Class Icalendar::Component
In: lib/icalendar/component.rb
Parent: Icalendar::Base

The body of the iCalendar object consists of a sequence of calendar properties and one or more calendar components. The calendar properties are attributes that apply to the calendar as a whole. The calendar components are collections of properties that express a particular calendar semantic. For example, the calendar component can specify an Event, a Todo, a Journal entry, Timezone information, or Freebusy time information, or an Alarm.



name  [R] 
properties  [RW] 

Public Class methods

Protected Class methods

Make it protected so we can monitor usage…

Define a set of methods defining a new property, which supports multiple values for the same property name.

Define a set of methods defining a new property, which supports multiple values in multiple lines with same property name

Define a set of methods supporting a new property

Public Instance methods


Alias for add_component

Add a sub-component to the current component object.


Alias for add_component


Alias for add_component


Alias for add_component

TODO: Look into the x-property, x-param stuff… This would really only be needed for subclassing to add additional properties to an application using the API.

Used to generate unique component ids

Print this icalendar component

Print the parameters for a specific property

Print this components properties


Alias for remove_component


Alias for remove_component


Alias for remove_component


Alias for remove_component

Output in the icalendar format
