class Application < Sinatra::Application swagger_schema :FirstPaymentRequest do property :amount, type: :decimal, description: 'Amount of money', example: 0.01 property :customer_id, type: :string, description: 'Customer id', example: "cst_GUvJFqwVCD" property :description, type: :string, description: 'Description', example: "My first payment" property :recurring_type, type: :string, description: 'Recurring type', example: "first" property :redirect_url, type: :string, description: 'URL for redirection', example: "" property :webhook_url, type: :string, description: 'URL for redirection', example: "" property :metadata, type: :object, description: 'Extra info', example: { "order_id" => "12345" } property :testmode, type: :boolean, description: '(Connect api only)', example: true end swagger_schema :OnDemandPaymentRequest do property :amount, type: :decimal, description: 'Amount of money', example: 25.0 property :customer_id, type: :string, description: 'Customer id', example: "cst_GUvJFqwVCD" property :description, type: :string, description: 'Description', example: "Monthly payment" property :recurring_type, type: :string, description: 'Recurring type', example: "recurring" property :redirect_url, type: :string, description: 'URL for redirection', example: "" property :webhook_url, type: :string, description: 'URL for redirection', example: "" property :metadata, type: :object, description: 'Extra info', example: { "order_id" => "12345" } property :testmode, type: :boolean, description: '(Connect api only)', example: true end swagger_schema :SubscriptionRequest do property :amount, type: :decimal, description: 'Amount of money', example: 25.0 property :times, type: :integer, description: 'Times', example: "10" property :interval, type: :string, description: 'Interval', example: "1 month" property :start_date, type: :string, description: 'Start date', example:"%Y-%m-%d") property :description, type: :string, description: 'Description', example: "Monthly subscription" property :method, type: :object, description: 'Method', example: "directdebit" property :webhook_url, type: :string, description: 'URL for redirection', example: "" property :testmode, type: :boolean, description: '(Connect api only)', example: true end swagger_path '/v1/subscriptions/first_payment' do operation :post, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do security api_key: [] parameter name: :payment, in: 'body', description: 'PaymentRequest params', schema: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/OnDemandPaymentRequest' } response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end end swagger_path '/v1/subscriptions/mandates/{customer_id}' do operation :get, description: 'List mandates', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :customer_id, in: 'path', description: 'Customer id', type: :string, default: 'cst_GUvJFqwVCD' parameter name: :testmode, in: 'query', description: 'Testmode', type: :boolean, default: true security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end end swagger_path '/v1/subscriptions/on_demand' do operation :post, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :payment, in: 'body', description: 'PaymentRequest params', schema: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/OnDemandPaymentRequest' } security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end end swagger_path '/v1/customers/{customer_id}/subscriptions' do operation :get, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :customer_id, in: 'path', description: 'Customer id', type: :string, default: 'cst_GUvJFqwVCD' parameter name: :offset, in: 'query', description: 'Offset', type: :integer parameter name: :count, in: 'query', description: 'Count', type: :integer parameter name: :testmode, in: 'query', description: 'Testmode', type: :boolean, default: true security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end operation :post, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :customer_id, in: 'path', description: 'Customer id', type: :string, default: 'cst_GUvJFqwVCD' parameter name: :payment, in: 'body', description: 'PaymentRequest params', schema: { '$ref' => '#/definitions/SubscriptionRequest' } security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end end swagger_path '/v1/customers/{customer_id}/subscriptions/{id}' do operation :get, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :customer_id, in: 'path', description: 'Customer id', type: :string, default: 'cst_GUvJFqwVCD' parameter name: :id, in: 'path', description: 'Subscription id', type: :string, default: 'sub_qte7Jyfc5B' parameter name: :offset, in: 'query', description: 'Offset', type: :integer parameter name: :count, in: 'query', description: 'Count', type: :integer parameter name: :testmode, in: 'query', description: 'Testmode', type: :boolean, default: true security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end operation :delete, description: '', tags: ['Subscriptions'] do parameter name: :customer_id, in: 'path', description: 'Customer id', type: :string, default: 'cst_GUvJFqwVCD' parameter name: :id, in: 'path', description: 'Subscription id', type: :string, default: 'sub_qte7Jyfc5B' parameter name: :testmode, in: 'query', description: 'Testmode', type: :boolean, default: true security api_key: [] response 200, description: 'Successful response' response 500, description: 'Unexpected error' end end post '/v1/subscriptions/first_payment' do payment = client.payments.create( amount: json_params['amount'], customer_id: json_params['customer_id'], description: json_params['description'], redirect_url: json_params['redirect_url'], recurring_type: "first", webhook_url: json_params['webhook_url'], metadata: json_params['metadata'], testmode: json_params['testmode'], ) JSON.pretty_generate(payment.attributes) end get '/v1/subscriptions/mandates/:customer_id' do mandates = client.customers_mandates.with(params[:customer_id]).all JSON.pretty_generate(mandates.attributes) end post '/v1/subscriptions/on_demand' do payment = client.payments.create( amount: json_params['amount'], customer_id: json_params['customer_id'], description: json_params['description'], redirect_url: json_params['redirect_url'], recurring_type: "recurring", webhook_url: json_params['webhook_url'], metadata: json_params['metadata'], testmode: json_params['testmode'], ) JSON.pretty_generate(payment.attributes) end get '/v1/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions' do subscriptions = client.customers_subscriptions.with(params[:customer_id]).all(params[:offset], params[:count], testmode: params[:testmode]) JSON.pretty_generate(subscriptions.attributes) end get '/v1/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions/:id' do payment = client.customers_subscriptions.with(params[:customer_id]).get(params[:id], testmode: params[:testmode]) JSON.pretty_generate(payment.attributes) end post '/v1/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions' do subscription = client.customers_subscriptions.with(params[:customer_id]).create( amount: json_params['amount'], times: json_params['times'], interval: json_params['interval'], start_date: json_params['start_date'], description: json_params["description"], method: json_params['method'], webhook_url: json_params['webhook_url'], testmode: json_params['testmode'], ) JSON.pretty_generate(subscription.attributes) end delete '/v1/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions/:id' do client.customers_subscriptions.with(params[:customer_id]).delete(params[:id], testmode: params[:testmode]) "deleted" end end