require "rails_helper" require "enumerize" RSpec.describe "ActiveRecordExtension" do after do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanizers.each do |method| remove_method method end end end describe "#humanize" do let(:purchase) { build(:purchase) } it "raises error passing invalid options" do expect do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, "invalid" end raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::InvalidHumanizeConfig) end it "raises error passing multiple types" do expect do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, invalid: true end raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::InvalidType) end it "raises error passing no type" do expect do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, {} end raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::RequiredAttributeType) end it "raises error trying to pass invalid options" do expect do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: "invalid" end raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::InvalidAttributeOptions) end context "with default value" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: { default: 666 } end purchase.amount = nil end it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("$666.00") } end context "with default value" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, percentage: { suffix: true }, currency: { suffix: true } end purchase.amount = 20 end it { expect(purchase.amount_to_currency).to eq("$20.00") } it { expect(purchase.amount_to_percentage).to eq("20.000%") } end context "with suffix" do before { purchase.amount = 20_000_000.5 } context "with default suffix" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: { suffix: true } end end it { expect(purchase.amount_to_currency).to eq("$20,000,000.50") } end context "with custom suffix" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: { suffix: "to_cur" } end end it { expect(purchase.amount_to_cur).to eq("$20,000,000.50") } end end context "with currency type" do before do purchase.amount = 20_000_000.5 purchase.commission = 5.3 end context "with no options" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("$20,000,000.50") } end context "with valid options" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, currency: { unit: "R$", separator: ",", delimiter: " " } end end it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("R$20 000 000,50") } end context "with multiple attributes" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :amount, :commission, currency: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("$20,000,000.50") } it { expect(purchase.human_commission).to eq("$5.30") } end context "with calculated attributes (instance methods)" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :commission_amount, currency: true def commission_amount amount * commission / 100.0 end end end it { expect(purchase.human_commission_amount).to eq("$1,060,000.03") } end end context "with other numeric types" do before { purchase.quantity = 20_000_000 } context "with number type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, number: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("20 Million") } end context "with size type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, size: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("19.1 MB") } end context "with percentage type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, percentage: true end end after { purchase.instance_eval('undef :human_quantity') } it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("20000000.000%") } end context "with phone type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, phone: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("2-000-0000") } end context "with delimiter type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, delimiter: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("20,000,000") } end context "with precision type" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :quantity, precision: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("20000000.000") } end end context "with boolean format" do before { purchase.paid = true } context "passing true value" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :paid, boolean: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_paid).to eq("Yes") } end context "passing false value" do before do purchase.paid = false class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :paid, boolean: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_paid).to eq("No") } end end context "with custom formatter" do it "raises error with missing formatter option" do expect do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :id, custom: true end raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::MissingFormatterOption) end context "passing valid formatter" do before do = 1 purchase.paid = true class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :id, custom: { formatter: ->(purchase, value) { "#{value}:#{purchase.paid}" } } end end it { expect(purchase.human_id).to eq("1:true") } end end context "with Enumerize attribute" do context "passing valid value" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base extend Enumerize enumerize :state, in: %i{canceled finished} humanize :state, enumerize: true end purchase.state = :finished end it { expect(purchase.human_state).to eq("Finished") } end context "passing no enum value" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base extend Enumerize humanize :quantity, enumerize: true end end it do expect { purchase.human_quantity }.to( raise_error(HumanAttributes::Error::NotEnumerizeAttribute) ) end end end context "with date and datetime formats" do before { purchase.expired_at = "04/06/1984 09:20:00" } before { purchase.created_at = "04/06/1985 09:20:00" } context "passing custom format" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :expired_at, date: { format: "%Y" } humanize :created_at, datetime: { format: "%Y" } end end it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("1984") } it { expect(purchase.human_created_at).to eq("1985") } end context "without options" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :expired_at, date: true humanize :created_at, datetime: true end end it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("1984-06-04") } it { expect(purchase.human_created_at).to eq("Tue, 04 Jun 1985 09:20:00 +0000") } end context "with short format" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :expired_at, date: { format: :short } humanize :created_at, datetime: { format: :short } end end it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("Jun 04") } it { expect(purchase.human_created_at).to eq("04 Jun 09:20") } end context "with long format" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize :expired_at, date: { format: :long } humanize :created_at, datetime: { format: :long } end end it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("June 04, 1984") } it { expect(purchase.human_created_at).to eq("June 04, 1985 09:20") } end end end describe "#humanize_attributes" do let(:purchase) { create(:purchase) } context "without options" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize_attributes end end it { expect(purchase.human_id).to eq("Purchase: ##{}") } it { expect(purchase.human_paid).to eq("Yes") } it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("1") } it { expect(purchase.human_commission).to eq("1,000.99") } it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("2,000,000.95") } it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("Fri, 06 Apr 1984 09:00:00 +0000") } it { expect(purchase.expired_at_to_short_datetime).to eq("06 Apr 09:00") } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:human_created_at) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:created_at_to_short_datetime) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:human_updated_at) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:updated_at_to_short_datetime) } end context "with only option" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize_attributes only: [:id, :paid, :amount] end end it { expect(purchase.human_id).to eq("Purchase: ##{}") } it { expect(purchase.human_paid).to eq("Yes") } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_quantity) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_commission) } it { expect(purchase.human_amount).to eq("2,000,000.95") } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_expired_at) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:expired_at_to_short_datetime) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_created_at) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:created_at_to_short_datetime) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_updated_at) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:updated_at_to_short_datetime) } end context "with except option" do before do class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base humanize_attributes except: [:id, :paid, :amount] end end it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_id) } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_paid) } it { expect(purchase.human_quantity).to eq("1") } it { expect(purchase.human_commission).to eq("1,000.99") } it { expect(purchase).not_to respond_to(:human_amount) } it { expect(purchase.human_expired_at).to eq("Fri, 06 Apr 1984 09:00:00 +0000") } it { expect(purchase.expired_at_to_short_datetime).to eq("06 Apr 09:00") } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:human_created_at) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:created_at_to_short_datetime) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:human_updated_at) } it { expect(purchase).to respond_to(:updated_at_to_short_datetime) } end end end