'disabled'} text-sm"
-if @organization.oauth_uid && @organization.sync_enabled
= link_to 'Go to ApplicationName', home_redirect_to_external_path, class: 'btn btn-lg btn-primary'
- else
= link_to "Link your Maestrano account", Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Engine.routes.url_helpers.default_maestrano_auth_saml_index_path(tenant: :default), class: 'btn btn-warning'