<span page-title>{{ 'New Repository' | translate }}</span> <header data-block="sub-header"> <h2 translate>New Repository</h2> </header> <div bst-alerts error-messages="errorMessages" success-messages="successMessages"></div> <div data-block="content"> <form name="repositoryForm" class="col-sm-5" novalidate role="form"> <div> <h4 translate> General Information </h4> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Name' | translate }}"> <input id="name" name="name" ng-model="repository.name" type="text" autofocus required/> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Label' | translate }}"> <input id="label" name="label" ng-model="repository.label" type="text" required/> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Type' | translate }}"> <select required id="content_type" name="content_type" ng-model="repository.content_type" ng-options="type.name as type.name for type in repositoryTypes"> </select> </div> </div> <div ng-show="repository.content_type !== undefined"> <h4 translate> Sync Information </h4> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'URL' | translate }}"> <input id="url" name="url" ng-model="repository.url" type="text" ng-required="repository.content_type === 'docker'"/> <h6 ng-show="repository.content_type === 'docker'" translate> URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Upstream Repository Name' | translate }}" ng-show="repository.content_type === 'docker'"> <input id="docker_upstream_name" name="docker_upstream_name" ng-model="repository.docker_upstream_name" type="text" ng-required="repository.content_type === 'docker'"/> <h6 translate> Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'. </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Verify SSL' | translate }}"> <input id="verify_ssl_on_sync" name="verify_ssl_on_sync" ng-model="repository.verify_ssl_on_sync" type="checkbox"/> <h6 translate> Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification. </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Upstream Username' | translate }}" > <input id="upstream_username" name="upstream_username" ng-model="repository.upstream_username" type="text"/> <h6 translate> Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication. </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Upstream Password' | translate }}" > <input id="upstream_password" name="upstream_password" ng-model="repository.upstream_password" type="password"/> <h6 translate> Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication. </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Download Policy' | translate }}" ng-show="repository.content_type === 'yum'"> <select id="download_policy" name="download_policy" ng-model="repository.download_policy" ng-options="id as name for (id, name) in downloadPolicies"> </select> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Mirror On Sync' | translate }}" ng-show="repository.content_type === 'yum'"> <input id="mirror_on_sync" name="mirror_on_sync" ng-model="repository.mirror_on_sync" type="checkbox"/> <h6 translate> Selecting this option will result in contents that are no longer part of the upstream repository being removed during synchronization. </h6> </div> </div> <div ng-show="repository.content_type === 'yum' || repository.content_type === 'puppet'"> <h4 ng-show="repository.content_type !== undefined" translate> Published Repository Information </h4> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Checksum' | translate }}" ng-show="repository.content_type === 'yum'"> <select id="checksum_type" name="checksum_type" ng-model="repository.checksum_type" ng-options="type.id as type.name for type in checksums"> </select> <h6 translate> For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1. </h6> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'Publish via HTTP' | translate }}"> <input id="unprotected" name="unprotected" ng-model="repository.unprotected" type="checkbox"/> </div> <div bst-form-group label="{{ 'GPG Key' | translate }}" ng-show="repository.content_type === 'yum'"> <select id="gpg_key_id" name="gpg_key_id" ng-model="repository.gpg_key_id" ng-options="gpg_key.id as gpg_key.name for gpg_key in gpgKeys"> <option value=""></option> </select> </div> </div> <div bst-form-buttons ng-show="repository.content_type !== undefined" on-cancel="transitionTo('product.repositories', {productId: repository.product_id})" on-save="save(repository)" working="working"> </div> </form> </div>