# Test configuration containing all sections and keys. [Study Center] sc_id = "20000000" recruitment_type_id = "1" sampling_units_file = "every_su.csv" username = "NetID" footer_logo_left = "/etc/nubic/ncs/logos/sc_20000000L.png" footer_logo_right = "/etc/nubic/ncs/logos/sc_20000000R.png" footer_text = "National Children’s Study - Greater Chicago Study Center Institute for Healthcare Studies, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University 420 East Superior, 10th Floor Chicago, IL 60611" exception_email_recipients = Fred MacMurray , Barbara Stanwyck [Staff Portal] uri = "https://staffportal.greaterchicagoncs.org/" mail_from = "staffportal@greaterchicagoncs.org" [Core] uri = "https://ncsnavigator.greaterchicagoncs.org/" mail_from = "ncs-navigator@greaterchicagoncs.org" [PSC] uri = "https://calendar.greaterchicagoncs.org/" [SMTP] host = "smtp.greaterchicagoncs.org" port = "2025" domain = "greaterchicagoncs.org" authentication = "plain" username = "mailman" password = "tiger" starttls = "true"