# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require './lib/mini_magick.rb' use_jeweler = 1 if use_jeweler begin require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gemspec| gemspec.version = '1.2.4' gemspec.name = "mini_magick" gemspec.summary = "A simple image manipulation library based on ImageMagick - improvments for caching" gemspec.email = "bmoran@onehub.com" gemspec.homepage = "http://github.com/bmo/mini_magick" gemspec.description = "This is an enhanced version of the mini_magick gem which optimizes analysis of image files." gemspec.authors = ["Brian Moran"] end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com" end else Hoe.new('mini_magick', MiniMagick::VERSION) do |p| p.rubyforge_name = 'mini_magick' p.author = 'Corey Johnson' p.email = 'probablycorey+ruby@gmail.com' p.summary = 'A simple image manipulation library based on ImageMagick.' p.description = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 2..5).join("\n\n") #p.url = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 0).first.split(/\n/)[1..-1] p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") end end # vim: syntax=Ruby